Leonor Martin
Fundación Maimona
Personal information First name / Surname(s): Leonor/ Martín Cabello Address: C/ Vicente Delgado Algaba, 2, 3ºC, 06010 Badajoz, Spain Telephone: +34 924 57 21 28 Fax34 924 54 41 47 E-mail: lmartin@lossantos.org Nationality Spanish Date of birth: 07/11/1984 Gender: Female Work experience Dates May 2012 - today Occupation or position held Project technician at Fundación Maimona Main activities and responsibilities Develop and manage projects and activities of the entity. Name and address of employer Fundación Maimona Centro "Diego Hidalgo” de Empresas e Innovación Ctra. Paraje La Nava, s/n 06230 Los Santos de Maimona Badajoz, Spain Type of business or sector Private sector. Third sector or non-profit organization. Local development. Dates November 2010 – April 2011 Occupation or position held Project Manager Main activities and responsibilities Development of projects related to crops vineyard Name and address of employer Tragsatec, Valencia, Spain Type of business or sector Public sector. Engineering and agronomic projects. Dates February 2008 – Dicember 2008 Occupation or position held Technician Main activities and responsibilities Development of projects related to meat sector and olive oil sector. Name and address of employer Department of Economics, University of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain Type of business or sector Public sector. Education and training Dates 2010 Title of qualification awarded Degree in Agronomic Engeneering for the University of Extremadura Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Crops systems, Cattle, Food Industry, Irrigation systems, statistics, calculation of structures, quality systems... Name and type of organisation providing education and training University of Extremadura Dates 2009 Title of qualification awarded Graduate in Technical Agricultural Engineering for the University of Extremadura Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Farms systems Name and type of organisation providing education and training University of Extremadura Personal skills and competences Mother tongue Spanish English. B2 Level Organisational skills and competences: Communication, Co-ordination, Entreprise and resources management Technical skills and competences: Experience in various areas including, but not limited to: project management, organic agriculture, crops systems and food technology. Computer skills and competences: A proficient computer user – skills acquired at work Driving licence