Maria Dolores Fidelibus
Department of Water Engineering and Chemistry
Bari Polytechnic
Expertise: Hydrodynamical, geochemical and isotopic aspects of salinization processes of freshwaters in coastal karstic and detritic aquifers; Characterization of mass transport in karst systems with reference to their structure and unsaturated zone features; Methodologies for the reconstruction of flow conceptual models concerning fresh and salt groundwaters belonging to various type of aquifers (karstic, fractured, porous, both continental and coastal) through the study of water chemical composition and the integrated use of different types of environmental tracers (chemical, isotopical and physical); Reconstruction of convective thermal fields for the recognition of flow systems in anisotropic aquifers; Assessment of the pollution risk for karstic groundwaters; Recognition of transport mechanisms of conservative pollutants from surface to the saturated zone in karst aquifers. Facility: The Water Engineering and Chemistry Department (DIAC) is well supported by the technical staff in the application of internationally recognized water sampling methods and analytical protocols (USEPA, ISO, ASTM) and the use of advanced analytical techniques based on GC/MS; HPLC; ICP-OES; GC; IC; polarography; etc, as well as on routine analytical apparatuses. Priority: Protection and safeguard of water resources; pollutant transport dynamics.