Amparo Roca
Artificial Intelligence Talentum, S.L.
AI Talentum is specialized in the development of expert systems and prediction models. The company has developed a comprehensive methodology which makes it possible to undertake the modelling and processing of big quantities of information, the generation of simulations, and finally, its incorporation into decision-taking and operational models in real-time. Through carrying out and improving complex mathematics models, we research the development of new algorithms adapted to project needs from different areas of society, resulting in expert computer systems with automatic learning capacity. These solutions address an appropriate designing and comprehensive development plan on a case-by-case basis. The staff of Artificial Intelligence Talentum is composed by a group of highly qualified experts in different technological fields such as Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Computer Sciences. Most them are PhDs with extensive research experience, both in academia and industry. On the other hand, this technological background is backed by the ample professional career of the company founders, which have years of experience in the private sector. In this way, AI Talentum offers both the technological and commercial skills needed for an effective and profitable technology transfer from universities and research groups to business world. A key point in AI Talentum’s strategy is the collaboration with Universities and Research Groups, both to seek support when facing new challenges and also to identify new market opportunities. With the goal of to strengthening this link, the company has established some long-term collaborations with some Researchers and Groups, and two years ago, it also started a program which allows some students in their last year of their degrees to work in the company for some months and become involved in a real project in a business environment. Projects experience The executive team of the company has extensive background in leading projects with universities. 2004: “Electronic equipments of electromagnetic diathermy applied to dermatology”, R&D project in collaboration with the Applied Telecommunications Research Group of the Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM). We looked for a new radiofrequency treatment applied to facial rejuvenation. 2005: “High stability and efficacy cosmetic products development”, R&D project in collaboration with the Smart materials Department of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. “Prediction of cosmetic products stability through rheological techniques”, conducted in collaboration with the Macromolecules Department of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences, Universidad de Murcia. 2006: “Selection photo modulation system through light emitting diodes applied to cosmetic and dermatological treatments”, in collaboration with the Applied Telecommunications Research Group of the Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia. 2007: “Biodiesel preparation in supercritical mean from non-alimentary use oils and without pollution effluents”, in collaboration with the Faculty of Chemical Sciences of the Universidad de Murcia. 2008: “Cell and histological changes in the connective tissue produced by the radiofrequency application with the complex method”, conducted in collaboration with the Cell Biology Department of the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad de Murcia. “New hair pigments”. New molecules creation for hair pigments using recombining chemistry, in collaboration with the Faculty of Chemical Sciences of the Universidad de Murcia. 2009: “Electromagnetic radiation effects in gametes”, in collaboration with the Faculty of Veterinary and the Faculty of Physic of the Universidad de Murcia. And so on... 2014-2016: At present, the described approach is being applied to a project in collaboration with the University of Murcia which is being financed by the Spanish “Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial (CDTI)” (Centre for Industrial Technological Development). The project, which began in April this year and will end in March 2016, is aimed at the development of a new generation of “expert advisor” systems for the financial trading sector. These systems analyze direct market data from different sources, as well as several quantitative indicators, processing them by means of custom designed Neural and Bayesian networks and distributed computing, producing an information output to provide support in the decision making process. We also have participated in the Tetracom Technology Transfer Project with the aim to develop new drugs trough computational tools conducted by the Bioinformatics and High Performance Computing Group of the Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia. We are part of the European EIT Food consortium, the Food Connects, through the RisingFoodStars club. The aim of this consortium is to to boost the skills and entrepreneurial spirit in the food sector and unlock the potential of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), which in turn will accelerate innovation, create jobs, benefit businesses and increase Europe’s competitiveness. All the projects carried out have had in common the application of complex mathematical models to obtain prediction models, which is essential in the farming sector production.