Maurizio Canavari
Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences
Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna
Priority: e-business and e-commerce, trust in b2b e-commerce, ICT adoption in agribusiness Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics and Appraisal at the Department of Agricultural Science, Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna. PhD in in Appraisal and Land Economics, Department Land and Agro-forestry Systems (now run by the Doctoral School in Managerial Engineering and Appraisal), University of Padua, 1997. The research activity covered many subjects among the agricultural economics disciplines, such as environmental evaluation and land appraisal, farm and agri-food economics and management, quality management in the agri-food industry, agri-food marketing, consumer behaviour, food supply networks, ICT in agriculture. He coordinated the FP7 ICT-AGRI ERA-NET project "ROBOFARM - Integrated robotic and software platform as a support system for farm level business decisions", 24 months (Sep 1, 2011-Aug 31, 2013). He also served as external expert for FAO, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (Germany), and as guest professor at Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Vienna (Austria). List of Publications available here: