Jonathan Becedas
Dr. Jonathan Becedas is Electrical Engineer and Industrial Engineer graduated with honours. He holds a Master in Research and a PhD in Mechatronics by the Univ. of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), Spain. He is author of 47 full refereed papers in ICT and has participated in more than 15 competitive research projects being the leader and principal investigator in International Collaborative European and Transnational projects related to Cloud Computing, Big Data and Applications to the Agricultural sector, Robotics, Future Internet, Neuroscience and Space. . He held a position of Researcher and Associate Prof. in UCLM (2002-2009), and Research Associate in the University of Leicester, UK (2009-2011). He was head of the Robotics Department in Ixion Industry and Aerospace (2011-2013). He is being working as R&D Manager in Elecnor Deimos and is currently Principal Investigator and partner in Agroestudio. He currently collaborates with the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) and CINVESTAV IPN (Mexico) in control engineering and robotics fields and with the University of Leicester (UK) and the University of Antonio Nariño in the Neuroscience field. He is reviewer of the following international scientific journals: International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Control Engineering Practice, Journal of Zhenjiang University – Science A, Journal of Vibration and Control, Journal of Universal Computer Science, International Journal of adaptive Control and Signal Processing. He is reviewer of the following international scientific conferences: 15th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, 2009, 18th Mediterranean conference on control and automation, 2010, 2007 IEEE International Conference on robotics and Automation, The 18th IFAC World Congress, IROS 2013, 2014 IEEE International, Conference on Robotics and Automation, The 19th IFAC World Congress, AIM 2014. He was chairman at The World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2007, San Francisco, USA, where he received honour mention. He was part of the organizer and editorial committee of the conference XXV Jornadas de Automática (Spanish Committee on Automatic Control). The main R&D competitive projects related to the agro-food sector, in which Jonathan Becedas has participated, are the following: Cloud and Big Data: GEO-Cloud (FP7), Fed4FIRE (FP7), ENTICE (H2020 under negotiation with the European Commission), GEAF (ESA) Earth Observation and agriculture applications: GEO-Cloud (FP7), E-GEM (FP7, advisor), SENSYF (FP7), Deimos-2 (Eureka KSI). Applied Aeronautics and UAVs (National R&D competitive, coordinated projects): PERIGEO, PRADVEA, SUPVERT, SEINVEH. Last publications in the field J. Becedas, “The GEO-Cloud Experiment: Global Earth Observation System Computed in Cloud”, The Eighth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Birmingham, 2014. J. Becedas, R. Pérez, G. González, F. Pedrera, M.J. Latorre, “Cloud Architecture for Processing and Distribution of Satellites Imagery”, OSGeo’s European Conference on free and open source software for geospatial, FOSS4G-E, Bremen, 2014. J. Becedas, R. Pérez, G. González, F. Pedrera, M. J. Latorre, “Validation of an Experimental Cloud Infrastructure for Earth Observation Services”, Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Torrent, 2014. G. González, R. Pérez, J. Becedas, M. Latorre, F. Pedrera, “Measurement and Modelling of PlanetLab Network Impairments for Fed4FIRE’s GEO-Cloud Experiment”, 26th International Teletraffic Congress, Workshop on Federated Future Internet and Distributed Cloud Testbeds, Karlskrona, 2014. R. Pérez, G. González, J. Becedas, M. J. Latorre, F. Pedrera, “Testing Cloud Computing for Massive Space Data Processing, Storage and Distribution with Open-Source Geo-Software”, OSGeo’s European Conference on free and open source software for geospatial, FOSS4G-E, Bremen, 2014. F. Pedrera, M.J. Latorre, J. Becedas, R. Pérez, G. González, “Validation of an experimental on-demand cloud infrastructure for Earth Observation Web Services”, OSGeo’s European Conference on free and open source software for geospatial, FOSS4G-E, Bremen, 2014. L. Samsó, J. Quirce, J. Becedas, “Distributed Satellite Systems: The Next Big Thing is Already Here”, Small Satellite Systems and Services Symposium, Mallorca, 2014. L. Samsó, J. Quirce, J. Becedas, “Reinventing Classical Concepts: Distributed Satellite Systems”, Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, Torrent, 2014.