David Mark Wheeler
Contact by mailCurrent work focuses on the role of uncertainty in agricultural decision making, including that when data analytical systems are used, and how uncertainty can be described and display to users and/or incorporated into the decision making process. Focus has been on uncertainty associated with data, models used, and direct and indirect contextual uncertainty. This Is part of a larger program (New Zealand Bioeconomy in the Digital Age) investigating digitalisation of agriculture systems. • Espig, M, Finlay-Smits, S, Meenken E, Wheeler DM, Snow V, Sharifi M (2019) Understanding the uncertainty around simulation models: Conceptual and empirical insights from transdisciplinary agricultural research 23rd International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM) 2019, Canberra, Australia • Espig, M, Meenken E, Finlay-Smits, S, Wheeler DM, Sharifi M, Shah, M (2019) Understanding and communicating uncertainty in data-rich environments: Toward a transdisciplinary approach. Risk and Decision-Making Conference, Wellington, New Zealand. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13833.60002. • Shepherd MA, Turner JA, Small B and Wheeler DM (2018)Priorities for science to overcome hurdles thwarting the full promise of the “digital agriculture” revolution: Realising the promise of ‘Digital agriculture’. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.9346 • Elliott A, Semadeni-Davies, AF, Shankar, U,eldis, JR, Wheeler DM, Plew, DR, Rys GJ, harris, SR A national-scale GIS-based system for modelling impacts of land use on water quality. Environmental Modelling and Software 86. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.09.011