DISAFA - Department of Agricultural, Forestry and Food Science
University of Turin
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Facility: The Dept. has two libraries with a total of 33.000 books and many specific Journals. The bibliographic material is available only for reading at the library location by request to the library managers:
Crop Protection Tecnology
Certification and control of spraying machines.
Image and color digital analysis.
Prototypes for developing countries.
Manure and slurry analysis.
Soil Hydrology.
CAD - GIS workstations for topographic maps elaboration, technical draw and projects for agricultural buildings.
The labs are next to the field where trial test are performed, and where students can practice in the lab hours.
Student spaces
The computing room has 16 Workstation Windows XP connected with a 100 mbit network and to Internet.
Priority: Logistic of agro-food chains, Logistic of biomass and crop production, discrete event simulation, web application, energy saving, water saving, work optimisation