Bo Stenberg
Department of Soil and Environment, Precision Agriculture and Pedometrics
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Curriculum vitae Bo Stenberg, March 2015 1 Personal Birth date: 1965-03-05 Address: Division of Precision Agriculture and Pedometrics, Department of Soil and Environment, SLU, PO Box 234, 532 23 Skara. Phone: 0511-67276; 0730-777276 Driver’s license: BE 2 University degrees Associate Professor (Docent): 2005 in Soil science and plant nutrition. PhD: 1997 in Soil Microbiology. Integrated evaluation of chemical, physical and biological properties of agricultural soil. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Microbiology. Master of Science in Agronomy: 1991 in Soil and Crop. SLU. 3 Research Interests and expertise Digital soil mapping and variable rate fertilizer application in precision agriculture systems Farm soil mapping Proximal soil sensing and soil sensors Three dimensional soil mapping Diffuse Near infrared spectroscopy for soil analysis Soil microbial processes (not up-to-date) Initiate, draft, manage, execute and report research projects 4 Current position Duration: 2004 - present Employment: Research leader Placement: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Soil and Environment, Precision Agriculture and Pedometrics Research/teaching: Research 40% of full time, teaching 5% of full time, Administration and strategic work 50% of full time. 5 Previous employments Duration: 2000 - 2004 Employment: Researcher, Full time Placement Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Soil and Environment, Precision Agriculture and Pedometrics Duration: 1998 - 2000 Employment: Researcher, Full time Placement: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Microbiology Duration: 1992 - 1998 Employment: PhD position, Full time Placement: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Microbiology 6 Parental leave Sep. 1996-Feb. 97 (50%) February-May 1997 (40%) October 1999-Sept. 2000 (50%) October-December 2000 (20%). 7 Special commissions Guest editor of JNIRS Special Issue on NIR Spectroscopy of Soil due autumn 2015. Member of the scientific committee for the First Conference on Proximal Sensing Supporting Precision Agriculture at Near Surface Geoscience 2015, 6-10 Sep 2015, Turin, Italy. Member of the scientific committee for the 3rd Global Workshop on Proximal Soil Sencing 2013, 26-29 May 2013, Potsdam, Germany. Co-organizer and Chair of the NJF Seminar 438, Sensors for soil and plant mapping and terrain analysis. 27-28 October 2010, Skara, Sweden. Co-organizing of the NJF seminar 413, Agricultural applications of NIRS and NIT. 27-28 April 2009 Denmark. Chair of the NJF working group and workshop “Soil Stresses, Quality and Care” in Ås, Norway April 2000. 1999-2000. Member of the scientific committee for the 16th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy 3-7 June 2013, Montpellier, France. Members of the Scientific Committee for the Third Global Workshop on Proximal Soil Sensing 2013, 26-29 May 2013, Potsdam, Germany. Members of the Scientific Committee for the First Global Workshop on High Resolution Digital Soil Sensing & Mapping 5-8 Feb 2008, Sydney Australia. Networks: Project leader of Precision Agriculture Sweden (POS), a network and knowledge platform for research, development, information and extension service engaging scientists, extension organizations, national policy, farmers and industry. 2004- Member of the coordinator committee for the Global Soil Spectroscopy Group. 2008- Swedish representative on the European Program committee for The Biennal European Conference of Precicion Agriculture. 2007-2011 Member of the Swedish Soil Mapping Advisory Board (Markkarteringsrådet). 2005- Regular (at least two per year) participation and presentations at international research conferences and workshops. Assessments: Research grant assessment for the Research Council of Norway (RI). 2014 Research grant assessment for the Israel Science Foundation (ISF). 2013 Research grant assessment for the STEREO II programme "Support To the Exploitation and Research of Earth Observation data" Belgian Science Policy Office. 2010. Research grant assessment for the Czech Science Foundation (GA CR). 2008. Research grant assessment for the Natural Environment Research Council (GB). 2001 Microbial Indicators of Soil Health, Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser (DMU), Roskilde. 25 September 2001. Advisory seminar for an environmental survey program of terrestrial systems. Invited speaker and supervisor. Journal Reviewer: Geoderma (27; Member of Editorial Board); Geoderma Regional (2; Member of the Editorial Board); Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy (8); Acta Agricuturae Scandinavica (6); Soil Science Society of America Journal (7); AMBIO (4); European Journal of Soil Science (6); Plant and Soil (3); Soil Biology and Biochemistry (2); Australian Journal of Soil Research (2); Precision Agriculture (2); Environmental Science & Technology (2); Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems (2); Oecologia (1); Applied Soil Ecology (1); Applied Clay Science (1); Journal of Contaminant Hydrology (1); European Journal of Agronomy (1); International Journal of Geosciences (1); Soil Science (2); Science (1) 8 Persons who have completed their doctoral degree for whom I have been the main supervisor or deputy supervisor Main Supervisor: Johanna Wetterlind, Oct. 2009 Lena Engström, Dec. 2010 Deputy Supervisor: Maria Knadel, Aarhus University, Denmark, Dec. 2012 Suzana Romeiro Araújo, University of São Paulo USP, Brazil, Jan. 2013 9 Mentorship of post-doctoral fellows Kristin Piikki, from the University of Gothenburg, 2009-2011. 10 Experience of communicating results with stakeholders/end users Project leader of the network and knowledge platform Precision Agriculture Sweden (POS), engaging scientists, extension organisations, policy makers, farmers and industry. Communicating knowledge and news about precision agriculture to stakeholders in agronomy is one of the major tasks. Member of the Swedish Soil Mapping Advisory Board (Markkarteringsrådet). A forum for researchers, extension service, agriculture laboratories, farmers associations, farmers supply industry and policy makers aiming at the development of farm soil mapping as a decision support in agriculture and at improving good practice in farm soil mapping. Act as coordinator in two Vinova implementation projects managed by Swedish entrepreneur and inventor Börje Ohlin, Terrigio, Skövde, Sweden. Collaboration with FOSS, Hilleröd, Denmark, for implementation of near infrared spectroscopy as an analytical solution in soil analyses. Several presentations at the annual crop production conferences (Växtodlingskonferencerna) in Uddavalla and Växsjö with an audience of agriculture extensionists, farmers and authority representatives. At least yearly interviews by agricultural press about precision agriculture and sensors in agriculture. 11 Software Skilled in Microsoft Office, Unscrambler (chemometrics), SigmaPlot (scientific graphs and data analysis and statistics) and EndNote (reference management). Some experience of ArcGIS and Statistica (advanced statistics) 12 Languages Speak and write in Swedish and English.