Claus Sørensen
Department of Engineering
Aarhus School of Engineering
Aarhus University
Expertise: The Department of Engineering at University of Aarhus carries out research in the fields of engineering and innovative technologies to be applied in industrial production and bio-production system. The research include new production principles concerning the application of robots, sensors, mathematical/physical models, decision support systems, design and implementation of information management system, systems analyses and sustainability analyses. There has been participation in a number of national and international research projects within the area (e.g. InfoXT: User-centret guidelines for information systems, Nordunet Agro - Mobile internet services for support of agricultural technology, innovation projects on the manure management, etc.), Technological Foresights, and participating in current FP7 projects like FutureFarm and GeoPAL on ICT-driven logistics, SmartAgriFood, and Internet of Food and Farms 2020. Facility: Laboratories and facilities includes: Automation Lab (Foulum) Testing/simulation of ICT-driven applications Materials Testing Lab Structural Design Lab Manufacturing Toolshop Priority: Operations management - design of production/ICT systems - planning of production and operations - design and planning of supply chains - logsitics