Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Agropecuaria (INTA)
Contact by mailFunction: Research, full dedication Address of work: INTA EEA. National Route No. 34 Km227, Rafaela, 2300- Rafaela (Santa Fe), Argentina. E-mail: ACADEMIC DEGREES - Bachelor's degree in Biodiversity. Faculty of Humanities and Sciences. National University of the Littoral. Thesis topic: Quantification of damage to summer crops by Rhammatocerus pictus, Dicrhoplus elongatus and Orphulella punctata (Orthoptera, Acrididae) under semi-controlled conditions. Qualification: Outstanding (10) - Biology teacher. Faculty of Humanities and Sciences. National University of the Littoral. Teaching final practice: Qualification: Distinguished (9) HIGHEST ACADEMIC TITLE - PhD in Biological Sciences. Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences. National University of Mar del Plata. Level "A" CONEAU (Res. 719-06C4269). Thesis Topic: Integrated Management of Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae) in colonies of Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in the center-west of the province of Santa Fe. Qualification: Outstanding (10) BACKGROUND DEVELOPED IN SCIENTIFIC FIELDS -My professional experience mainly involves the study of the efficacy of different active ingredients for the control of Varroa destructor and their adequacy in health management, I collaborate in the design of health plans (integrated management of diseases, pests and nutrition), good practices beekeeping and study of emerging pests. - Researcher at the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA) since 2001. Entomology/Apicultural Health Specialty - Coordinator of the Bee Vitality Axis of the INTA National Beekeeping Program (ProApi) - Member of the publications commission of the Agricultural Experimental Station- INTA- Rafaela (2009 to 2015) - Member of the REDLAC Project as a Researcher in the areas of Bee Health, especially Integrated Management of Varroosis and emerging pests. Participation in different research projects and technology transfer in beekeeping in Latin American countries. -Coordinator of the "Bee Health" Module of the Specific Project 1112042 "Multidisciplinary strategies to mitigate the effect of the new environmental and productive context on the hive" (2016-2019) - Member of CONASA (National Beekeeping Health Commission-SENASA) (since April 2013-continuous) - Member of the NATIONAL Ad hoc COMMISSION OF PEC (Small Beehive Beetle) by INTA. This commission is made up of MAGyP (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries), SeNaSA (Animal Health Service) and INTA. - Member of COLOSS (Prevention of honey bee COLony LOSSes). - Founding member of SoLatInA (Latin American Society for Bee Research) and Coordinator of the Group: Pests and Pathogens together with Dr. Belén Branchiccela (Uruguay) - Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean of the Apis Pathologies Commission in Apimondia, the commission being coordinated by PHd.. Fani HATJINA - Greece - Teacher of the Technician in "Management and Beekeeping Production" of the FCV-UNL (Subjects: Plagues and adversities, Diseases, Artificial Feeding and Natural Feeding) - Professor of the Bachelor's Degree in "Beekeeping for Development" of the FCV-UNCPBA (Subject: Health and Nutrition) - Director of the project "Risk factors associated with Nosemosis and Varroosis and their impact on honey production in different environments in the province of Santa Fe" - Funds from the Secretary of State for Science, Technology and Innovation (2018). - Technical and administrative manager of the Agreement for the production and marketing of INTA-APILAB acaricide products. -Participation as a professional in the Joint Research Project within the framework of Bilateral Cooperation Programs: Sublethal and synergistic effects of pathogens (Varroa destructor, Nosema sp., bee viruses) and pesticides (neonicotinoids) on wild and commercial bee colonies. Hohemheim- Germany (2015) -Representation of INTA in scientific and technical exchanges in Uruguay, Brazil, Hawaii, Germany, Costa Rica, Paraguay and Dominican Republic. -Evaluation of numerous national and international publications and projects More than 10 publications in indexed journals (last 5 years) More than 70 technical reports and summaries in national and international congresses (last 5 years) HUMAN RESOURCES TRAINING direction and co-direction of undergraduate and postgraduate theses CONFERENCES AND TRAININGS (last 5 years): more than 120