Christos Dordas
School of Agriculture
Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Environment
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
CHRISTOS DORDAS Aristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Agriculture Laboratory of Agronomy 54124 Thessaloniki Greece Tel: +302310998602 Fax: +30231998634 Email: EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Ph.D in Plant Biology September 1999 Research in the mechanisms of boron uptake in higher plants. ARISTOTELIAN UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI B.Sc. in Plant Science from the Department of Agriculture July 1992 WORK EXPERIENCE ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI Associate professor 2013- present Assistant professor 2007- 2013 Lecturer 2003-2007 Thessaloniki, Greece TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF THESSALONIKI Thessaloniki, Greece Assistant Professor 2002-2003 UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA Manitoba, Canada Postdoctoral Research Fellow 1999-2001 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Davis, California Postgraduate Researcher 1999 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Davis, California Research Assistant 1995-1999 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OF GREECE Thessaloniki, Greece Assistant to Supervisor of Agronomists 1995 NATIONAL SERVICE Greece 1992-1994 TEACHING EXPERIENCE ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI Associate professor Thessaloniki, Greece 2013- present Assistant Professor Thessaloniki, Greece 2007-2013 Lecturer Thessaloniki, Greece 2003-present TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE OF THESSALONIKI Thessaloniki, Greece Assistant Professor 2002-2003 UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA Manitoba, Canada Advanced Crop Physiology 2000-2001 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS Davis, California Teaching Assistant for the course of plant mineral nutrition 1997 SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS State Scholarships Foundation of Greece (1995-98) ($14.000/year). Fulbright Award (1995-96) ($15.000). Waiver of Out of State Tuition, University of California (3 quarters). NATO scholarship (1995) (declined). Graduate Studies Travel Award to attend the annual meeting of the American society of Plant Biologists (1999) Department of Pomology Travel Award to attend the annual meeting of the American society of Plant Biologists (1999) State Scholarships Foundation of Greece (1987-92). RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL GRANTS Collaboration between Greece and Slovakia (2013-1015) Ministry of Education of Greece Exploration of cultivated species gene pool for the advancement and improvement of important European crops agronomical characteristics (2 years). ARHIMIDES (2011-2013) Ministry of Education of Greece. Evaluation of old and new barley cultivars to salinity and drought stress. SYNEGRASIA (2011-2013) Ministry of Development (Improvement of corn hybrids to drought stress) TEMPUS III. Developing new applied biosciences and biotechnology curricula (2007-2010). TEMPUS IV «New MSc Curricula in Applied Biosciences at Georgian and Armenian Universities; (MAPB)» 2010-2013 Tempus Project 159340-TEMPUS-ES-TEMPUS-JPCR MAPB. EPEAEK (2004-2006) «Effect of biological methods in development of fungus diseases in Solanaceae and Cucurbitaceae» Ministry of Education of Greece (2 years). EPEAEK (2005-2007) National Project: «Effect of Cd toxicity on biochemical and physiological processes that affect the uptake, translocation and metabolism of Cd in eastern type tobacco cultivars» Ministry of Education of Greece (2 years) PAVET (2006-2008) Ministry of Development Title: Energy crops for Greece USBorax Research Grant US Borax (Function of B in Plant Membranes and Mechanisms of B uptake by higher Plants) (2 years) Jastro Shields Research Grant Movement of boron across cellular membranes (University of California, Davis) (1 year) Olive Board of California Effect of foliar application of boron in olive trees. (2 years). LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Publications in peer reviewed journals 1. Dordas C. and Brown PH. 2000. Permeability of boric acid across artificial lipid bilayers and factors affecting. Journal of Membrane Biology 175:95-105. 2. Dordas C. Chrispeels M.J. and Brown P.H. 2000. Permeability channel mediated transport of boric acid across membranes vesicles isolated from squash (Cucurbita pepo) roots. Plant Physiology 124: 1349-1362. 3. Dordas C. and Brown P.H. 2001. Permeability and mechanism of transport of boric acid across the plasma membrane of Xenopus laevis oocytes. Biological Trace Element Research 81(2): 127-139. 4. Dordas C. and Brown P.H. 2001. Evidence of Channel Mediated Transport of Boric Acid in Higher Plants. Plant and Soil 235: 95-103 5. Perica S, Brown PH, Connell JH, Nyomora AMS, Dordas C, and Hu H 2001. Foliar Boron Application Improves Flower Fertility and Fruit Set of Olive. HortScience, Vol. 36 (4). 714-716. 6. Dordas C, Rivoal J, Hill RD 2003. Plant hemoglobins, nitric oxide and hypoxic stress hypoxia. Annals of Botany 91:173-178. 7. Dordas C, Hasinoff BB, Igamberdiev AU, Monach N, Rivoal J, Hill RD 2003. Expression of stress induced hemoglobin affects NO levels produced by alfalfa root cultures under hypoxic stress. Plant Journal 35: 763-770. 8. Dordas C, Hasinoff BB, Rivoal J, Hill RD 2004. Class-1 hemoglobin, nitrate and NO levels in anoxic maize cell suspension cultures. Planta 219 (1): 66-72. 9. Dordas C. and Brown PH. 2005. Boron deficiency affects cell viability, phenolic leakage and oxidative burst in rose cell cultures. Plant and Soil 268 (1-2): 293-301. 10. Simoglou K. and Dordas C. 2006. Effect of foliar applied boron, manganese and zinc on tan spot in winter durum wheat. Crop Protection 25 (7): 657-663. 11. Dordas C 2006. Foliar boron application improves seed set, seed yield, and seed quality of alfalfa. Agronomy Journal 98 (4): 907-913. 12. Dordas C. 2006. Foliar boron application affects lint and seed yield and improves seed quality of cotton grown on calcareous soils. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 76(1): 19-28. 13. Lithourgidis, A.S., I.B. Vasilakoglou, K.V. Dhima, C.A. Dordas and M.D. Yiakoulaki. 2006. Forage yield and quality of common vetch mixtures with oat and triticale in two seeding ratios. Field Crops Research 99:106-113. 14. Dhima, K.V., A.S. Lithourgidis, I.B. Vasilakoglou, and C.A. Dordas. 2007. Competition indices of common vetch and cereal intercrops in two seeding ratio. Field Crops Research 100: 249-256 15. Lithourgidis A.S., K.V. Dhima, I.B. Vasilakoglou, C.A. Dordas, M.D. Yiakoulaki 2007. Sustainable production of barley and wheat by intercropping common vetch. Agron. Sustain. Dev. 27:95-99. 16. Dordas C., G. Apostolides, O. Goundra 2007. Boron application affects seed yield and seed quality of sugar beets. Journal of Agricultural Science 145: 377-384. 17. Dordas C. 2009. Foliar application of manganese increases seed yield and improves seed quality of cotton grown on calcareous soils. Journal of Plant Nutrition 32: 160-176. 18. Matsi Τ, Α.S. Lithourgidis, N. Barbayiannis, and C.A. Dordas 2007. Liquid Cattle Manure: Short-term Effect on Corn Growth and Yield and Long-term Effect on Certain Soil Characteristics. Agronomy Journal 99 (4): 1041-1047. 19. Dordas C., C. Sioulas 2008. Safflower yield, chlorophyll content, photosynthesis, and water use efficiency response to nitrogen fertilization under rainfed conditions. Industrial Crops and Products. 27: 75-85. 20. Dordas C.A., A. S. Lithourgidis, T. Matsi, N. Barbayiannis 2008. Application of Liquid Cattle Manure and Inorganic Fertilizers Affect Dry Matter, Nitrogen Accumulation, and Partitioning in Maize. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 80 (3), 283-296. 21. Dordas C., 2008. The role of nutrients in controlling plant diseases in sustainable agriculture. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 28 (1) 33-46. 22. Dordas C., Sioulas C. 2009. Dry matter and nitrogen accumulation, partitioning, and retranslocation in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) as affected by nitrogen fertilization. Field Crops Research 110: 35-43. 23. Dordas C., 2009. Dry matter, nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation, partitioning and remobilization as affected by N and P fertilization and source - sink relations. European Journal of Agronomy 30: 129-139. 24. Vasiliadou S., Dordas C., 2009. Increased concentration of soil cadmium affects plant growth, dry matter accumulation, Cd, and Zn uptake of different tobacco cultivars (Nicotiana tabacum L.). International Journal of Phytoremedation 11: 115-130. 25. Dordas C., 2009. Foliar application of calcium and magnesium improves growth, yield, and essential oil yield of oregano (Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum). Industrial Crops and Products 29: 599-608. 26. Dordas C., 2009. Nonsymbiotic hemoglobins and stress tolerance in plants. Plant Science 176: 433-440. 27. Kaloumenos, N.S., C.A. Dordas, G.C. Diamantidis, I.G. Eleftherohorinos. 2009. Multiple Pro197 Substitutions in the acetolactate synthase of corn poppy (Papaver rhoeas L.) confer resistance to tribenuron. Weed Science 57:362–368. 28. Dordas C 2010. Variation of physiological determinants of yield in linseed in response to nitrogen fertilization. Industrial Crops and Products 31, 455–465. 29. Lithourgidis A.S. and Dordas C.A. 2010. Forage yield, growth rate, and nitrogen uptake of faba bean intercrops with wheat, barley, and rye in three seeding ratios. Crop Science 50:1–11. 30. Dordas CA. 2011. Nitrogen nutrition index and its relationship to N use efficiency in linseed. European Journal of Agronomy 34:124-132. 31. Lithourgidis, A.S., C.A. Dordas, C.A. Damalas, D.N. Vlachostergios 2011. Annual intercrops: an alternative pathway for sustainable agriculture. Australian Journal of Crop Science 5(4):396-410. 32. Kaloumenos, N., V.N. Adamouli, C.A. Dordas, I.G. Eleftherohorinos 2011.Corn Poppy (Papaver rhoeas) Cross-resistance to ALS-inhibiting Herbicides. Pest Management Science 67: 574–585. 33. Lithourgidis, A.S., D.N. Vlachostergios, C.A. Dordas, C.A. Damalas 2011. Dry matter yield, nitrogen content, and competition in pea-cereal intercropping systems. European Journal of Agronomy 34: 287–294 34. Vlachostergios D. N., A. S. Lithourgidis , C. A. Dordas, D. Baxevanos. 2011. Advantages of mixing common vetch cultivars developed from conventional breeding programs when grown under low-input farming system. Crop Science 51: 1274-1281. 35. Dordas CA., A. S. Lithourgidis 2011 Growth, yield and nitrogen performance of faba bean intercrops with oat and triticale at varying seeding ratios. Grass and Forage Science 66, 569–577. 36. Dordas CA., 2012. Variation in dry matter and nitrogen accumulation and remobilization in barley as affected by fertilization, cultivar, and source-sink relations. European Journal of Agronomy 37, 31– 42. 37. Dordas C. A., Vlachostergios D. N., A. S. Lithourgidis 2012. Growth dynamics and agronomic-economic benefits of pea-oat and pea-barley intercrops. Crop and Pasture Science 63, 45-52. 38. Dordas C.A. 2012. Nitrogen and dry matter dynamics in linseed as affected by the nitrogen level and genotype in a Mediterranean environment. Biomass and bioenergy 43, 1-11. 39. Hamid Madani H., Dordas C, Madani A., Mohammad-Ali Motasharei M-A., Shima Farri S., 2012. Interactive Effects of Sowing Date and Planting Density on Dry Matter Accumulation and Partitioning of Chicory. Not Bot Horti Agrobo, 40(1):183-187. 40. Ninou, E., J. T. Tsialtas, C. A. Dordas, D. K. Papakosta 2012. Effect of irrigation on leaf and gas exchange physiology, seed yield and quality of dwarf dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grown under Mediterranean conditions. Agricultural Water Management (in press). Book chapters. Brown PH., Dordas C., Zheng Q. 2001 Mobility of micronutrients and heavy metals in plants. In Micronutrients and Toxic metals in Agriculture. University of Sao Paolo Press p.43-61. Dordas C and Hill RD 2006. Plant hemoglobins and nitric oxide in acclimation to hypoxic stress. NATO science series. Cell Biology and Instrumentation: UV Radiation, Nitric oxide and cell death in plants. Eds. Y. Blume, DJ Durzan, P. Smertenko. IOS Press. Series I: Live and Behavioural Sciences-Vol. 371. p. 218-226. Publications presented in international meetings. 1. Dordas C., Barrieu F., Deamer D.W., Chrispeels M.J., Brown P.H. 1999. A Permeability of boric acid through artificial and plant membranes. In Plant Biology 1999 Annual meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists (Abstract no 768). Plant Physiology S161-162 2. Dordas C, Bexant T, Rivoal J, Hill RD 2001. Expression of nonsymbiotic hemoglobin effects tolerance of alfalfa to hypoxia. In Plant Biology 2001 Annual meeting of the American Society of Plant Biologists (Abstract no 356.). Plant Physiology 126S: 87 3. Dordas C. and Brown P.H. 2001. Permeability and channel mediated transport of boric acid across plant membranes. An explanation for differential B uptake in plants. In Boron in Plant and Animal Nutrition eds H. E. Goldbach, B. Rerkasem, M. A. Wimmer, P. H. Brown, M. Thellier, R. W. Bell. Kluwer Academic Publisher p.34-35. 4. Dordas C. and Brown P.H. 2001. Permeability and channel mediated transport of boric acid across plant membranes. An explanation for differential B uptake in plants. XIV International Plant Nutrition Colloquium in Hannover, Germany, July 28 - August 03, 2001. In Eds W. J. Horst, M. K. Schenk, A. Burkert, N. Claasen, H. Flessa, W. B. Frommer, H. Goldbach, H-W Olfs, V. Romheld, B. Sattelmacher, U. Schmidhalter, S. Schubert, N. von Wiren, and L. Wittenmayer. pp.190-191. Developments in plant and Soil Sciences Vol. 92. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 5. Baron, Κ., C. Dordas and R.D. Hill. 2003. Expression of non-symbiotic barley hemoglobin alters the phenotype of transgenic alfalfa. Annual meeting of The Canadian Society of Plant PhysiologistsConcordia University, Montreal, Canada, December 12-13, 2003. 6. Dordas C. 2004. Foliar Boron application improves seed set and seed yield of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Proceedings VIII ESA Congress 11-15 July 2004, Copenhagen, Denmark. pp. 79-80. 7. Dordas C. B.Β. Hasinoff, J. Rivoal and RD Hill 2004. Expression of plant hemoglobin affects the root growth of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) to hypoxic conditions. Proceedings VIII ESA Congress 11-15 July 2004, Copenhagen, Denmark. pp. 81-82. 8. Dordas C., B.B. Hasinoff, J. Rivoal and R.D. Hill. 2004. Production of nitric oxide and reactions with plant hemoglobins under hypoxic stress. Proceedings Cell Biology and Instrumentation: UV Radiation, Nitric oxide and cell death in plants. Yalta, Ukraine, September 8 - 11, 2004. ( 9. Dordas C. and RD Hill 2005. Nitric oxide scavenging by plant hemoglobins. Proceedings Society of Experimental Biology, July 11-15, 2005, Barcelona, Spain. 10. Lithourgidis A.S., K.V. Dhima, I.B. Vasilakoglou, C.A. Dordas. 2006. Protein yield advantage of common vetch and cereal intercrops over sole crops. Proceedings IX ESA Congress 4-7 September 2006, Warszawa, Poland. Bibliotheca Fragmenta Agronomica, pp. 551-552. 11. Dordas C., Lithourgidis A.S. Matsi T., Barbayiannis N. 2006 Application of manure and inorganic fertilizers affect grain yield of maize. Proceedings IX ESA Congress 4-7 September 2006, Warszawa, Poland. Bibliotheca Fragmenta Agronomica, pp. 87-88. 12. Simoglou KB, Dordas C. 2006. Effect of foliar application of B, Zn, and Mn can delay the development of tan spot in winter durum wheat. Proceedings IX ESA Congress 4-7 September 2006, Warszawa, Poland. Bibliotheca Fragmenta Agronomica, pp. 231-232. 13. Ninou E.G., Dordas CA, Papakosta DK. 2006. Biomass and nitrogen distribution in four bean (Phaseulus vulgaris L.) cultivars. Proceedings IX ESA Congress 4-7 September 2006, Warszawa, Poland. Bibliotheca Fragmenta Agronomica, pp. 185-186. 14. Simoglou, B.K. and C. Dordas. 2006. Effect of Foliar Applied Boron, Manganese and Zinc on Tan Spot in Winter Durum Wheat. Proceedings of the 12th Congress of Mediterranean Phytopathological Union, p. 378. 11-15 June 2006. Rhodes Island Hellas. 15. Tziros GT, AL Lagopodi, K. Tzavella-Klonari and C. Dordas 2005. Balanced nutrition improves biocontrol of fusarium wilt of water melon (Citrullus lanatus) by Pseudomonas chlororaphis PCL 1391. Proceedings of the International Symposium on: Organic Agriculture in the Mediterranean: problems and perspectives, Chania, Crete, Greece, November 9-11, 2005. 16. Bardas GA, GT Tziros, C Dordas, AL Lagopodi, K. Tzavella-Klonari 2006. Effect of two Pseudomonas strains and Trichoderma koningii on eggplant growth and disease severity caused by Verticillium wilt. Proceedings of the 12th Congress of Mediterranean Phytopathological Union, p. 438-439. 11-15 June 2006. Rhodes Island Hellas. 17. Tziros GT, C. Dordas, K. Tzavella-Klonari and AL Lagopodi 2006. Effect of two Pseudomonas strains and Fusarium wilt of watermelon under different nitrogen nutrition levels. Proceedings of the 12th Congress of Mediterranean Phytopathological Union, p. 585-587 . 11-15 June 2006. Rhodes Island Hellas. 18. Dordas C., C. Sioulas 2007. Nitrogen fertilization affects yield, biomass partitioning, nitrogen accumulation, photosynthesis, and water use efficiency of safflower. 15th N Workshop, 28-30 May 2007, Lleida, Spain. 19. Dordas C. 2007. Nitrogen fertilization influences yield, physiology and N use efficiency in flax (Linum usitαtissimum L.). 15th N Workshop, 28-30 May 2007, Lleida, Spain 20. Lithourgidis A.S., Dordas C.A., Lazaridou T.B., Papadopoulos I.I. 2008. Silage Yield and Protein Content of Common Bean Intercropped with Corn in Two Row-Replacements. Proceedings 10th ESA Congress 15-19 September 2008, Bologna, Italy, Italian Journal of Agronomy, pp. 217-218. 21. Morakis G., Eleftheriadou E., Karamanoli K., Dordas C., Bosabalidis A., Radoglou K., Constantinidou H.I.A. Nitrogen Fertilization of Basil: Effects on Physiology, Oil Gland Morphology and on Essential Oils. Proceedings 10th ESA Congress 15-19 September 2008, Bologna, Italy, Italian Journal of Agronomy, pp. 459-460. 22. Tsikrikonis G., Dordas C., Lithourgidis A. 2008. Time of Sowing Affects Growth, Development, and Seed Yield of Oil Seed Rape. Proceedings 10th ESA Congress 15-19 September 2008, Bologna, Italy, Italian Journal of Agronomy, pp. 721-722. 23. Vasiliadou S, Dordas C. 2008 Effect of Cadmium on Plant Growth, Dry Matter Accumulation, Cd, and Zn Uptake of Different Tobacco Cultivars (Nicotiana tabacum L.). Proceedings 10th ESA Congress 15-19 September 2008, Bologna, Italy, Italian Journal of Agronomy, pp. 185-186. 24. Dordas C. 2008. Application of Calcium and Magnesium Improves Yield and Essential Oil Yield of Oregano (Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum). Proceedings 10th ESA Congress 15-19 September 2008, Bologna, Italy, Italian Journal of Agronomy, pp. 417-418. 25. Dordas C. 2009. Cytokinin and ethylene affect dry matter accumulation, Nitrogen uptake, retranslocation and efficiency in barley. 16th N Workshop, Τurin, Italy, June 28- July 1. 26. Ralli, P. and C. Dordas. 2010. Research study for in situ conservation of Crocus cartwrightianus in Cyclades islands and Crete. POSTER. Symposium “Towards the establishment of genetic reserve for crop wild relatives and landraces in Europe”. University of Madeira, Funchal (Portugal), 13-16 September 2010. 27. Gekas F., C. Pankou, I. Mylonas, E. Ninou, E. Sinapidou, A. Lithourgidis, P. Papathanasiou, J.K. Petrevska, F. Papadopoulou, P. Zouliamis, G. Tsaprounis, I. Tokatlidis, and C. Dordas. The use of chlorophyll meter readings for the selection of maize inbred lines under drought stress. ICABBBE 2013: International Conference on Agricultural, Biotechnology,Biological and Biosystems Engineering. France, Paris. August 29-30, 2013. 28. Ninou E., I. Papadopoulos, A. Kargiotidou, F. Gekas, P. Zouliamis, E. Sinapidou, C. Dordas, I. Tokatlidis. Ultra-spaced maize inbreds: over-location and water regime GxE interaction. 2nd Conference for Cereal Biotechnology and Breeding, Budapest 04-08 Νοεμβρίου 2013. 29. Ninou E., I. Mylonas, F. Gekas, C. Pankou, A. Lithourgidis, P. Papathanasiou, J. K. Petrevska, I. Papadopoulos, P. Zuliamis, G. Tsaprounis, I. Tokatlidis, C. Dordas Evaluation of maize inbred lines for tolerance to drought using physiological characteristics. 2nd Conference for Cereal Biotechnology and Breeding, Budapest 04-08 Νοεμβρίου 2013. 30. Gekas F., I. Mylonas, E. Ninou, C. Pankou, A. Lithourgidis, J. K. Petrevska, F. Papadopoulou, P. Zouliamis, G. Tsaprounis, P. Papathanasiou, I. Tokatlidis, C. Dordas. The use of relevant water contact and leaf water potential for the selection of maize inbred lines under drought stress. International Plant Breeding Congress, Antalya 10-15 Νοεμβρίου 2013. 31. Gaintatzi C., C. Pankou, F. Gekas, I. Mylonas, C. Tzantarmas, A. Kargiotidou, E. Pehlivanidou, E. Ninou, I. Papadopoulos, G. Tsaprounis, P. Zouliamis, P. Papathanasiou, C. Dordas, I. S. Tokatlidis Space-planted rather than densely seeded condition predicts better crop yield of genetically homogeneous maize lines. International Plant Breeding Congress, Antalya 10-15 Νοεμβρίου 2013. 32. Pankou C., F. Gekas, I. Mylonas, E. Ninou, A. Lithourgidis, J.K. Petrevska, F. Papadopoulou, P. Zouliamis, G. Tsaprounis, P. Papathanasiou, I. Tokatlidis, C. Dordas. Evaluation of selection criteria for assessing drought stress tolerance of thirty maize inbred lines. International Plant Breeding Congress, Antalya 10-15 Νοεμβρίου 2013. Affiliation (active) Associate Editor, Canadian Journal Plant Science, 2010-2013. Member, European Society for Agronomy, since 2003. Hellenic Scientific Society for Genetics and Plant Breeding (H.S.S.G.P.B.) since 2006.