Alberto Valejo
Instituto Pedro Nunes
Our projects: AgriSENSact (2013-present) - Within the research program for SMEs, this project aims to develop a new generation of wireless sensors totally devoted to agriculture, to improve efficiency, increase adaptability in various conditions, and reduce the environmental footprint of agriculture. Co-funding: FP7FarmReal 2 (2014) - The project aims to contribute to the conservation of a traditional activity, taking advantage of the latest communication technologies and electronics, especially for wireless sensor networks, and explores the potential of social networks in the Web community, exploiting the context generated by the social network Farmville. Co-funding: Aldeia Viva (Portuguese funding programme) InovWine II (2013 – 2015) - This project intends to place on the market an innovative product, strategic for the vines and wine sector, dedicated to the area of precision agriculture, based in the InovWine project results, with a duration of 2 years. The technologies developed will have the ultimate goal of designing and marketing an innovative product that will allow for more efficient monitoring of biotic and abiotic factors affecting the vines, resulting in better control of the vineyards and subsequently in the increasing productivity of the sector. Co-funding: QREN (Portuguese funding programme) InovWine (2010 – 2013) - The project InovWine aims are: to develop a system for vine genotyping, selection and certification based on molecular methods; to implement a control system and remote monitoring of biotic and abiotic factors associated with the vineyard, that will feed the automatic risk detection, alert and prevention of fitopathologies; to create a collection of wine yeasts adapted to regional conditions and market requirements, and to develop a device for monitoring their dynamics during fermentation. Co-funding: QREN (Portuguese funding programme) FireTrack (2008 -2011) - The project was aimed to specify, develop and test a monitoring system able to detect forest fires in real time, using for this purpose technologies of wireless sensor networks. The system is intended to complement the actual video-surveillance platforms, monitoring in real-time the "shadow zones" and areas where there are frequent false alarms. Co-funding: Mais Centro (Portuguese funding programme) Laboratory of Automatic and Systems Our job is to cooperate with companies in applied research and technology project, with a clear market approach. We provide expertise in smart sensing, electronic design, robotics, embedded systems, user behaviour analysis, and in technology implementation processes. We have a solid track record in European and National projects, with results already marketed by the companies we work with. Our “secret sauce” is a solid university/enterprise relationship, professional management teams and combining R&D competences with business skills. The Laboratory of Automatic and Systems is part of Instituto Pedro Nunes, a non-profit organization that promotes innovation and the transfer of technology, establishing the interface between the scientific and technological system and the production sector. IPN was created by the initiative of the University of Coimbra, acts in three complementary areas: Research and technological development; Tech-based business incubation and acceleration; highly specialized training.