Andreas Thrasyvoulou
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Contact by mailPersonal Data Name: Andreas THRASYVOULOU Address: Lab. Of Apicultural-Sericulture, School of Agriculture, Box 277, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, 54006 Thessaloniki, Mail: Telephone:0030 2310 472983, Fax:0030 2310 471939 Academic Training 1. {C}B.S. Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Geotechical School, Department of Agriculture, 1974. 2. {C}M.Sc in Entomology, Pennsylvania State University, Department of Entomology USA, 1980. 3. {C}Ph.D in Entomology, Pennsylvania State University, Department of Entomology USA, 1982. Thesis: a) The water soluble protein patterns of larval food of the honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) Master Thesis. The Penn State Univ. b) Biochemical and Biological aspects of honey bee (Apis melifera L) larval food. Ph.D Thesis. The Penn State Univ. Positions Held 1975-1979 Teaching Assistant, Lab. of Apiculture-Sericulture, School of Agriculture, AUTh 1982-1985 Lecturer, Lab. Of Apiculture-Sericulture, School of Agriculture , AUTh 1987 Visiting scientist, Entomology Department, Penn State University. 1985 -1989 Assistant Professor Lab. of Apiculture-Sericulture, School of Agriculture, AUTh 1989-1996 Associate Professor, Lab. of Apiculture-Sericulture, School of Agriculture, AUTh 1996-1997 Visiting Professor, School of Agriculture Sciences, University of Thessaly 1996-today Director of Lab. of Apiculture-Sericulture, School of Agriculture , AUTh 2002-2005 Visiting Professor, School of Agriculture Sciences, University of Thessaly 1996 –today Professor, Lab. of Apiculture-Sericulture, School of Agriculture, AUTh 2001-2002 Chairman, Dept of Horticulture and Viticulture 2010-today Director of Graduate program of Agriculture School Teaching Undergraduate courses: a) Biology of honeybees, b) Apply Apiculture, c) Insect Pollination of crops d) Bee Pathology Graduate courses: a) Technology of bee products, b) Bee Genetics, c) Organic Beekeeping d) Pollination Biology Social activity President of the Hellenic Scientific Society in Apiculture-Sericulture Honorary president of Pancyprian Association of beekeepers Honorary president of Beekeepers Association of Rodos island Coordination of EU research projects Coordinator of the working group of International Honey Commission regarding the geographical and botanical origin of bee products Coordinator of Apimondia working group regarding the organic beekeeping legislation (AWG 1) Membership in European committees Membership in International Honey Commission Research Interests The botanical and geographical origin of bee products: Analysis of physicochemical, microscopical and volatile characteristics of honey, pollen, royal jelly and propolis, standards of bee products. Atlas of pollen grains from honey and royal jelly Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity honey and propolis. Pesticide residues in honey. Analysis for acaricide residues in honey, royal jelly and wax (coumaphos, fluvalinate, flumethrin, amitraz, malathion, bromopropylate). Chemical residues against wax moth (p-diclorobenzilate, naphalene, dipromoethane), multi-residue analysis method for pesticide residues from the treatment of crops. Prevention of bee diseases by natural methods: Integrated pest management strategy for control of Varroa mites. Field study to assess the effectiveness and safety of chemicals against varroatosis and nosemosis. Methods of recording bee flora. Molecular analysis in beekeeping (bee races, bee diseases etc Crystallization of honey. The evolution of crystals in monofloral honey. Liquefying crystallized honey with ultrasonic waves. Recent Research Programs (2000-2011) {C}1. Beekeeping training. Self-liquidation program from Greek beekeepers 2002-2014 {C}2. Analysis of bee products. Self-liquidation program from Greek beekeepers, Associations and Companies 2002-2015. {C}3. Accrediation of the Laboratory of Apiculture. Funded by Aristotle University 2007-2011 {C}4. Control of Nosemosis cause by N. ceranae with alternative and conventional ways. Funded by Greek Ministry of Agriculture 2008-2012 {C}5. The effect of spraying of ULV by air of Aqua-L-Orthine EW and Presquard 3/02 on honeybees and their products. Funded by Development Agency of Thessaloniki S.A. 2009-2011 {C}6. Enhancing the quality attributes of processed honey and avoiding crystallization by the application of a non-thermal process.(TOPHONEY). European Community 2010-2012 {C}7. Analysis of physicochemical and other characteristics of honey –Detection of acaricide residues. Funded by Ministry of Agriculture of Cyprus 2011-2014 {C}8. Damages causes by bee-eaters and methods to control them. Funded by Ministry of Agriculture of Cyprus 2011-2014 {C}9. Technical supporting to produce qualified beekeeping products. Funded by Attiki and APIVITA Beekeeping companies 2004-2015 Research Supervision (students, post-doctoral fellows) Supervision of nine PhD, 18 MSc and more than 150 undergraduate theses regarding the beekeeping and the bee products. Other Activities - Membership in Scientific Societies Frequent manuscript reviewer for the Journals: Apidologie, Journal Apiculture Research, Bee World, J. Food Science, J. Agric. Food Chemistry, Food Chemistry. Quality manager of lab of Apiculture accredited by Hellenic Accreditation System S.A. (ISO ELOT 170025/2005). Member of International Honey Commission, Hellenic Scientific Society in Apiculture-Sericulture, Hellenic Scientific Society in Entomology, GEOTEE. Editor of the greek beekeeping magazine Melissokomiki Epitheorisis. Recent publications (2000-2014) International Journals {C}1. {C}Thrasyvoulou A (2000) An evaluation of consumer's preferences on honey quality. Apiacta 35 (3):121-125 {C}2. {C}Menkissoglu-Spiroudi, G. Diamantidis, V.Georgiou, A. Thrasyvoulou(2000) Determination of malathion, coumaphos and fluvalinate residues in honey by gas chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus or electron capture detectors J. AOAC Int 83(1):178-182 {C}3. {C}Tsigouri A, O.Menkissoglu-Spiroudi, G. Diamantidis, A. Thrasyvoulou (2000) Determιnation of fluvalinate residues in beeswax by gas chromatography with electron-capture detection. J. AOAC Int 83(5): 1225-1228 {C}4. {C}Thrasivoulou A, P. Charonis, S. Gounari (2001) The effect of front-glass walled hives on honey bee reproduction and behaviour. Apiacta 36(1):25-31 {C}5. {C}Thrasyvoulou A (2001)The relation of physicochemical characteristics of honey and the crystallization sensitive parameters. Apiacta 35 (4):230-236 {C}6. {C}Tsigouri A. Menkissoglu S., Diamantidis,. & A. Thrasyvoulou (2001) The fate of the Varroacide fluvalinate in honey and wax J. A.O.A.C {C}7. {C}Tsigouri A, U. Menkissoglu-Spiroudi & A. Thrasyvoulou (2001) Study of tau- fluvalinate persistence in honey. Pest Management Sci 57:467-471 {C}8. Menkissoglu-Spiroudi U. A.D. Tsigouri, Gr C. Diamantidis and A.T. Thrasyvoulou (2001) Residues in honey and beeswax caused by beekeeping treatments. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 10(5):445-450. {C}9. Tsigouri A., U. Menkissoglu, A. Thrasyvoulou & G. Diamantidis (2003) Fluvalinate residues in Greek honey and beeswax. Apiacta 38:50-53. {C}10. Tsigouri A.D., Menkissoglu –Sproudi U., A. Thrasyvoulou Gr Diamantidis (2004) Fluvalinate residues in honey and beeswax after different colony treatments. Bull. Envirn. Contam.Toxicol. 72:975-982 {C}11. Lazaridou E., Tananaki Ch., Panagiotou P., & Thrasyvoulou A (2004) Royal jelly production by using drone instead of worker larvae. Bee World (submitted) . {C}12. Hatjina F., Grecorc A., C. Papaefthymiou, N. Pappas, A. Thrasyvoulou (2004) Differences in the morphology of prothoracic and propodeal spiracles in three strains of Apis mellifera: possible relation to resistant against Acarapis woodi. J. Apic. Res 43(3):105-113 13. Persato Oddo, R. Ripo, Bruneau, Flamini, Russman Thrasyvoulou and others (2004) Main European unifloral honeys: descriptive sheets. Apidology 35(2004)38-81 14. Chisoula Tananaki, Anastasia Zotou, Andreas Thrasyvoulou (2005) Determination of 1,2-dibromoethane, 1,4-dichlorobenzene and naphthalene residues in honey by gas chromatography – mass spectrometry using purge & trap thermal desorption extraction. Journal of Chromatography 1083:146-152 {C}15. Tananaki Ch & Thrasyvoulou A (2005) Absorption of volatile compounds in honey from stored spices. J. Apic. Res. 44(2):30-35 16. Tananaki C., Thrasyvoulou A., Karazafiris E., Zotou A (2006) Contamination of honey by chemicals applied to protect combs from wax moth (Galleria mellonela L.). Food Additives and Contaminant 23(2):159-163 17. Dimou M., A. Thrasyvoulou and V. Tsirakoglou (2006) Efficient use of pollen traps to determine the pollen flora used by honey bees. J. Apicu. Res. 45(1):42-46 18. Dimou M & A. Thrasyvoulou (2006) Discriminating pine and fir honeydew honeys by microscopic characteristics J. Apic. Res. 45(2):16-21 {C}19. Dimou M., A. Thrasyvoulou and V. Tsirakoglou (2006) Efficient use of pollen traps to determine the pollen flora used by honey bees. J. Apicu. Res. 45(1):42-46 {C}20. {C}Karazafiris E., Tananaki C., Menkissoglu-Spiroudi U., Diamantidis G & Thrasyvoulou A (2006) Residues distribution of acaricide coumaphos in honey following the application of a new slow release formulation. Pest Management Sci 1002(10):1493-1499. {C}21. {C}Karabournioti S, Thrasyvoulou A, Eleftheriou E (2006) A model for predicting geographic origin of honey from their source. J. Apic. Res. 45(1):117-124 {C}22. Karazafiris E, Tananaki C, Menkissoglu-Spiroudi U., Diamantidis G., Thrasyvoulou A.,(2007) Residues distribution of acaricide coumaphos in honey following the application of a new slow release formulation. Pest Management Science, 64(2):165-171. {C}23. Alexandros Papachristoforou; Konstantinos Theodoropoulos; Vasiliki Goundy; Andreas Thrasyvoulou (2007). Impact of spraying frames of honey bee eggs with water, an aqueous solution of aniseed oil, and aqueous acaracidal solutions on egg removal. J. Apic. Res. 46(2):125-126 {C}24. Tananaki C., Thrasyvoulou A., Giraudel J.I & Montury M. (2007). Determination of volatile characteristics of greek and turkish pine honey samples and their classification by using kohonen self organising maps. Food Chemistry 101(4): 1687-1693. {C}25. Karabournioti S., E. Elefftheriou, A. Thrasyvoulou and C. Fasseas (2007) Pollen polymorphism in Thymus capitatus (Lamiaceae). Canadian Journal of Botany. 85(5):493-500 {C}26. Dimou Maria and Andreas Thrasyvoulou (2007) A comparison of three methods for assessing the relative abundance of pollen resources collected by honey bee colonies. J. Apic. Res. 46(3):144-148. {C}27. Papachristoforou A., A.Portais, G. Zafeiridiu, G. Theophilides, L. Garnery, A. Thrasyvoulou and G. Arnold (2007) Smothered to death:hornets asphyxiated by honeybees. Current Biology Vol 17, No 18 {C}28. Dimou Maria and Andreas Thrasyvoulou (2007) Collection of wax scale (Ceroplastes sp.)by the honey bee Apis mellifera J. Apic. Res. 46(2):129 {C}29. Dimou M., Thrasyvoulou A. (2007) Seasonal variation in vegetation and pollen collected by honeybees in Thessaloniki, Greece. Grana, 46 (3): 292-299. {C}30. Dimou M., Goras, G., Thrasyvoulou A.((2007) Pollen analysis as a means to determine the geographical origin of royal jelly. Grana, 45 (2): 118-122. {C}31. Dimou Μ, Taraza S. Thrasyvoulou A., Vasilakakis M (2008) Effect of bumblebee pollination on greenhouse strawberry production. J. Apic. Res 47(2):99-101 {C}32. Alexandros Papachristoforou, Jerome Sueur, Agnes Rortais, Sotirios Angelopoulos, Andreas Thrasyvoulou, Gerard Arnold (2008) High frequency sounds produced by Cyprian honeybees Apis mellifera cypria when confronting their predator the oriental hornet Vespa orientalis. Apidologie 39 (4): 468-474 {C}33. {C}Karamanoli K, Kadoglidou K, Tananaki C, Thrasyvoulou A (2008) Transformations of Mentha spicata essential oil in the soil environment. Panta Medica74 (9):1201-1201. {C}34. {C}Karazafiris E., Tananaki C., Menkissoglu-Spiroudi U., & Thrasyvoulou A (2008) Residues distribution of acaricide coumaphos in honey following the application of a new slow release formulation. Pest Management Sci 64:165-171. {C}35. Dimou Μ, Taraza S. Thrasyvoulou A., Vasilakakis M (2008) Effect of bumblebee pollination on greenhouse strawberry production. J. Apic. Res 47(2):99-101 {C}36. Emmanuel Karazafiris, Urania Menkissoglu-Spiroudi, Andreas Thrasyvoulou (2008) New multiresidue method using solid-phase extraction and gas chromatography-micro-electron-capture detection for pesticide residues analysis in royal jelly. Journal of Chromatography 1209:(1-2): 17-21. {C}37. Alexandros Papachristoforou, Jerome Sueur, Agnes Rortais, Sotirios Angelopoulos, Andreas Thrasyvoulou, Gerard Arnold (2008) High frequency sounds produced by Cyprian honeybees Apis mellifera cypria when confronting their predator the oriental hornet Vespa orientalis. Apidologie 39 (4): 468-474 {C}38. Tananaki Chrisoula, Sofia Gounari, Andreas Thrasyvoulou (2009) The effect of smoke on the volatile characteristics of honey. J.Apic. Res. 48(2):48-53 {C}39. Karabournioti S.E., I. Tsiripidis, A. Thrasyvoulou, E.P. Eleftheriou (2009) Melissopalynological attributes of some Greek thyme honeys. J. Apic. Res. 48(2):91-101 {C}40. Dimou Maria and Andreas Thrasyvoulou (2009) Pollen analysis of honeybee rectum as a method to record the bee pollen flora of an area. Apidologie 40:124-133. {C}41. {C}Manikis I., S. Vartani, M. Dimou and A. Thrasyvoulou (2011) Sugar analysis of Menalou vanilia fir honey. J. of ApiProduct and ApiMedical Science 3(2):101-103. {C}42. {C}Sarah L. Jones, Richard Jones and Andreas Thrasyvoulou (2011). Disseminating research about bee products. A review of articles published in the Journal of Apicultural Research over the past fifty years. Journal of ApiProduct and ApiMedical Science 3(3):105-116 {C}43. Emmanouel Karazafiris, Chrysoula Tananaki,Andreas Thrasyvoulou1 and Urania Menkissoglu-Spiroudi (2011) Pesticide Residues in Bee Products. Chapter 1-3 In Pesticides in the Modern World Book 3 ISBN 978-953-307-458-0. {C}44. Theodora Petanidou, Gunilla Ståhls, Ante Vujić, Jens M Olesen, Santos Rojo, Andreas Thrasyvoulou, Stefanos Sgardelis, Athanasios S Kallimanis, Stella Kokkini and Thomas Tscheulin (2013). Investigating plant–pollinator relationships in the Aegean: the approaches of the project POL-AEGIS. (The pollinators of the Aegean archipelago: diversity and threats). Journal of Apicultural Research 52(2): 106-117. {C}45. {C}Maria Dimou, Chrysoula Tananaki , Georgios Goras, Emmanuel Karazafiris &Andreas Thrasyvoulou (2013) Melissopalynological analysis of royal jelly from Greece. Grana 52(2):106-112 {C}46. {C}Chrysoula Tananaki, Georgios Goras, Nicola Huggett, Emmanouel Karazafiris, Maria Dimou, Andreas Thrasyvoulou (2014). Evaluation of the impact of Exomite Pro™ on Varroa mite (Varroa destructor) populations and honeybee (Apis mellifera) colonies: Efficacy, side effects and residues. Parasitol Res. DOI 10.1007/s00436-013-3739. (accepted for publication, in press) {C}47. {C}Alexandra Chaskopoulou, Andreas Thrasyvoulou, Georgios Goras, Chrysoula Tananaki, Mark D. Latham, Javid Kashefi, Roberto M. Pereira, and Philip G. Koehler (2014) Non-target effects of aerial mosquito adulticiding with water-based unsynergized pyrethroids to honey bees and other beneficial insects in the agricultural ecosystem of North Greece. Journal of Medical Entomology (accepted for publication, in press) Recent presentations in International meetings (2000-2014) {C}48. G. Theophilidis, F. Hatjina, Aleś Gregorc, N. Pappas, S. Zacharioudakis, A. Thrasyvoulou (2002). Morphological differences in prothoracic spiracles between three strains of Apis mellifera L. Existence of a resistance mechanism against Acarapis woodi R. (oral presentation) In Procedings of the 6th European Bee Conference, Cardiff, UK, July 1-7, 2002, p. 62-65. {C}49. G. Theophilidis, F. Hatjina, Aleś Gregorc, N. Pappas, S. Zacharioudakis, A. Thrasyvoulou (2002). Morphological differences between thoracic and abdominal spiracles in Apis mellifera macedonica (oral presentation) In Procedings of 7th European Entomological Congress, Thessaloniki, October 7-13, 2002. {C}50. Gounari S. Thrasyvoulou, F. Hatjina & K. Zografou (2002). Ovulation behaviour of Marchalina hellenica (oral presentation) In Proceedings of 7th European Entomological Congress, Thessaloniki, October 7-13, 2002. {C}51. Gounari S., Thrasyvoulou A., Panagiotou P., (2003) “Aspects on biology of Marchalina hellenica (Coccina, Margarodidae).”(oral) Proceedings of the XXXVIIIth Apimondia International Apicultural Congress, Slovenia {C}52. Lazaridou E., Gounari S., Thrasyvoulou A “(2003) Factors affecting the production of royal jelly”, (oral),.Proceedings of the XXXVIIIth Apimondia International Apicultural Congress, Slovenia {C}53. Thrasyvoulou A Liakos B., & (2003) Controlling Varroa mites with coumaphos 10% Bees trips oral) Proceedings of the XXXVIIIth Apimondia International Apicultural Congress, Slovenia. {C}54. Tananaki C., Thrasyvoulou A., Gounari S., Tsatzani TT.(2003).The effect of smoke on the volatile characteristics of honey, Proceedings of XXXVIIIth Apimondia International Apicultural Congress, Ljubliana, Slovenia, August 24-29, p: 364-365. {C}55. Tananaki C., Karambournioti S., Thrasyvoulou A. (2003). Determination of geographical origin of Greek and Turkish pine honey using GC-MS analysis and pollen analysis. Proceedings of XXXVIIIth Apimondia International Apicultural Congress, Ljubliana, Slovenia, August 24-29, p: 370-371 (poster). {C}56. Dimou M,. Tananaki C., Karazaphiris M., Messanagrenos D., Atsaidis S., Thrasyvoulou A., Proceedings of XXXVIIIth Apimondia International Apicultural Congress, Ljubliana, Slovenia, August 24-29, (poster). {C}57. Thrasyvoulou A (2004) The influence of Common Agricultural Policy in member and Non-member European Countries, Regarding Bee and bee products. First Meeting of Beekeepers Association of Trakya and International Workshop on Apitherapy. Tekirdag Turkey April 1-2. {C}58. Karazafiris E., Menkissoglou-Spiroudi U.and Thrasyvoulou A (2004) Coumaphos residues in honey in relation to the position of the frame and the duration of treatment by checkmite bee strips 10%. Internaional meeding on the safety of bee products. Celle Germany April 27-28 . {C}59. Tananaki Ch., Karazafiris E and A. Thrasyvoulou(2004) Pesticide Residues in Greek honeys. The present situation International meeting on the safety of bee products. Celle Germany April 27-28 . {C}60. Tananaki Ch., Τhrasyvoulou A. The effect of heat on the volatile compounds of pine honey, Proceedings of “EurBee" - European Conference of Apidology, Udine 19-23 Sept. 2004, Italy, p 131. {C}61. Montury M., Tananaki C., Menkissoglou U., Thrassivoulou A. Echantillons de miels grecs et turcs essais de classification, ACTES du XVe Congrès National de l’ Apiculture Française. 14-15 Octobre 2004, Mende. {C}62. Tananaki C., Karazafiris Ε., Mengissoglou – Spiroudu U., Thrasyvoulou A. Current situation of residues in Greek honey. Poster. APIMODIA Symposium 2004: “Prevention of Residues in Honey 2”, Celle (poster). {C}63. Dimou M. (2004).Comparative study of pollen collected from pollen trap and pollen collected from hive. Proceedings of European Conference of Apidology, Udine, Italy. {C}64. Dimou M., Katsaros J., Tzavella Klonari K., Thrasyvoulou A. (2005). Using Microscopical Analysis to identify the botanical origin of Greek honeydew honeys, XXXIX Proceedings of Apimondia Congress, Dublin Ireland {C}65. Tananaki C. Thrasyvoulou A., Gkoras Determination of 1,4-dichlorobenzene in honey and royal jelly. G. Proceedings of 39th Apimodia. Internation Apicultural Cogreess , Dublin 21 – 26th 2005 p.131 (poster). {C}66. {C}Dimou M., Tananaki C., Karazaphiris E., Mesanagrenos D., Atsaides S., Thrasyvoulou A. (2005). Characterization of honeys from the island of Rhodes, Greece, Proceedings of XXXIX Apimondia Congress, Dublin Ireland. {C}67. {C}Goras G., Lazaridou E., Felekidou P., Ioannou D., Thrasyvoulou A (2005) “Production of royal jelly in queenright colonies” Proceedings of 39th Apimondia International Apicultural Congress Dublin, Ireland {C}68. Karazafiris E., Menkissoglu-Spiroudi & Thrasyvoulou A (2005) Acaricide residues in Greek and Cyprian honey. Proceedings of 39th Apimondia International Apicultural Congress Dublin, Ireland {C}69. {C}Karazaphiris E., Menkissoglu-Spiroudi U. & Thrasyvoulou A. (2005) Assessment of pesticides in cotton honey from Greece. The MGPR International Symposium Kusadasi-Aydin, Turkey, September 21-24, 2005 {C}70. Theodoropoulos K., Papachristophorou A., A. Thrasyvoulou (2005) Removal of honeybee eggs after treatment with water solution sprays. Proceedings of 39th Apimondia International Apicultural Congress Dublin, Ireland {C}71. Papachristophorou A, Portais A., Arnold G., Ioannides I, A. Thrasyvoulou (2005) Defensive behaviour of Apis mellifera cyprian against the hornet Vespa orientalis. Proceedings of 39th Apimondia International Apicultural Congress Dublin, Ireland {C}72. Tananaki C Thrasyvoulou A. A comparison of pine honey’s volatile compounds with those of honeydew produced from Marchalina hellenica. 2nd European Conference of Apidology, Prague 10-14th Sept 2006, Czech Republic (έγινε αποδεκτό). {C}73. Tananaki C Thrasyvoulou A. The formation of furan derivatives in fir honey during heating. 2nd European Conference of Apidology, Prague 10-14th Sept 2006, Czech Republic (έγινε αποδεκτό). {C}74. Dimou M., Thrasyvoulou A. (2006) The effect of pollen traps on the pollen preferences of honeybees, 2nd European Conference of Apidology, Prague, Czech Republic. {C}75. {C}Dimou M., Thrasyvoulou A., Goras, G. (2006) A study on the geographical origin of royal jelly, 7th European Paleobotany - Palynology Conference, Prague, Czech Republic. {C}76. Dimou M., Thrasyvoulou A., Yfantidis, M.(2006) Using nurse bees to record the pollen flora of an area, 7th European Paleobotany - Palynology Conference, Prague, Czech Republic. {C}77. Goras Georgios, Karazafiris Emmanuel, Kanelis Dimitrios, Ioannidou Maria, Menkissoglu-Spiroudi Urania and Thrasyvoulou Andreas, 2006. Assessment of residues detected in royal jelly after the application of registered synthetic acaricides. 6th European pesticide residue workshop-Corfu Greece; may 21-25. Poster. {C}78. Karazafiris Emmanuel, Goras Georgios, Menkissoglu-Spiroudi Urania and Thrasyvoulou Andreas, 2006. A new Solid Phase Extraction method for pesticide residues analysis in royal jelly. 6th European pesticide residue workshop-Corfu Greece; May 21-25. Poster. {C}79. Crisoula Tananaki (2007) Determination of the volatile compounds of citrus honey by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry using purge and trap thermal desorption extraction. IBRA International Conference on recent trends in Apicultural Science. Mikkeli, Finland 10-14 June 2007. Proceeding abstract page {C}80. Dimou Maria & Andreas Thrasyvoulou (2007) Pollen source of honeybees: a case study of pollen collected by honeybees in Thessaloniki, Greece. IBRA International Conference on recent trends in Apicultural Science. Mikkeli, Finland 10-14 June 2007. Proceeding abstract page 86. {C}81. {C}Dimou Maria, Smaragda Taraza, Andreas Thrasyvoulou and Miltiadis Vasilakakis (2007) Effect of bumblebee on greenhouse strawberry production. International Conference on recent trends in Apicultural Science. Mikkeli, Finland 10-14 June 2007. Proceeding abstract page 70. {C}82. {C}Tananaki C., Thrasyvoulou A. (2007) The formation of furan derivatives in pine honey during storage. 5th International Congress on Food Technology, Thessaloniki 9-11 March 2007, Greece. {C}83. {C}Karazafeiris Emmanouil, Souna Aikaterini, Menkissoglu-Spiroudi Urania and Thrasyvoulou Andreas, 2007. Survey of pesticide and antibiotic residues in Greek honey. 5th international symposium on pesticides in food and the environment in Mediterranean countries, Agadir, Morocco 21-24 November. Poster. {C}84. Thrasyvoulou A. & Ch. Tananaki (2008) The ohysicochemical characteristics of greek oak honey Oak. 1st World Symposium on honeydew honeys .Tzarevo, Bulgaria {C}85. Thrasyvoulou A. (2008) The implication of European Legislation on beekeeping practices. Apimondia Symposium Bugarest Romania. (Inviter speaker) {C}86. . Thrasyvoulou A (2008) Nocema ceranae in Greece and some attempts to control it. Mugla Turkey. International Symposium. (Inviter speaker) {C}87. Thrasyvoulou A (2009) Control of bee diseases without pharmaceutical treatments. Pleven Bulgaria13/2-15/2/2009 {C}88. Thrasyvoulou A., Tananaki Ch., Goras G. Dimou M. Karazaphiris E (2009) Honeydew honeys of Europe. 41st International Gongress of Apimondia Montpellier France 15-20 Sept. {C}89. Thrasyvoulou A., Tananaki Ch., Goras G. Dimou M. Karazaphiris E (2009). Attempts to control Nocema ceranae in Greeece. 41st International Gongress of Apimondia Montpellier France 15-20 Sept. {C}90. Thrasyvoulou A., Tananaki Ch (2009). The enzyme content of monofloral honeys as quality criterion. 41st International Gongress of Apimondia Montpellier France 15-20 Sept. {C}91. Thrasyvoulou A. (2010) The European Honeydew honeys. International Congress Chania- Creta 6-9 April Μελ. Επιθ. 24(3):159-162. Proceedings p. (organizer) {C}92. Tananaki Ch. & A. Thrasyvoulou (2010) Thrasyvoulou A. (2010) Improvements of regulations on organic farming to facilitate the practice of organic beekeeping. Sany Beach Bulgaria 27-29 August. Proceedings p. {C}93. {C} Thrasyvoulou A. (2010) Contamination of bee products by beekeeping practices. 1st International Congress on Pollination and impact of environmental pollution on hive products. Penn State University July 2010 Proceedings p. (Inviter speaker) {C}94. {C}Thrasyvoulou A (2010) The variability of diastase activity in monofloral honeys. Eurbee 2010: 4th European Conference of Apidology. September 7-9, 2010, Ankara, TURKEY. Proceedings p. (Inviter speaker and organizer) {C}95. Chrisoula Tananaki, Andreas Thrasyvoulou (2010) The aroma profile of thyme honey. Eurbee 2010: 4th European Conference of Apidology. September 7-9, 2010, Ankara, TURKEY. Proceedings p. {C}96. {C}Thrasyvoulou A. (2010) Contamination of bee products by chemicals from the environment and beekeeping practices. National Congress of Spain beekeepers. Cordova (Inviter speaker). {C}97. {C}Goras G., D.Kanelis, E. Karazafiris. U. Menkissoglu, A. Thrasyvoulou. Comparative study of coumaphos residues detected in royal jelly collected from natural and artificial queen cells. MGPR International Symposium “Paolo Cabras, 9-11 Nοεμβρίου 2011. {C}98. Dimou M. P. Gotsiou, Tananaki Ch. Thrasyvoulou A. Botanical origin of the main honey types in Crete, Greece. International Honey Commission Working group,Workshop. Θεσσαλονίκη 10-11 Απριλίου 2013. {C}99. Maria Dimou Tananaki Ch. Thrasyvoulou A. Accreditation in melissopalynology. International Honey Commission Working group,Workshop. Θεσσαλονίκη 10-11 Απριλίου 2013. {C}100. Dimou M, Karabournioti S, Gotsiou P, Tananaki Ch. Thrasyvoulou A Nectarless plants frequently found in honeys. International Honey Commission Working group,Workshop. Θεσσαλονίκη 10-11 Απριλίου 2013. {C}101. Dimou M, Tananaki C, Gotsiou P Over/under-represented pollen grains frequently found in honeys. International Honey Commission Working group,Workshop. Θεσσαλονίκη 10-11 Απριλίου 2013. {C}102. Tananaki C. Rodopoulou M. Dimou M.Evaluating monofloral honeys having mixtures with over-represented pollen. International Honey Commission Working group,Workshop. Thessaloniki 10-11 April 2013. {C}103. Thrasyvoulou A. Dimou M. Chair of workshop in melissopalynology. International Honey Commission. Symposium on Bee Products Opatijia, Sept. 2014 {C}104. Thrasyvoulou A.(2014) Plennary lecture on Standards and regulations for other bee products rather than honey. International Honey Commission. Symposium on Bee Products Opatijia, Sept. 2014. {C}105. D. Kanelis, C. Tananaki, V. Liolios, M. Dimou, G. Goras, Thrasyvoulou A.(2014) factors that may affect the quality standards of royal jelly and pollen. International Honey Commission. Symposium on Bee Products Opatijia, Sept. 2014. {C}106. . Liolios, C. Tananaki, M. Dimou, D. Kanelis, G. Goras, E. Karazafiris, A. Thrasyvoulou (2014) Predict the chemical composition of pollen. International Honey Commission. Symposium on Bee Products Opatijia, Sept. 2014. {C}107. V. Liolios, C. Tananaki, M. Dimou, D. Kanelis, G. Goras, E. Karazafiris, A. Thrasyvoulou (2014) Sorting pollen from bee plants according to their protein contribution to honey bees. International Honey Commission. Symposium on Bee Products Opatijia, Sept. 2014. Publications in Greek journals Over than 170 articles in different greek beekeeping journals Books 1. {C}Thrasyvoulou A (1989) Pollination of Crops by Insects. Aristotle University p. 104. 2. {C}Thrasyvoulou (1977) Diseases and Enemies of Honeybees. Mellissokomiki Epitheorisis Thessaloniki p. 166. Thrasyvoulou A. (1998) Apply Apiculture. Mellissokomiki Epitheorisis Thessaloniki p. 27