Lars Munkholm
Department of Agroecology
Aarhus University
Curriculum Vitae: Lars Juhl Munkholm Date of Birth November 24, 1967 Residence Hviddingvej 49, DK-8830 Tjele, phone (+45) 86450333 Work Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University, P.O. Box 50, DK-8830 Tjele. Civil status Married, three boys (12, 13 and 16 years old). Education 2013: DSc. Dept. Agroecology, Aarhus University, Denmark 2001: Ph.D. Dept. Agricultural Science, The Royal Vet. and Agric. University, Copenhagen 1992: Cand. agro. (M.Sc.), The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen Appointments 2002- : Senior scientist, Dept. Agroecology, Aarhus University 2007-2010: Head of research unit, Dept. Agroecology and Environment, Aarhus Univ. 1996-2002: Scientist, Department of Agroecology, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences 1994-1996: Crop advisor, Landbocentret Mariager 1993-1994: Crop advisor, Hobro Landbocenter Professional experiences (boards, committees, etc) 2014- : Associate Editor for Soil Use and Management. 2013-: Member of the editorial board for Geoderma. 2012-: Member of the board of International Soil Tillage Research Organization (ISTRO) 2010: Visiting scientist at School of Environmental Sciences, Univ. Of Guelph, Ontario, Canada 2007-2011: Chairman of the Danish branch of NJF (Nordic Ass. Agric. Scientist) 2004-2011: Vice-chairman of Section I (Soil, Water and Environment), Nordic Ass. Agric. Scientist 2004: Visiting scientist, adjunct professor at Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Univ.of Tennessee, USA 2000: Visiting scientist at Dept. of Land Resource Science, Univ. of Guelph, Ontario, Canada 1997-: Member of the International Soil Tillage Research Organization (ISTRO) and serving as Secretary for working group “Visual soil examination and evaluation”; member of the “Controlled traffic farming” working group. Research area Soil structural quality as influenced by soil management; Characterization and quantification of soil structure using visual field methods, traditional quantitative laboratory methods as well as more advanced tomographic methods. Major expertise on soil fragmentation in tillage and the influence of tillage and traffic on root growth. Awards 2010 OECD Fellowship Award under the OECD Co-operative Research Programme Teaching and supervision Supervisor for 1 post doc, 5 PhD students and 1 MSc student - has supervised 1 post doc 5 PhD’s and 3 MSc students who have finsished. Examiner at 1 PhD defense. Responsible for “Agroøkologi” (BSc course); Co-responsible for “Agroecology and Environment” (MSc course). Review Reviewer for Soil Science Society America Journal, Geoderma, Plant and Soil, New Phytologist, Soil Use and Management, Soil & Tillage Research, Canadian Journal of Soil Science, Soil Science, Journal of Agricultural Science, Agriculture Ecoystems and Environment, Agriculturae Scandinavica Sec. B. Journal of Soil Science. Biosystems Engineering, Soil Research. Chairman or member of evaluation committee for 2 associate professors/senior scientist. Meetings/conferences 2014: Co-organiser of ISTRO workshop, Maringa, Brasil (35 particpants) 2011: Organiser of the ISTRO workshop “Applications of soil visual evaluation” (27 part.). 2010: Co-org., NJF symposium “Climate Change and Agricultural Production in the Baltic Sea Region” (200 part.). 2007: Co-organiser of the 23rd NJF congress in Copenhagen June 2007 (350 participants). 2006: Chairman of the organisation committee of NJF seminar 378, May 2006 (50 participants). Lars J. Munkholm publications Senior or co-author on 165 publications: 59 peer-reviewed +6 submitted, 64 conference presentations. Citations: 850 in Web of Science, 1340 in Google Scholar, H-index: 17 (Web of Science), 21 (Google Scholar). Editor of CABI book: Visual Soil Evaluation: Realising Potential Crop Production with Minimum Environmental Impact (2015) DSc thesis Munkholm, L.J., 2013. Soil Friability- concept, assessment, and effects of soil properties and management. Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University, Denmark. Papers in refereed international journals and books 2012-present Edwards, G, Sørensen,C.A., Bochtis,D., Munkholm, L.J. 2015. Optimised schedules for sequential agricultural operations using a tabu search method. Computer and Electronics in Agriculture (Accepted) Wahlström, E.M., Hansen, E.M., Mandel, A., Garbout, A., Kristensen, H.L., Munkholm, L.J. 2015. Root development of winter wheat and fodder radish before winter in relation to uptake of nitrogen. European Jornal of Agronomy (accepted). Ball, B.C., Munkholm, L.J., 2015. The looks of soil in the future. In Ball, B.C., Munkholm, L.J. (eds) Visual Soil Evaluation: Realising Potential Crop Production with Minimum Environmental Impact, CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK (In Press). Hansen, E.M., Munkholm, L.J., Olesen, J.E., Melander, B. 2015. Nine years of non-inversion tillage did not reduce N leaching nor improve carbon sequestration. Journal of Environmental Quality (In press). Munkholm, L.J., Holden, N.M. 2015. Visual evaluation of grassland and arable management impacts on soil quality. In Ball, B.C., Munkholm, L.J. (eds) Visual Soil Evaluation: Realising Potential Crop Production with Minimum Environmental Impact, CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK (In Press). Weil, A, Munkholm, L.J. 2015 Describing soil structures, rooting and biological activity and recognising tillage effects, damage and recovery from damage in fine and coarse-textured soils. In Ball, B.C., Munkholm, L.J. (eds) Visual Soil Evaluation: Realising Potential Crop Production with Minimum Environmental Impact, CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK (In Press). Abdollahi, L., Hansen, E.M., Rickson, J.M., Munkholm, L.J., 2015. Overall assessment of soil quality on humid sandy loams: Effects of location, rotation and tillage, Soil and Tillage Research. 145, 29-36. Ball, B.C., Batey, T., Munkholm, L.J., Guimarães, R.M.L., Boizard, H., McKenzie, D.C., Peigné, J., Tormena, C.A., Hargreaves, P. 2015.The numeric visual evaluation of subsoil structure (SubVESS) under agricultural production. Soil and Tillage Research, 148, 85-96. Abdollahi, L., Munkholm, L.J. 2014. The Effect of Different Tillage Systems and Cover Crops on Soil Quality, Part I: Chemical, Mechanical, and Biological Properties. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 78,262-270. Abdollahi, L., Munkholm, L.J., Garbout, A. 2014. The Effect of Different Tillage Systems and Cover Crops on Soil Quality, Part II: Pore Characteristiscs. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 78, 271-279. Abdollahi, L., Schjønning, P., Elmholt, S., Munkholm, L.J. 2014. The effects of organic matter application and intensive tillage and traffic on soil structure formation and stability Soil and Tillage Research 136, 28-37. Andersen, M.N., Munkholm, L.J., Nielsen, A.L. 2013. Effects of soil compaction on root development, radiation-use efficiency and yield of three winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars. ACTA Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B Soil & Plant Science, 63, 409-419. Ball, B.C., Munkholm, L.J., Batey, T. 2013. Applications of visual soil evaluation. Soil and Tillage Research, 127, 1-2. Chen, Y., Munkholm, L.J., Nyord, T. 2013. A discrete element model for soil-sweep interaction in three different soils. Soil and Tillage Research, 126, 34-41. Chen, Y., Munkholm, L.J., Nyord, T. 2013. Selection of design parameters for a slurry injection tool. Transactions of the ASABE, 56, 1653-1663. Garbout, A., Munkholm, L.J., Hansen, S.B. 2013. The use of PET/CT technique for 3D visualization and quantification of real-time soil/plant interactions. Plant and Soil 352, 113-127. Garbout, A., Munkholm, L.J., Hansen, S.B. 2013. Temporal dynamics for soil aggregates determined using X-ray CT scanning. Geoderma, 204-205. Garbout, A., Munkholm, L.J., Hansen, S.B 2013. Tillage effects on topsoil structural quality assessed using X-ray CT, soil cores and visual soil evaluation. Soil and Tillage Research, 128, 104-109. Mueller, L., Shepherd, T.G., Schindler, U., Ball, B.C., Munkholm, L.J., Hennings, V., Smolentseva, E.N., Rukhovic, O., Lukin, S. 2013. Evaluation of soil structure in the framework of an overall soil quality rating. Soil and Tillage Research, 127, 74-84 Munkholm, L.J., Heck, R. and Deen, B., 2013. Long-term effects of rotation and tillage on visual evaluation of soil structure, soil physical properties and crop yield. Soil and Tillage Research, 127, 85-91. Mutegi, J.K., Petersen, BM., Munkholm, L.J. 2013. Carbon sequestration and turnover of fodder radish cover crop in sandy loam soil. Soil Use and Management, 29, 191-198. Munkholm, L.J., Hansen, E.M. 2012. Catch crop and tillage effects on biomass production, nitrogen uptake and root development. Soil Use and Management. 28, 517-529. Munkholm, L.J., Heck, R.J., Deen, B., 2012. Soil pore characteristics assessed from X-ray micro-CT derived images and correlations to soil friability. Geoderma 181-182, 22-29. Schjønning,P.S., de Jonge, L.W., Munkholm, L.J., Christensen, B.T., Olesen, J.E., 2012. Clay dispersibility and soil friability – testing the soil clay-to-carbon saturation concept. Vadose Zone Journal, 11, 174-187.