Thomas Skjødeberg Toftegaard
Department of Engineering
Aarhus School of Engineering
Aarhus University
SUMMARY Thomas Skjødeberg Toftegaard (Former Thomas Toftegaard Nielsen) was born in Aarhus, Denmark in 1970. He received a M.Sc.E.E. in 1995 and a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering in 1999 from Aalborg University, Denmark under the supervision of Professor Preben E. Mogensen and Professor Jørgen Bach Andersen. His industrial Ph.D. was financed by SONOFON A/S and NOKIA Oy. From 1999-2009 Thomas Skjødeberg Toftegaard had a 10 year industrial R&D carrier within wireless and IP-based mobile communications, primarily at L.M. ERICSSON. In 2009 he was appointed Professor in Communication Technology at Aarhus University in Denmark and in july 2011 he was additionally appointed the first Chair of the Department of Engineering at Aarhus University. He has 14+ years of formal R&D line management experience. He is an experienced academic and industrial speaker, moderator and negotiator with a track record in rapidly moving into new diverse fields. He holds a number of board positions such as Vice Chairman in the board of the Danish Advanced Manufacturing Research Center ( and Chairman of the board of the start-up Smaay Aps. ACADEMIC CARRIER 2011 – Head of Department of Engineering, Aarhus University, Denmark 2010 – 2011 Director of Center for Applied Science and Engineering, Aarhus University, Denmark 2009 – 2011 Head of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Aarhus School of Engineering 2009 – Professor in Communication Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark 2003 – 2006 External Associate Professor, Aarhus School of Engineering, Denmark INDUSTRIAL CARRIER 2007 – 2009 TIETO A/S, Senior R&D Manager 2000 – 2007 L.M.ERICSSON A/S, R&D Unit Manager / R&D Dept. Manager / R&D Competence Manager 1996 – 2000 SONOFON I/S, Senior Radio Project Manager / System Architect / Industrial Ph.D. Student 1995 – 1996 TELEBIT COMMUNICATIONS A/S, Electronics Design Engineer EDUCATION 1999 – 2014 Leadership Courses in Operational and Strategic Management, by companies like: L.M.Ericsson A/S, Scandinavian Training Design A/S, Optika’s, Cultivator A/S, Pathfinder A/S, Learn2Lead A/S, Udviklingskonsulenterne A/S og Kraft & Partners 1996 – 1999 Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (Wireless Communications), Aalborg University, Denmark 1990 – 1995 M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, Aalborg University (6 months in ESIEE, Paris), Denmark 1986 – 1990 Baccalaureate in Mathematics/Physics, Marselisborg Gymnasium, Aarhus, Denmark 1987 – 1988 Junior at Hawken High School (, Cleveland, Ohio, USA BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2014 – today Chairman of the Board, Smaay Aps. 2013 – today Vice Chairman of the Board, Danish Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre, 2013 – 2014 Member of the Board, Manufacturing Agency of Denmark, STEERING GROUPS 2013 – today Member of the INNO-X Healthcare Steering Group, 2013 – today Member of the National Horizon2020 Ref. Grp. for Nano-technology, Advanced Materials, Manufacturing & Biotechnology 2012 – 2013 Member of the Manufacturing Academy of Denmark (MADE) steering group, representing Aarhus University 2012 – today Member of the National ICT Graduate Programs Committee, a network of all Head of ICT- departments at Danish universities 2012 – today Member of the Faculty Joint Cooperation Committee, Faculty of Science and Technology, Aarhus University 2011 – today Member of the AU ENERGY Steering Group at Aarhus University 2009 – 2011 Member of the Engineering PhD Graduate School Committee at Aarhus University, responsible for the Electrical Engineering Field EXPERT ACTIVITIES - Evaluator at the Research Executive Agency, European Commission - Expert Assessor for a number of Private Research Foundations - Member of the National Danish University Engineering Censor Network - In assessment committee of 4 full professor positions PUBLICATIONS Book Nielsen T.T. and Wigard, J., Performance Enhancements in a Frequency Hopping GSM Network, Kluwers Academic Publishers, ISBN: 0792378199, 2000. Book Chapters Jacobsen, R., Toftegaard, T. S. and Kjærgaard, J.K., Chapter on IP Connected Low Power Wireless Personal Area Networks in the Future Internet, in book “Technologies and Protocols for Future Internet Design: Reinventing the Web”, ISBN 978-1-4666-0203-8, IGI Publisher, USA, pp. 191-213, February, 2012. Jacobsen, R., Zhang, Q. and Toftegaard, T. S., Internetworking Objects with RFID, Chapter 18 in book “Deploying RFID – Challenges, Solutions, and Open Issues”, by INTECH Open Access Publisher, ISBN: 978-953-307-380-4, pp. 319-334, August 2011. Wolff, S., Rohde, J., Toftegaard, T.S., Larsen, P.G., Lausdahl, K., Ribeiro, A. and Stender, M.H., Optimizing Energy Usage in Private Households, in book “Towards Green ICT”, River Publishers, ISBN: 978-87-92329-34-9, pp. 185-210, June 2010. Kuijpers, G., Nielsen, T.T. and Prasad, R., Delivering Quality of Service in Mobile Ad hoc IP Networks, in book “Wireless IP and Building the Mobile Internet on Wireless IP”, Artech-House, ISBN: 1-58053-354-X, pp. 203-224, November 2002. Journal and Conference Papers Wagner, S., Kamper, C. H.; Rasmussen, Niels H; Ahrendt, P.; Toftegaard, T. S.; Bertelsen, O. W., Reliable blood pressure self-measurement in the obstetric waiting room. Methods of Information in Medicine, Vol. 53, Nr. 3, 2014, s. 225-234. Wagner, S.R., Kamper, C.H., Toftegaard, T.S. and Bertelsen, O.W., Blood pressure self-measurement in the obstetric waiting room. Telemedicine and e-Health, Vol. 19, No. 11, 01.11.2013, p. 872-874. Sandager, Puk; Lindahl, Camilla; Schlütter, Jacob Mørup; Uldbjerg, Niels; Wagner, Stefan Rahr; Toftegaard, Thomas Skjødeberg; Bertelsen, Olav W., Context-aware patient guidance during blood pressure self-measurement. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference e-Health, 2013, University of Twente, Holland. p. 153-157. Wagner, S.R., Toftegaard, T.S. and Bertelsen, O.W., Introducing the Adherence Strategy Engineering Framework (ASEF) : Support for Developing Technology-based Self-care Solutions. Methods of Information in Medicine, Vol. 52, No. 3, 2013, p. 220-230. Wagner, S. R., Buus, N.H., Jespersen, B., Ahrendt, P., Bertelsen, O.W. and Toftegaard, T.S., Measurement Adherence in the Blood Pressure Self-Measurement Room. Telemedicine and e-Health, Vol. 19, No. 11, 2013, p. 826-833. Rohde, J., and Toftegaard, T.S., Tri-Band PCB Antenna for Wireless Sensor Network Transceivers in Home Automation Ap plications. Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing / 783: Modelling and Simulation / 784: Wireless Communications. ed. / S. Al Zahir; M.H. Hamza; J. Cheng. Vol. 784 Canada : ACTA Press, 2012. Wagner, S.R., Ahrendt, P., Toftegaard, T.S. and Bertelsen, O.W., Audio Context Classification for Determining Blood Pressure Self-Measurement Adherence. IADIS International Conference on e-Health 2012, Lisbon, Portugal. Wager, S.R., Rasmussen, N.H., Ahrendt, P., Toftegaard, T.S. and Bertelsen, O.W., Context classification during blood pressure self-measurement using the sensor seat and the audio classification device. The 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare and Workshops. ICST, The Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 2012. p. 201-202. Wagner, S.R., Toftegaard, T.S. and Bertelsen, O.W., Requirements for an evaluation infrastructure for reliable pervasive healthcare research. The 6thInternational Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare and Workshops. ICST, The Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 2012. p. 260-267. Rohde, J. and Toftegaard, T.S., Facilitating Performance Optimization of RF PCB Designs by using Parametric Finite-Element Component Models, In Proceedings of 23rd IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, DOI: 10.2316/P.2012.783-037, Banff, Canada, 2012. Zhang, Q., Jacobsen, R.H. and Toftegaard, T.S., Bio-inspired Low-Complexity Clustering in Large-scale Dense Wireless Sensor Networks, In Proceedings of IEEE Globecom, California, USA, 2012. Nadimi, E.S., Larsen, J.J., Green, O., Blanes-Vidal, V., Barreiro, P. and Toftegaard, T.S., Wireless Sensor Networks Localization in Heterogeneous Transmission Medium, In Proceedings of International Conference of Agricultural Engineering, Valencia, Spain, July 2012. Zhang, Q., Jacobsen, R.H., Kortermand, K. and Toftegaard, T.S., Reactive Virtual Coordinate Routing Protocol for Body Sensor Networks, In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications, Ottawa, Canada, June, 2012. Wagner S., Toftegaard, T.S. and Bertelsen, O.W., Requirements for an Evaluation Infrastructure for Reliable Pervasive Healthcare Research, In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, San Diego, USA, May 2012. Schiøler, H. and Toftegaard, T.S., Wireless Communication in Mobile Robotics – a case for standardization ?, Wireless Personal Communications, DOI: 10.1007/s11277-012-0602-x, Springer, 2012. Jacobsen, R.H., Kortermand, K., Zhang, Q. and Toftegaard, T.S., Understanding link behavior of non-intrusive wireless body sensor networks, Wireless Personal Communications, DOI: 10.1007/s11277-012-0601-y, Springer, 2012. Jacobsen, R.H., Hansen, F.O., Madsen, J.K., Karstoft, H., Mikkelsen, P.H., Skogberg, T.A., Rasmussen, E.S., Andersen, C., Alrøe, M. and Toftegaard, T.S.,A Modular Platform for Wireless Body Area Network Research and Real-life Experiments, International Journal on Advances in Networks and Services, ISSN 1942-2644, pp.257-277, Volume 4, Numbers 3 & 4, 2011. Wagner S., Toftegaard, T.S. and Bertelsen, O.W., Challenges in Blood Pressure Self-Measurement, International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications, Volume 2012, Article ID 437350, DOI: 10.1155/2012/437350, 2011. Larsen, J.J., Green, O., Nadimi, E.S. and Toftegaard, T.S. The Effect on Wireless Sensor Communication When Deployed in Biomass, Sensors 11(9), ISSN 1424-8220, pp. 8295-8308, DOI: 10.3390/s110908295, 2011. Kortermand, K., Jacobsen, R.H. and Toftegaard, T.S., Routing analysis of wireless body area networks using path availability measurements, In proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, Shanghai, China, October, 2011. Wagner, S. Toftegaard, T.S. and Bertelsen, O.W., Context Assessment during Blood Pressure Self-measurement Utilizing the Sensor Chair, AMI-2011 International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011, Volume 7040/2011, pp. 295-299, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-25167-2_40, November 2011. Blunck, H., Kjærsgaard, M.B. and Toftegaard, T.S., Sensing and Classifying Impairments of GPS Reception on Mobile Devices, in proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Pervasive Computing, Vol. 6696, pp. 350-367, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-21726-5_22, San Francisco, USA, June, 2011. Rohde, J. and Toftegaard, T.S., Adaption of Cognitive Radio technology to low-cost and low-power wireless Personal Area Network devices, Wireless Personal Communications, Volume 58, Number 1, pp. 111-123, DOI: 10.1007/s11277-011-0291-x, Springer, 2011. Wagner, S. Toftegaard, T.S. and Bertelsen, O.W., Increased Data Quality in Home Blood Pressure Monitoring through Context Awareness, In proceedings of 5th International ICST Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, Dublin, Ireland, ISBN: 978-1-61284-767-2, May 2011. Rovsing, P.E., Larsen, P.G., Toftegaard, T.S. and Lux, D., A Reality Check on Home Automation Technologies, Journal of Green Engineering, Vol. 1 Issue no.3, ISSN: 1904-4720, pp. 303-327, April 2011. Jacobsen, R.H., Zhang, Q. and Toftegaard, T.S. Bio-inspired Principles for Large-Scale Networked Sensor Systems: An Overview, Sensors 11(4), DOI: 10.3390/s110404137, pp. 4137-4151, April, 2011. Rohde, J. and Toftegaard, T.S., Mitigating the impact of high interference levels on energy consumption in wireless sensor networks, invited paper for the 2nd International Conference on wireless Communications, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace & Electronics Systems Technology, Chennai, India, February, 2011. Hansen F.O. and Toftegaard T.S., Requirements and System Architecture for a Healthcare Wireless Body Area Network, in proceedings of the International Conference for Health Informatics, Rome, Italy, January 2011. Rovsing P.E., Larsen P.G. and Toftegaard T.S., Challenges in Gaining Large Scale Carbon Reductions through Wireless Home Automation Systems, in proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, Recife, Brazil, October, 2010. Madsen, J.K., Karstoft, H., Hansen, F.O. and Toftegaard, T.S., ASE-BAN – a Wireless Body Area Network Testbed, in proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Emerging Network Intelligence, Florence, Italy, October 2010. Wang, H., Schwefel H.-P., Chu X. and Toftegaard, T.S., Joint NC-ARQ and AMC for QoS-Guaranteed Mobile Multicast, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, Volume 2010, Article ID 807691, 8 pages, DOI: 10.1155/2010/807691, July 2010. Grønbæk, L.J., Schwefel, H.-P., Kjærgaard, J.K. and Toftegaard, T.S., Assessing the Impact of Imperfect Diagnosis on Service Reliability: A Parsimonious Model Approach, in proceedings of the 8th European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC), Valencia, Spain, 2010. Wagner, S., Toftegaard, T.S. and Bertelsen O. W., Novel Approach for Ensuring Increased Validity in Home Blood Pressure Monitoring, poster and short paper In proceedings of 4th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, Munich, Germany, ISBN: 978-963-9799-89-9, March 2010. Toftegaard, T.S., Next Generation Intelligent Wireless Infrastructure, Wireless Personal Communications, Kluwers Academic Publishers, Vol. 53 , Issue 3 (May 2010), pp. 465 – 479, ISSN:0929-6212. Grønbæk, L.J., Schwefel, H.-P., Toftegaard, T.S., Model based Evaluation of Policies for End-Node Driven Fault Recovery, in proceedings of the 7thIEEE International Workshop in Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN), Washington, USA, 2009. Nielsen, J.J., Grønbæk, L.J., Schwefel, H.-P., Renier, T.J. and Toftegaard, T.S., Cross-Layer Optimization of Multipoint Message Broadcast in MANETs, in proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Budapest, 2009. Rohde, J., Wolff, S. and Toftegaard, T.S., Strategies For Releasing The Green Potential In Home Automation, invited paper for the 12th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), Sendai, Japan, September 2009. Wolff, S., Larsen, P.G., Lausdahl, K., Ribeiro, A., Rohde, J. and Toftegaard, T.S., Facilitating Home Automation Through Wireless Interoperability, invited paper for the 12th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), Sendai, Japan, September 2009. Wang, H., Schwefel, H.-P. and Toftegaard, T.S., The Optimal Joint Power and Rate Adaption for Mobile Multicast: A Theoretical Approach, in proceedings of the IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA, 2008. Wang, H., Schwefel, H.-P. and Toftegaard, T.S., History-based Adaptive Modulation for a Downlink Multicast Channel in OFDMA systems, in proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Las Vegas, USA, 2008. Wang, H., Schwefel, H.-P. and Toftegaard, T.S., Adaptive Modulation for a Downlink Multicast Channel in OFDMA Systems, in proceedings of 2007 IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference, Hong Kong, 2007. Nielsen, T.T. and Jacobsen, R.H., Opportunities for IP in Communications Beyond 3G, Wireless Personal Communications, Kluwers Academic Publishers, Vol. 33, Issue 3-4, pp. 243 – 259, ISSN:0929-6212, June 2005. Kuijpers, G., Nielsen, T.T. and Prasad, R., Performance Investigation of Extensions to the AODV Routing Protocol, in proceedings of the 6thInternational Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), Yokosuda, Japan, 2003. Kuijpers, G., Nielsen, T.T. and Prasad, R., Optimizing Neighbour Discovery for Ad hoc Networks based on the Bluetooth PAN Profile, in proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, October, 2002. Kuijpers, G., Nielsen, T.T. and Prasad, R., Delivering Quality of Service in Mobile Ad Hoc IP Networks, in proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC’01), Aalborg, Denmark, 2001. Nielsen, T.T., IPv6 for Future Wireless Networks, Wireless Personal Communications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol. 17, Issue 2-3 (June 2001), pp. 237 – 247, ISSN:0929-6212. Nielsen, T.T., Wigard, J., Michaelsen, P.-H. and Mogensen, P.E., Resource Allocation in a Frequency Hopping PCS1900/GSM/DCS1800 Type of Network, in proceedings of the 49th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Houston, USA, 1999. Wigard, J., Nielsen, T.T., Michaelsen, P.-H. and Mogensen, P.E., On a handover algorithm in a PCS1900/ GSM/DCS1800 Network, In Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Houston, USA, 1999. Wigard, J., Nielsen, T.T., Michaelsen, P.H., Skjærris, S. and Mogensen, P.E., The Influence of Discontinuous Transmission on RXQUAL Statistics in GSM, in proceedings of the 49th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Houston, USA, 1999. Nielsen, T.T., Wigard, J., Skjærris, S., Jensen, C.O. and Elling, J., Enhancing Network Quality using Baseband Frequency Hopping, Downlink Power Control and DTX in a Live GSM Network, in proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium On Personal, Indoor And Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Boston, USA, 1998. Nielsen, T.T., and Wigard, J., How to do Frequency Planning in the Frequency Hopping parts of the Sonofon Network, invited presentation for IIR Conference on Frequency hopping and Frequency Re-use, London, England, 1998. Wigard, J., Nielsen, T.T., Mogensen, P.E. and Michaelsen, P.-H., Frequency Planning for Frequency Hopping GSM Networks, COST 259, Duisburg, Germany, 1998. Nielsen, T.T., Wigard, J., Michaelsen, P.-H. and Mogensen, P.E., Slow Frequency Hopping Solutions for GSM Networks of Small Bandwidth, in proceedings of 48th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Ottawa, 1998. Wigard, J., Nielsen, T.T. and Mogensen, P.E., BER and FER Prediction of Control and Traffic Channels for a GSM type of air-interface, in proceedings of the 48th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Ottawa, Canada, 1998. Nielsen, T.T., Wigard, J. and Mogensen, P.E, On the Capacity of a GSM Frequency Hopping network with Intelligent Underlay-Overlay, in proceedings of the 47th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Phoenix, USA, 1997. Wigard, J., Nielsen, T.T. and Mogensen, P.E., Improved Intelligent Underlay-Overlay Combined with Frequency Hopping in GSM, in proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Helsinki, Finland, 1997. Ling, Y., Elling, J. and Nielsen, T.T., Capacity of Intelligent Underlay and Overlay Network, in proceedings of IEE Colloquium on Advanced TDMA Techniques and Applications, London, England 1996. Thesis Ph.D. Thesis, Performance Enhancements in a Frequency Hopping GSM Network using Computer Aided Network Design – on Power Control, Discontinuous Transmission and IUO, Aalborg University, Denmark, June 1999. Master Thesis in Electrical Engineering, Design and Implementation of 1 Mbit/s 2.45 GHz Radio Link for the Apple Newton, Ecole supérieure d’Ingénieurs en Electrotechnique et Electronique (ESIEE), Paris, France, June 1995.