Bart De Lathouwer
Open Geospatial Consortium Europe
Bart De Lathouwer is responsible for planning and managing interoperability initiatives such as testbeds, pilots and interoperability experiments with an emphasis on activities in Europe. Since 2001, Mr. De Lathouwer has worked first as European liaison to the geospatial division of Autodesk and later as Autodesk's Product Manager for Server Technologies. In this role, he also served as member company representative to the OGC. As a company representative, he started the OGC CAD-GIS Interoperability Working Group (which evolved into the OGC 3DIM Domain Working Group, includes the BIM aspects) and managed the development of a core data access technology FDO (Feature Data Object) that later went open source in OSGeo. After returning to Europe, he worked as a geospatial expert for both private and government organizations focused on interoperability. De Lathouwer is GEO IN-05 task lead (Architecture Implementation Pilot) that brings together 85+ associations and organizations to prototype future extensions to the GEOSS Common Infrastructure. AIP always had a strong Agricultural focus (crop management), in combination with Water and Disaster Management (drought or flooding). Bart De Lathouwer participates in FP7 COBWEB (Biological monitoring through crowd sourcing) and the European Location Framework (deliver a pan European cloud platform and web services to build on the existing work of the INSPIRE Directive and enable access to harmonized data in cross border applications.). The UK Plugfest was lead by Bart De Lathouwer, to investigate the state of play on the use of interoperable services in the UK Market. The W3C and OGC workshop on Linked Data was co-organized by Bart that resulted in the further collaboration between OGC and the W3C. Bart De Lathouwer is a regular speaker on international conferences and contributes to article on the Internet of Things, Earth Observation, Sensor Web Enablement and the Build Environment.