Jack Verhoosel
Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research
Contact is not available Expertise: TNO is an independent research organisation whose expertise and research make an important contribution to the competitiveness of companies and organisations, to the economy and to the quality of society as a whole. TNO is divided into 5 core area's and TNO Information and Communication Technology is one of them. Getting cleverer with ICT so that business and government get more out of their investments. TNO research leads to innovative ICT applications in the field of operational and information management. TNO ICT uses its knowledge to help customers with their innovation issues. In the area of ICT in the agricultural sector, TNO ICT is involved with a lot of different parties in the argricutural chain ranging from producers of agricultural products, ICT equipment suppliers, brokers of products, transport suppliers, branche-organisations and government. Facility: TNO ICT has three different locations in The Netherlands, in Delft (west), Groningen (north and Enschede (east). At these locations in total 400 ICT researchers and innovators are working on a variety of ICT topics that are applied in around 15 different sectors. The agricultural sector is one of these sectors. On top of that, TNO ICT is involved in a prototype greenhouse facility that is situated in the Westland of the country where most of the greenhouses are located. In this facility new (ICT) technology is being tested with various different players in the greenhouse sector, ranging from farmers, climate computer suppliers to greenhouse equipment suppliers. Priority: TNO (ICT) has 3 research programmes for a new strategic period of 2011-2014. The titles of these new research programmes are: * Future Internet Use * Vital ICT Infrastructures * Societal Impact of ICT Of these three new programmes both FIU and VII have a close link to the topic of ICT/Robotics in the Agricultural sector. In the area of ICT for agriculture, the focus of TNO is mainly on greenhouses and the entire chain that is used to get agricultural products to the end-customer.