Managing Authority of the Rural Development Plan
Ministry of Rural Development & Food
Center for Renewable Energy Sources & Saving (1994 – 2002) Indicative points: a. The penetration roadmap of biogas technologies among stakeholders of rural area (processing food industry, competitives) and municipal enterprises (sewage and solid waste). This carried out by the co-funding of the EU programmes (DG TREN) b. The penetration roadmap of biofuel technologies among investors and municipal authorities in the framework of the EU programmes (DG TREN, Research, Agri). c. The agronomic success story of the energy crops (middle 90’) regarding adaptation and viable rural schemes in the framework of EU programmes (DG Agri: AIR, FAIR). d. The handling and mechanical processing of wood/semi wood biomass in closed cooperation with privates (national programmes) Other - Relevant presentations and editions of the above achievements: 1. Eleftheriadis I, and Chatziathanassiou A. (2004). Biomass harvesting and handling operations in Pinus halepensis forests. In the proceedings of the 2nd World Biomass Conference- Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, 10-14 May 2004, Rome 161-164. 2. Georgakakis D., Christodoulou N., Chatziathanassiou A. and Venetis T. (2002). The development and use of an economic evaluation model to assess the establishment of local centralized rural biogas plants in Greece. In the proceedings of the FAO/SREN-Workshop “Anaerobic digestion for sustainability in waste (water) treatment and re-use” 19-22 May, Moscow Russia, Edited by Sergey Kalyuzhnyi, V II, 364-372 pp. 3. Romanos P., Staber I., Gennimata Th., Chatziathanassiou A., Michalopoulou K., Giannakoura G., Toutoudakis M. and Haliamalias A. 2002. Intelligent Eco-Hotels with Euroepan Installation Bus (EIB-Konnex) and distributed generation systems. In the International Conference “Energy 2002”, Hellenic Association of Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Asteras Hotel 12-15 June, Athens. 4. Chatziathanassiou A., Sioulas K., Mavrogiorgos D., Boukis I. and Veneti A. (2002). Stakeholders’ perceptions for anaerobic digestion energy schemes in Greece. In the proceedings of the 12th European Biomass Conference, Biomass for Energy, Industry and Climate Protection, 17-21 June 2002, RAI Congress, Amsterdam, Vol II, 1423-1426. 5. Chatziathanassiou A. and Boukis I. (2000). Constraints and strategy for the development of Anaerobic Digestion in livestock farming in Greece. In the 1st World Conference and Exhibition on Biomass for Energy and Industry, Proc. Ed. James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd, Biomass 2000 SEVILLA, 1295-1297. 6. Chatziathanassiou A., Sioulas K., Karapanagiotis N., Boukis I. and Kotronarou A. (2000). Environmental Impacts from the Use of Bio-Energy Technologies. In the proceedings of the 1st World Conference and Exhibition on Biomass for Energy and Industry. Proc. Ed. James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd, Biomass 2000 SEVILLA, 123-126 pp. 7. Alexopoulou E., Christou M., Μardikis M. and Chatziathanassiou A. (2000). Growth and yields of Kenaf varieties in central Greece. Elsevier – Industrial Crops and Products, an International Journal, 11 (2000), 163-172. 8. Christou M., Mardikis M., Alexopoulou E., Zafiris C, Papavasiliou D. and Chatziathanassiou A. (1999). Miscanthus growing experience in Greece. In the proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Renewable Energy Sources and 4th European Symposium on Industrial Crops and Products. Fachegentur Nachwachsende Rohstoff e.V. 356-367. 9. Chatziathanassiou A., Christou M., Alexopoulou E. and Zafiris C. (1998). Biomass and Sugar Yields of Sweet Sorghum in Greece. In the proceedings of the 10th European Conference, 8-11 June 1998, Congress Centre Wurzburg, Germany, ed. C.A.R.M.E.N, 209-212. Editions (guidelines) 1. Local Authorities Guide Lines – Biomass Applications on Large Building and Blocks Heating (2003). An ALTENER Programme publication with the support of the European Commission, Directorate General for Energy and Transport in the framework of the BIOHEAT project (AL/2000-167). CRES, Athens, Greece. 2. Investors Guide Lines – Biomass Applications on Large Building and Blocks Heating (2003). An ALTENER Programme publication with the support of the European Commission, Directorate General for Energy and Transport in the framework of the BIOHEAT project (AL/2000-167). CRES, Athens, Greece. 3. Construction and demonstration of a novel machine for harvesting and handing cotton stalks for energy utilisation (1998) Executive Report of project was carried out by CRES and the Paul I. Condellis S.A. in the framework of the Programme of “Technological demonstrative projects” (PEPPER). 2002 to now: Ministry of Rural Development & Food (current work: Managing Authority of Rural Development Programme) Indicative points: a. As expert, participation in working groups/ committees regarding standardization, certification and SME entrepreneurship in innovation b. Invited evaluator, assessor for proposals in the field of biofuels technologies and innovation in SME’s in the framework of various international incentives (such as Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation, EUREKA’s Eurostars Programme). Especially: 1. Member of the Sectoral Technical Committee for Certification and Inspection Bodies 2 (Environmental Management Systems - Health & Safety Management Systems) of the Hellenic Accreditation System S.A. (2009-2011). 2. Member of the Working Group of the Hellenic Organisation for Standarization S.A. (NCO/TC 66/WG 2) regarding the certification of the solid biofuels on specification and quality assurance (January 2007 - 2011). 3. Invited by CRES, pparticipated in the “Third International Biomass Action Plan (BAP) - Driver Expert Meeting” of the ‘ΒΑP- Driver” project (DG TREN), in Brussels (7-10-2009). Training: 1. Course in Environmental Auditing was organized by the Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment (UK) and the Scientific & Educational Center of Chemical Engineers (GR), April 2001. 2. Course in ELOT/EN 16001:2009 “Energy management systems – requirements with guidance for use” was organised by the Hellenic Accreditation System S.A. (GR), November 2010. Presentations 1. Kalligeros S., Chatziathanassiou A., Christou M., Grammelis P., Zannikos F., G. Anastopoulos G. and Zannikou Υ., 2009. Standarization of solid biofuels Procceedings of the 11th International Conference on Environment Science and Technology Chania, Crete Greece, 3-5 September 2009 pp B 415-423. 2. Grammelis P., Kalligeros S., Zannikos F., Christou M., Chatziathanassiou A., and Lipiridis G., 2009. Solid biofuels properties and their standardization Workshop: ‘Pellets – resources, technologies & applications’ Athens 25 May 2009 Agricultural University of Athens Greece.