Azzedine Abbaci
Université badji Mokhtar; Centre de Téléenseigenemnt and ICT
Contact by mailProfessor ABBACI AZZEDINE, Ph. D., Centre de Téléenseignement (ICT) and Département de Chimie, Faculté des Sciences, Université Badji Mokhtar, BP 12, Sidi-Amar, Annaba, Algeria Tel. Office: + (213) 38 876567 Tél. Mob.: +(213) 771358715 E-mail: EDUCATION: Master Professionnel: Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France : ICT and e-Learning, projet ide@ Tempus Sponsored by European Union. Septembre 2007. Ph.D.: (Physical Sciences and Technology), IPST; University of Maryland at College Park, USA, 1991. Doctor es-sciences (Chemaical/Process Engineering), as an equivalence Université Badji Mokhtar, Annaba, Algeria Languages Speak fluently and write three languages: Arabic, French and English. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Current and Recent Activities in the Université Badji Mokhtar, Annaba, Algeria Thesis Adviser: Department of chemistry, department of Mechanical Engineering, and department of chemical engineering , Université Badji Mokhtar, Annaba, March 1996 to present. Researcher: Department of chemistry and department of chemical engineering, Université Badji Mokhtar, Annaba, from Sept. 1991 to present. Head of the Research Group: Physical-chemistry of matter and fluids from Sept. 1991 to present. Researcher and Expert: National Agency for the development of scientific research, Algiers, Algeria (ANDRU) from January 1997 to December 2000. Research Associate: Institut de Soudage l'URTI / CSC – Annaba : 2013-present. Teaching in the USA Teaching Assistant: Department of Chemistry, University of Maryland at College Park, from Sept. 1986 to May 1988. Teaching in Algeria Professor: Physical Chemistry and Chemical Engineering since July 2004. Associate professor: Department of chemistry and department of chemical engineering, Université Badji Mokhtar, Annaba, from March 1996 to 2004. Assistant professor: Department of chemistry and department of Physics, Université Badji Mokhtar, Annaba, from Sept; 1991 to March 1996. Professor : Ecole Préparatoire/ Sciences and Techniques ; Annaba 2010-2012. -COURSES taught: ICT, E-Learning , General Chemistry, Chemical thermodynamics, Thermodynamics of solutions, Statistical Thermodynamics, Quantum chemistry, Spectroscopy, Optimization and simulation for chemical Engineers, Statistics, Technical English,. Consulting and Expertise Consultant and Expert: National Agency for the development of scientific research, Algiers, Algeria (ANDRU) from January 1997 to present. International Expertise: FP7 Initial Training Networks (ITN) - Marie Curie Actions/People; European Cooperation in Science and Technology: COST; Solicited for the Mid Term Review meeting of ITN Marie Curie Project TANGO-316654 European-African Research Cooperation: ERAfrica. National Expertise: DGRST, CNEPRU Education Consultant: Physical Chemistry, special courses for chemists, USA. Head of Research Projects Expert CNEPRU: Thermodynamic properties of fluids and fluid mixtures. PNR : Environment and sustainable development Advisor and expert on E-learning. Expert system LMD (Master training in chemical sciences). Administration appointements Member of the Scientific Council, Institute of chemistry, Université Badji Mokhtar, Annaba Algeria, 1994-1996. Member of the pedagogical Council: Department of chemistry, Université Badji Mokhtar, Annaba Algeria, 1991-present. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Activities Research Assistant: Institute for Physical Sciences and Technology, University of Maryland at College Park, U.S.A., August 1988 to May 1991. Research Director: sept. 1991 to present. Publications : Z.Y. Chen, A. Abbaci, S. Tang and J.V. Sengers, Global thermodynamic behavior of fluids in the critical region, Phys. Rev. A 42, 4470, 1990 Z.Y. Chen, A. Abbaci and J.V. Sengers, In Proceedings of the 11th Int. Conf. On the properties of steam, ed. M. Pichal and O. Sifner, pp. 168-171, Prague, 1990. A. Abbaci and J.V. Sengers, technical report BN 1111, (IPST, University of Maryland, College Park, 1991), IUPAC, Thermodynamic project centre, Imperial College, London, England. A. Abbaci, H. R. van den Berg, E. Sakonidou and J. V. Sengers, Critical. Parameters of Mixtures of Carbon Dioxide and Ethane, Int. J. Thermophys. 13, 1043, 1992. A. Abbaci, J. Soc. Alg. Chim., 4(1), 97, 1994, A review Article A. Abbaci, Proc. 3rd Int. Symp., Supercritical Fluids, Vol. 1, 1994. A. Abbaci, Proc. 7th Int. Symp., Supercritical Fluids, Vol. 2, 2000. A. Abbaci, Iranian J. Chem. & Chem. Engn., Liquid-vapor density of sulfurhexafluoride in the critical region, 24(1), 2004. A. Abbaci et A. Berrezeg, J. Soc. Alg. Chim., 13(2), 2003. A. Abbaci, Behavior of the Thermodynamic Properties of Binary Mixtures near the Critical Azeotrope, Entropy, 4, 348, 2003. S. Bourenane, M.H. Samar and A. Abbaci, Extraction of Cobalt and lead from waste water using a liquid surfactant membrane, Acta Chim. Slov., 50(4), 663, 2003. A. Abbaci and A. Berrrezeg, Int. J. Thermophys., 25(3), 735, 2004. A. Abbaci, J. Mol. Liq., 18(1-3), 31, 2005. M. Frites, M.H. Samar, N. Boutefnouchet and A. Abbaci, Extraction of chromium(VI) from aqueus solution by liquid Surfactant Membrane, Asian J. Chemistry, 17(3), 1397, 2005. A. Abbaci, Ph.D Thesis, University of Michigan 1991, Volume: 52-06, Section: B, page: 3121. Volume: 52-06, Section: B, page: 3121. A. Abbaci, A. Acidi, Proc. 10th Symp. Supercritical Fluids, 2005. A. Zazoua, S. Zougar, R. Kherrat, M. H. Semar, N. Jaffrezik Renault, A. Errachid, A. Abbaci, Materials Sci. and Eng. : C, 26(2-3), 568, 2006. A. Abbaci and A. Acidi, Scientific Study Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Industry Vol.7 Nr.2, 2006. A. Abbaci, M. H. Samar, Prediction of the coexisting liquid and vapour densities of ethylene near the critical point, High Temp. High Press. Vol 35/36 (2), 2007. A. Azzouz, A. Rizi, A. Acidi, Abbaci, An interim thermodynamic property formulation for supercritical n-hexane, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Industry, Vol.7 Nr.2, 2010. A. Abbaci, RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN RECTILINEAR DIAMETER AMPLITUDES AND MOLECULAR POLARIZABILITIES OF FLUIDS NEAR THEIR CRITICAL POINTS, Scientific Study Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Industry, Vol.7 Nr.2, 2011. A. Abbaci, A. Jaillet, revue Distances et savoirs,, 2008. A. Rizi and A. Abbaci, A thermodynamic equation of state for the critical region of argon, J. Mol. Liq., 64-70, 2012. A. Abbaci and A. Rizi, I. M. Abdulagatov, A global fundamental equation sate for n-hexane, Thermochimica Acta, vol. 567, p. 65-72, 2013. Acidi, A. Abbaci, M. Hasib-ur-Rahman, F. Larachi, Ionic Liquids , and as corrosion inhibitors for CO2 capture applications, Korean J. Chem. Eng., 2014. A. ABBACI, 3rd International Conference on E-Learning and Distance Education, Ryiadh Feb. 4-7 2013, Saudia Arabia ELI2013, Awards: Best publication award: April 2006. Book : Abbaci Azzedine : - Utilisation des technologies de l'information et de la communication dans l'enseignement et la formation /. - Alger : office des publications universitaires, 2010. - 111p. ; 24*17, ISBN 9961013519. Recent Communications and workshops: A. ABBACI, European Conference on Social Science Research, Marmara University, Istanbul, June 19-21, 2013 A. ABBACI, JST, SONATRACH, Oran 7-9 April 2013, Algeria. A. ABBACI, ELI 2013, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Feb. 4-7 2013. A. Acidi, A. ABBACI, F. Larachi, CTEC, juin 2012, Lyon, France. A. Acidi and A. ABBACI, 1st International Conference on Ionic Liquids in Separation and Purification Technology, 4-7 September 2011, Sitges, Spain. A. Rizi et A. ABBACI, Société Tunisienne de Chimie, DOUZ, Déc. 2011 A. Rizi et A. ABBACI, SFGP, Les propriétés thermodynamiques des fluides supercritiques : Cas de l’argon, Déc. 2011, Lille, France. A. ABBACI, Ecole de calorimétrie, juin 2011, Lyon, France. A. ABBACI, A. RIZI, CTEC, juin 2012, Lyon, France. K. Baira, A. RIZI, A. ABBACI, CTEC, juin 2012, Lyon, France. A. ABBACI et al.: MOLMAT2008, International Symposium on Molecular Materials Chemistry, Solid State Physics,Theory, Nanotechnology From Molecule to Molecular Device, Toulouse, July 8-11th, 2008, A. ABBACI, Ecole d’hiver, Pédagogie numérique, DOUZ, Tunisie, Décembre 2008. A. Abbaci, Symposium Clôture du Projet Tempus-Idea, Juin 23-2(/2008, ENSET Oran, Algérie. A.Abbaci et Alain Jaillet, Cemaforad4, 9-11/08 Strasbourg, France. A. Abbaci, Cemaforad4, 9-11/08 Strasbourg, France. A. Abbaci, Atelier Transfer 3.2, Conception, développement et utilisation d’un cours en ligne, Projet Tempus Ide@, 18-22 mars, 2006, Université Badji Mokhtar, Annaba, Algérie. A. Abbaci, Atelier Transfer 3.4, Certificat de formateur, Projet Tempus Ide@, 16-21 septembre, 2006, ENS, Constantine, Algérie. A. Abbaci, 18th International Conference on Chemical Education, Istanbul, Turkey, 3-8 August 2004. A. Abbaci and A. Acidi, 12 ISSP, Freiberg, 23-28/07, 2006, Germany. A. Abbaci and A. Acidi, 4eme Colloque Franco-Roumain, Clermont Ferrand, France, 2006. A. Abbaci, A. Acidi, 10th Meeting on Supercritical fluids, Starsbourg, France, 2005 N. Boutefnouchet, A. Abbaci, H. Fiala and S. Hamdi, 3rd Conference on the Foundation of Information Sciences, Paris 4-7 juillet 2005, (FIS2005). A. Abbaci and H. Fiala, 3rd Conference on the Foundation of Information Sciences, Paris 4-7 juillet 2005, (FIS2005). Abbaci, 2nd Intl. Conference on chemistry and its applications, Doha Qatar, December 2003. A. Abbaci, 28 icsc, Debrecen, Hungary, August 2003. A. Abbaci, A. Berrezeg, CEMMC, Tlemcen Algérie, juin 2001. Editorial Duties: Editorial board member, Advances in chemical engineering and Sciences (ACES), Advances in chemical engineering (ACE), Nature & Technology" Journal, JSIC. Referee/Reviewer: Advances in chemical engineering and Sciences (ACES), Advances in chemical engineering (ACE), Nature & Technology" Journal, JSIC, Synthèse, Korean Journal of chemical Engineering, Thermochimica Acta, International Journal of Industrial Chemistry.