Matti Pastell
Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE)
Contact by mailCURRICULUM VITAE FOR Matti Pastell, born 15th of April 1981. ADDRESS Koetilantie 5, 00790 Helsinki, Finland e-mail: CURRENT POSITION Senior Research Scientist. Natural Resources Institute Finland. DOCENTSHIPS Docent of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, University of Helsinki 2009 PREVIOUS PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS University lecturer, Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Helsinki. Since August 2008. On leave until 1.4.2016. Post Doctoral Researcher, Dep of Agrotechnology. University of Helsinki. January - July 2008 Researcher, Dep. Of Agtechnology. University of Helsinki June 2004 - December 2007 Guest scientist, Technical University of Denmark (DTU) January - March 2007 Trainee, Dep. Of Agtechnology. University of Helsinki January - April 2004 EDUCATION Master of Science. Agricultural engineering. University of Helsinki 2005 Dr. of Agriculture and Forestry. University of Helsinki 2007 Dissertation: “Automatic Lameness Detection in a Milking Robot: Instrumentation, measurement software, algorithms for data analysis and a neural network model” RECEIVED PROJECT FUNDING Project leader: SOWMONITOR - Automatic monitoring of farrowing, 2011 - 2013. 190 000 euro. Funded by Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Subproject coordinator: SORJAT - Early Detection and Prevention of Lameness in Dairy Cattle, 2009 - 2012. Share of the project funding 150 000 euro. Funded by Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Subproject coordinator: REMOWELL - New welfare technologies in monitoring health and welfare of production animals, 2010-2013. Share of the project funding 90 000 euro. Funded by Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. GROUP MEMBER IN RESEARCH PROJECTS Respiratory infections in Swine - 2010 - 2013. Turkey welfare during transportation - 2008. Funded by Ministry of Agriculture. ECOSTALL -Emissions from uninsulated cold dairy buildings. 2005-2007. EU - project. Interrobo. Animal welfare measurement methods. 2005. EU Interreg-project. Kartek-Tekno. Automatic monitoring of animal health and welfare. 2005-2007. Funded by Ministry of Agriculture. Sika-Tekno.Technology to supervise the farrowing of pigs . 2005-2007. Funded by Ministry of Agriculture. SUPERVISED PROJECTS Currently supervising 4 PhD students: 5 Masters thesis in Agrotechnology and Animal Science (2006–2013) 1 Masters thesis in Signal processing, Technical University of Helsinki (2006) MOST IMPORTANT INTERNATIONAL VISITS Invited teacher in PhD level course “Measurements, Modelling, Automation for Precision Agriculture (incl. PLF) and Food Production Chain” in the Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu. 3-4.12.2013. Invited teacher in PhD level course “Biosystems Instrumentation” in the University of Copenhagen. 20 - 30.10.2009. Guest scientist for 3 months in the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). 1.1.-31.3.2007 Several research visits to Estonian University of Life Sciences. In total of 4 weeks during 2005-2007. Lameness workshop in Ghent, Belgium. 3-5.12.2007 ASABE annual meeting in Portland, USA and research visits to: Washington state university, Iowa state university and University of Minnesota. 9-23.7.2006 OTHER SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITIES Expert tasks Reviewer for International Journals: Journal of Dairy Science, Biosystems Engineering, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. Evaluator for the European Commission in Seventh Framework Programme, Call KBBE-2010. Reviewer for conferences: “Precision Livestock Farming’09”, “Precision Livestock Farming 2013”, “IFAC Agricontrol 2013”. Reviewer for funding applications of “Industrial Research Fund K.U Leuven” 2009. Vice member in board of the “Foundation of Agricultural Machinery Research” (Maatalouskoneiden tutkimussäätiö) 2007 - Member of the ISO/TC23/SC19/WG3 “animal identification” working group. 2006 - Invited talks Keynote speech “Possibilities and application of precision livestock farming in modern un-insulated loose housing dairy farm” at NJF seminar “Dairy production in modern loose housing cowsheds – practical implications and future challenges” 3.5.2012 Tartu, Estonia. Keynote speech “Application of Precision Livestock Farming to promote animal welfare”. 22nd Nordic Symposium of the International Society for Applied Ethology 20-22 January 2010. Kuopio, Finland. Invited lecture “Technical Prospects for Automated Behavioral Monitoring” in Workshop: “Welfare monitoring using automatic measurement of behaviour”, ISAE conference 4-7 August 2010. Uppsala, Sweden. Scientific positions of trusts and administration Member of the Finnish milking machine committee (Lypsykonetoimikunta). 2007- Member of the Board of Department of Agrotechnology 2008-2010. Member of the Board of the Department of Agricultural Sciences. 2010 - 2013. Member of the Board of the Finnish Society of Applied Ethology 1.1.2008-31.12.2011 President of the Technical Committee of The Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland 1.6.2008- Member of the Board of the Experimental Farm of University of Helsinki. 2007-2010. TEACHING In charge of M.Sc course “Measurement Technology”, 7 ects. (2010-2013) In charge of M.Sc course “Automation in agricultural machinery”, 15 ects. (2006, 2008,2010,2013) Course “Livestock production technology”, 10 ects. (2004-2012) Instructor for “Field Robot Event” - team. (2011- ) Lectures in courses “Research practises in agrotechnology”, “Introduction to animal production”, and “Modelling, numerical solution and simulation of biosystems”. Member of Teaching Evalutation Board of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. 2010-2014.