Egils Stalidzans
Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology
University of Latvia
Egils Stalidzans is a professor at Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, at the Faculty of Information Technologies and director of the Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology at the University of Latvia. He leads the Computational Systems Biology Group at the University of Latvia. Egils Stalidzans established the group in 2006 and since then the group has participated in five ERA-net and several other projects mostly related to the modeling and optimisation of metabolism. The group has published also several software tools (ConvAn, Paint4Net, ModeRator) and has co-authored the COBRA Toolbox v3.0. Scientific activities of Egils Stalidzans concentrate at the optimisation of microbial metabolism for biotechnological needs combining pathway scale kinetic modeling and genome scale constraint based stoichiometric modeling. He works at the improvement of the feasibility of proposed metabolic engineering designs introducing different constraints (homeostatic constraint, amino acid availability constrant, microbial resources constraints and others). Total Optimisation Potential (TOP) approach has been developed to reduce the number of simulations looking for reasonable designs with minimal set adjustable parameters.