Carsten Petersen
Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Life Sciences
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
University of Copenhagen
Personel Born 23.06.1957 Contact University of Copenhagen (KU), Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences (PLEN) Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg C. Email: Telephone: +45 3533 3389 Education Master 1982 (Agronomy), Ph.D. 1987 (Agronomy) Employments Consultant, ”Det danske Hedeselskab”, Odense (now DDH; irrigation and drainage) 1982 Adviser, “Landskontoret for Planteavl”, Aarhus (now SEGES; irrigation and drainage) 1982-1984 Ph.D. student (Agrohydrologi and Bioclimatology) at KVL (now KU; remote sensing) 1985-1987 Assisting professor /associate professor KVL / KU 1987-date Scientific Expertise Soil/environmental physics; preferential water flow and contaminant transport in soil; physical crop growth factors; soil compaction and crop responses; soil tillage and drainage; remote sensing. Selected experience record - Project management Are pt. engaged in the following research projects: i) “Jordbearbejdningens indflydelse på pesticidudvaskning til markdræn”. Project leader. Financed by the Danish Ministry of the Environment, Copenhagen. ii) ”Dybe bioporers arealmæssige forekomst og betydning for pesticidudvaskningen mellem jordoverfladen og kemisk reduceret grundvandszone i moræneler”. Work package leader. Financed by the Danish Ministry of the Environment, Copenhagen. iii) “Jordpakning og jordens egnethed som dyrkningsmedie. Work package leader. Financed by SEGES, Aarhus. Have previously lead/participated in numerous research projects with Danish and international partners. Teaching Teaching at all levels (bachelor, master and Ph.D.). Pt. responsible for 3 courses (Soil, Water and Plants; Experimental Soil Analyses; Applied Agrohydrology), and contributor with few lectures in two other courses. Have over the years supervised more than 50 master/bachelor projects (pt. four). Have contributed in the development of new courses and teaching materials. Key personal assignments Approximately: teaching (55%); research (40%), administrative obligations (5%). Publications Author or co-author of about 96 national or international publications. Selected recent papers: Nielsen, MH, Petersen, CT, Hansen S (2015): Identification of efficient transport pathways from the soil surface to field drains by smoke injection. Eur. J. Soil Sci. (available online). doi: 10.1111/ejss.12235. Bruun, EW, Petersen, CT Hansen, E, Holm, JK, Haugaard-Nielsen, H (2014): Biochar amendment to coarse sandy subsoil improves root growth and increases water retention. Soil Use and Management 30:109-118. Mollerup, M, Abrahamsen, P, Petersen, CT, Hansen, S, (2014): Comparison of simulated water, nitrate, and bromide transport using a Hooghoudt-based and a dynamic drainage model. Water Resour. Res. 50:1080-1094. Hansen, S, Abrahamsen, P, Petersen, CT, Styczen, M (2012): Daisy: model use, calibration and validation. Transactions of the ASABE 55:1315-1333. Petersen, CT, Nielsen, MH, Hansen, S (2012): Quantification of drain connected macroporous flow path-ways by smoke injection. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 76 : 331-341. Bruun, EW, Petersen, C, Strobel, BW, Hauggaard-Nielsen, H (2012): Nitrogen and carbon leaching in repacked sandy soil with added fine particulate biochar. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 76 : 1142-1148. Gjettermann, B, Petersen CT, Hansen S, Koch CB, Styczen M (2011): Kinetics of glyphosate desorption from mobilized soil particles. Soil Sc. Soc. Am. J. 75, 434-443. Gjettermann, B, Styczen M, Koch CB, Hansen S, Petersen CT (2011): Evaluation of sampling strategies for pesticides in a macroporous sandy loam soil. Soil and Sediment Contamination 20: 986-994.