Christian Schwoerer
Deutscher Weinbauverband e.V.
Christian Schwörer is Secretary-General of the German Winegrowers' Association (Deutscher Weinbauverband e.V., "DWV", Bonn, Germany), Director of the German Wine Exporters Federation, Congress Manager of the Internativonal DWV-Congress, Vice-President of the COPA-COGECA Working Party on wine and Editor-in-chief of the viticulture magazine "Der deutsches Weinbau". He has a strong international network representing the German winegrowers in the professional bodies of the Assembly of European Wine Regions (AREV), EFOW (European Federation of Origin Wines) and as an expert of Germany in the committees "Law and consumer information" and "Commission Economy and Law" of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV). His focuses on mastering challenges collectively aiming to make the German, as well as the European wine sector more sustainable. Christian Schwörer is a lawyer, holds a Maîtrise in International and European Law (Université Toluose I) and a Master's degree in International Economic Relations and Trade from the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg and the Université Paris XII. He has working experience in the European context for more than 14 years.