Maria Rita Tagliaventi
Department of Sociology and Business Law
Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna
Contact by mailCurriculum Vitae Maria Rita Tagliaventi Main positions Since January 2018 Co-Chair of the Third Mission Committee, Department of Sociology and Business Law, University of Bologna October, 2015-November 2017 Deputy Chair, Department of Management, University of Bologna Since November 1st, 2001 Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Organizational and Management Theory, Department of Management, University of Bologna Education 1992-1995 Ph.D. in Management Engineering, Department of Management and Industrial Innovation, University of Padua 1984-1990, Laurea in Civil Engineering Summa cum Laude, University of Bologna International research experience 2016-2017 Visiting Scholar, Business School, The Open University, UK August 2015 Visiting Scholar, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 1997-1998 Visiting Scholar, Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Department, Stanford University (CA) Main general awards and honors 1997 Fulbright Research scholarship at Stanford University, USA 1996: Winner of the national competition C.N.R. (Italian Council for Research) n. 203.07.25 for a research fellowship at Stanford University, USA, from January 15, 1997 to October 15, 1997 Main publication awards 2017 Selection of the paper “The role of networks of practice, value sharing, and operational proximity in knowledge flows between professional groups” (with E. Mattarelli) as one of Human Relations journal’s best papers of the past decade, to be published again on a virtual special issue 2013 Best conference paper at the X conference of the Italian chapter of AIS (Association of Information Systems) for the paper ‘The effect of consistency between leadership and technology on knowledge integration in GDTs (with V. Poliandri, E. Mattarelli, F. Bertolotti, and A. Grandi) 2009 Best paper proceedings (co-authored with R. Grimaldi and E. Mattarelli) awarded by the Technology and Innovation Management Division of the Academy of Management 2008 Best paper proceedings (co-authored with E. Mattarelli) awarded by the Organizational Communication and Information Systems Division of the Academy of Management 2008 Best paper proceedings (co-authored with D. Russo and E. Mattarelli) awarded by the Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division of the Academy of Management 2007 Emerald Management Reviews Citation of Excellence for the article ‘The role of networks of practice, value sharing, and operational proximity in knowledge flows between professional groups’ on Human relations, with E. Mattarelli, considered one of the best papers in management in 2006 Recently funded research projects Since 2016 Italian project leader for the three-year project “PAMCoBA-Precision Agriculture – Methodologies for Cost Benefit Analysis”, EU era-net, ICT-Agri Call 2015 “Enabling Precision Agriculture” 2016-2017 Winner of a research grant by ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of University and Research) on ‘Professional Identities and Socialization to Profession’ (Principal Investigator) Most relevant recent publications Carli, G., Tagliaventi, M. R., Cutolo, D. (2018). One size does not fit all: the influence of individual and contextual factors on research excellence in academia. Studies in Higher Education, 1-19. Mattarelli E., Tagliaventi M.R., Carli G., Gupta A. (2017). The Role of Brokers and Social Identities in the Development of Capabilities in Global Virtual Teams. Journal of International Management, vol. 23, nr. 4, p. 382-398, ISSN: 1075-4253 Mattarelli E., Tagliaventi M.R. (2015). How Offshore Professionals' Job Dissatisfaction Can Promote Further Offshoring: Organizational Outcomes of Job Crafting. Journal of Management Studies, vol. 52, p. 585-620, ISSN: 0022-2380 Poliandri V., Mattarelli E., Bertolotti F., Tagliaventi M.R., Grandi A. (2014). The Effect of Consistency Between Leadership and Technology on Knowledge Integration in GDTs. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and organisation, vol. 6, pp.263-271, ISSN:2195-4968 Bertolotti F., Tagliaventi M.R. (2014). Social Networks and Group Effectiveness: The Role of External Network Ties. Lecture Notes in Social Networks, p. 83-104, ISSN:2190-5428 Poliandri V., Mattarelli E., Bertolotti F., Tagliaventi M. R., Grandi A. (2014). Consistency between Leadership and Technology In Gdts. In: (eds): Baglieri D. Metallo C. Rossignoli C. Pezzillo Iacono M. (Eds.), Information Systems, Management, Organization and Control. Smart Practices and Effects. vol. 6, p. 263-271, New York City:Springer International Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-319-07904-2 Mattarelli E., Tagliaventi M.R. (2010). Work-related Identities, Virtual Work Acceptance, and the Development of Glocalized Work Practices in Globally Distributed Teams. Industry and Innovation, vol. 17, p. 415-443, ISSN: 1366-2716 Tagliaventi M.R., Bertolotti F., D.M. Macrì (2010). A Perspective on Practice in Interunit Knowledge Sharing. European Management Journal, vol. 28, p. 331-345, ISSN: 0263-2373