Centre for Robot Technology
Danish Technological Institute
Contact by mail
Currently I help to write proposals for the Robot Technology centre of the Danish Technological Institute, within any area of robotics including agriculture and horticulture. Within agriculture, we specialise mostly in vision systems, combining different types of sensor input to provide the information needed for the task e.g. detecting gall mites in blackcurrant buds, harvesting berries or providing field thermography to detect animals amongst crops. We also use vision in horticulture e.g. to look at potted plant buds and shape; and can provide whole-system solutions e.g. for cleaning pig pens or automating insect farming.
Lecturer at University of Edinburgh (Intelligent Sensing and Control), University of Southern Denmark (Writing Scientific Papers, Scientific Methodology).
Designer and editor of the EURON website 2004-2008.
MSc and PhD in Informatics from the University of Edinburgh.