Lorenzo Fusilli
Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale
Sapienza Università di Roma
Degree in Geology at the University “La Sapienza” of Rome Since 2000, he has been involved in several sectors of the multi-hyperspectral airborne and satellite remote sensing, especially on the data preprocessing (calibration, geometric and atmospheric correction), land cover and vegetation mapping of natural environments and inland water bodies, change detection and time series analysis of multi-sensors imagery. He got experience on the spectral response of natural surfaces, classification procedures, algorithms performance assessment and on the satellite image processing to derive environmental parameters. Spectral Analysis, in the UV-VIS-NIR-SWIR region, of high spectral resolution reflectance measurements (by using a portable spectroradiometer) to characterize the spectral behaviour of the oil in its various forms (thin film or crude oil) and its different types from the floating vegetation present on the lake environment. Analysis and comparison between some satellite optical sensors (Landsat, MODIS, CHRIS-PROBA) to evaluate the advantage and the disvantage for the oil spill detection in the Lake Maracaibo. Experienced knowledge with GIS applications as ARCGIS, QGIS and remote sensing applications as: ENVI, NEST, SARSCAPE and ERDAS. Routines design inside IDL enviroments He has participated in several campaigns CAL/VAL conducted by the institute, both nationally and internationally, field measurements with spectroradiometers (Fieldspec Pro, LAI 2200), ground truth acquisitions. Since July 2009, he works at Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale of “La Sapienza”, University of Rome. During this period, his activity has been aimed on several research projects related to: TIGER: Development of an Operational System for Monitoring and Predicting the Aquatic Plants Proliferation in the Lake Victoria. Potentiality of the MODIS imagery time series for understanding of the floating macrophytes abnormal growth in order to support monitoring and management action of Lake Victoria water resources. § GMOSAIC (GMES services for Management of Operations, Situations Awareness and Intelligence for Regional Crises, funded by European Community – VII Framework Programme): Development of GIS applications to monitoring the Critical Assets and the Border Permeability in Central Africa by using high and medium resolution satellite data. § SIGRI (Sistema Integrato per la Gestione Rischio Incendi, funded by Italian Space Agengy): Risk assessment, products validation, control and extinguishing fires techniques. § Oil Spill Detection on Lake Maracaibo (Venezuela): Study of the spectral signatures measurements to characterize the optical behavior of the oil spill films toward a system for monitoring the oil spill in lacustrine environment. § PREFER (Space-based Information Support for Prevention and REcovery of Forest Fires Emergency in the MediteRranean Area): definition of a methodology for the identification of the areas most suitable for the application of the Prescribed Burning practice. § ODS3F (Observation and Detection Systems For Forest Fire Monitoring): technical assessment and operational comparison among remote visual systems and detectors network devoted to monitor wooded areas or areas of particular environmental, touristic and/or cultural interest. Skills: Excelent knowledge with GIS software applications as ARCGIS, QGIS and remote sensing applications as: ENVI, NEST, SARSCAPE, ERDAS Routines design inside IDL, Matlab, Python enviroments good command of office suite (word processor, spread sheet, presentation software) good command of photo editing software Field measurements by using: Spectro-radiometer portable Fieldspec pro ASD Plant Canopy Analyzer LAI 2200 (LI-COR 2012) Dualex 4 –Force A Drone SAPR Skyrobotic SR-SF6 integrated with multispectral camera MicaSense RedEdge Pilot license (for drone) in compliance with EASA PART FCL and ENAC rules.