The James Hutton Institute
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Dr. Dominic Duckett
19 Richmond Terrace, Aberdeen, AB25 2RQ
2007-2010 PhD ‘The Social Attribution of Risk Amplification’ (in cases of zoonosis)
Dept. Management Science, Lancaster University, Management School
Supervisor: Dr. J. Busby. Funding awarded by the EPSRC
Effective from 04.11.2010
2005-2006 MSc (distinction) Information Technology and the Management of Organizational Change (ITMOC), Dept. Organization Work and Technology, Lancaster University, Management School. Course director Professor Niall Hayes.
1983-1986 BA (Hons.) Philosophy, University of Exeter
Employment history
2012-present Social Researcher in Risk, Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences Group, The James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen.
2002-2004 Self Employed Contract Systems Support Engineer. Hewlett Packard, Belgium.
2000-2002 Application Support Engineer, Open Seas (UK) Ltd.
1999-2000 Self Employed Contract Systems Support Engineer, Hewlett Packard, Belgium.
1998-1999 Self Employed Contract Systems Support Engineer. EDS, Southampton.
1997-1998 Self Employed Contract Unix Operations Support. Deutsche Bank, Milton Keynes.
1997 Self Employed Contract ICT professional. Green Flag, Leeds.
1987-1996 Computer Operations Manager and Civil Servant, HMSO Books, London.
Published Journal Articles (first author):
Duckett, D. G., A. J. McKee, L.-A. Sutherland, C. Kyle, L. Boden, H. Auty, P. Bessel and I. J. McKendrick (2017). Scenario Planning as Communicative Action: lessons from participatory exercises conducted for the Scottish livestock industry. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 114: 138-151. doi: 10.1016/j.techfore.2016.07.034
Duckett, D.; Feliciano, D.; Martin-Ortega, J.; Munoz-Rojas, J. (2016) Tackling wicked environmental problems: The discourse and its influence on practice. Landscape and Urban Planning. doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2016.03.015
Duckett, D.; Wynne, B.; Christley, R.M.; Heathwaite, A.L.; Mort, M.; Austin, Z.; Wastling, J.M.; Latham, S.M.; Alcock, R.; Haygarth, P. (2015) Can policy be risk-based? The cultural theory of risk and the case of livestock disease containment. Sociologia Ruralis, 55, 379-399. doi: 10.1111/soru.12064
Duckett, D. (2014) Barriers to farmer adoption of cattle EID. The Journal of the Aberdeen Agricultural Graduates Association.
Duckett, D. and J. Busby (2013). Risk amplification as social attribution. Risk Management 15(2). doi: 10.1057/rm.2013.2
Duckett, D. (2010). Zoonoses and the Social Attribution of Risk Amplification. Department of Management Science. Lancaster, Lancaster University Management School. PhD in Management Science.
Journal Articles (Co-author):
Troldborg, M., D. Duckett, R. Allan, E. Hastings and R. L. Hough (2017). "A risk-based approach for developing standards for irrigation with reclaimed water." Water Res 126: 372-384. 10.1016/j.watres.2017.09.041
Sutherland, L-A.; Madureira, L.; Dirimanova, V.; Bogusz, M.; Kania, J.; Vinohradnik, K.; Creaney, C.; Duckett, D.; Koehnen, T.; Knierim, K. (2017) New knowledge networks of small-scale farmers in Europe's periphery. Land Use Policy
Busby, J. and D. Duckett (2012). Social risk amplification as an attribution: the case of zoonotic disease outbreaks. Journal of Risk Research 15(9): 1049-1074. doi:10.1080/13669877.2012.670130
Reports and Official Documents:
Troldborg, M., D. Duckett, R. L. Hough and C. Kyle (2017). Developing a foundation for reclaimed water use in Scotland. Available online, CREW.
Duckett, D. (2016) Developing a foundation for the use of reclaimed water in Scotland . CREW Workshop Stakeholder Reports, 19 October 2015 and 5 January 2016.
Boden, L.A.; Auty, H.; Bessell, P.; Duckett, D.; Liu, J.; Kyle, C.; McKee, A.; Sutherland, L.A.; Reynolds, J.; Bronsvoort, B.M.D.; McKendrick, I.J. (2015) Scenario planning: The future of the cattle and sheep industries in Scotland and their resiliency to disease. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 121, 353-364. doi: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2015.08.012
Duckett, D. (2016) Innovative digital technologies and visual methods for social research. Report for The Macaulay Development Trust on the ESRS pre-congress Workshop, February 2016.
Kyle, C.; Duckett, D.; Sutherland, L.-A. (2016) Exploring farmers views on the uptake of cattle traceability technology. Centre of Expertise on Animal Disease Outbreak - Policy Brief.
Duckett, D.; Creaney, R.; Sutherland, L.A. (2015) Crofters and their advisory services : an analysis of crofters and their advisory services on Skye, Harris and Lewis. Report produced for Praxis European Project, 2 November 2015.
Duckett, D.; Creaney, C.; Sutherland, L.-A. (2015) An analysis of crofters and their advisory services on Skye, Harris and Lewis. Report by The James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen for PROAkis FP7 project, 12pp.
Duckett, D.G.; Auty, H.; Boden, L.; Bessell, P. (2014) What will the Scottish sheep industry look like in 2040 and how resilient will it be to livestock disease? Summary of workshop 2. Report to Attendees of Scenario Planning Workshops, 2 April 2014 (Summary of Workshop No. 2 held on 5 February 2014, Patterson Land, Edinburgh).
Duckett, D.G.; Auty, H.; Boden, L.; Bessell, P. (2014) What will the Scottish sheep industry look like in 2040 and how resilient will it be to livestock disease? Report to Attendees of Scenario Planning Workshops, 21 April 2014 (Summary of Workshop No. 1 held on 5 February 2014, Patterson Land, Edinburgh).
Duckett, D. (2014) Barriers to farmer adoption of cattle EID. SRUC Rural Policy Centre, Policy Briefing, January 2014, (one of a set of briefings based on presentations given at the XXV European Society for Rural Sociology conference, Florence 2013 in a working group on `Biosecurity and Rural Governance).
Duckett, D.G. (2013) Interim report on the role of digital technology in influencing farm-level disease management practices. Report for EPIC, December 2013.
Duckett, D.G. (2013) Is there a Vet Google? The impact of internet-hosted diagnostic information on farmer response to livestock disease and on the veterinarian farmer relationship. Report for EPIC, January 2013.
Duckett, D.G.; Boden, L.; Auty, H.; Bessell, P. (2013) EPIC scenario planning workshop summary report. Workshop Summary Report, EPIC, Centre of Expertise of Animal Disease Outbreaks, 17 September 2013.
Invited Presentations:
Duckett, D.; Troldborg, M.; Hough, R.L. (2016) Developing a foundation for the use of reclaimed water in Scotland. 2 x Workshop presentation to Scottish Government and other stakeholders, Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation, 5 February 2016 & 19 October 2015.
Duckett, D.G. (2014) Risk amplification as social attribution. Seminar for Division of Sociology, Abertay University, 3 April 2014.
Duckett, D.G. (2014) The technological farmer. Presentation to the Scottish Government Animal Health and Welfare Strategy: Stakeholder Group, Conference Room, Kingsknowe Golf Course, Edinburgh, 28 January 2014.
Duckett, D.G. (2013) The future of the Scottish sheep industry: exploring threats and opportunities through scenario planning. Poster for EPIC Annual General Meeting, October 2013.
Duckett, D.G.; Boden, L.; Auty, H.; Bessell, P. (2013) How will the Scotland of 2040 be equipped to deal with livestock disease. EPIC Annual General Meeting, Pollock Halls, Edinburgh, September 2013.
Duckett, D.G. (2013) Briefing on scenario planning for the cattle industry. EPIC AGM, Pollock Halls, University of Edinburgh, September 2013.
Duckett, D.G. (2013) Why aren't farmers enthusiastic about cattle RFID? '3 Minute Thesis' Event, University of Glasgow, August 2013.
Duckett, D.G. (2013) EPIC scenario planning update. Animal Health and Welfare General Stakeholder Meeting, Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture, Roddinglaw, Edinburgh, July 2013.
Duckett, D.G. (2013) Scenario planning. Presentation to EPIC Scottish Government Liaison Meeting, Roslin Institute, Edinburgh, June 2013.
Nijnik, M.; Helliwell, R.C.; Miller, D.R.; Alados, C.; Sarkki, S.; Skre, O.; Duckett, D. (2013) The WG3: knowledge integration and scenarios development activities presentation and stakeholder engagement events carried out under the EC COST Action ES1203.
Duckett, D.G. (2013) Qualitative research activities, analysis and plans for M3 and M4. Presentation to EPIC Spring Meeting, Moredun College, Edinburgh, March 2013.
Duckett, D. (2013) Do farmers dream of electric sheep? Moredun Research Institute, Penicuik, 17 January 2013.
Duckett, D. (2012) EPIC Module 4: Scenario Planning. Scottish Government Liaison Meeting Edinburgh University, Kings Buildings, Edinburgh, 26 June 2012.
Duckett, D. (2012) Module 4: Scenario Planning, EPIC Forecasting and Horizon Scanning. Scottish Government Liaison Meeting, Roslin Institute, Edinburgh, 17 December 2012
Contributed Conference Presentations:
Duckett, D. (2017) Potato Risk Society. Food Studies Research Network, International Conference on Food Studies, Special Focus: Food Systems - Design and Innovation, Tre University, Rome, 26–27 October 2017
Duckett, D. (2016) The Social Attribution of Risk Amplification (SARA). Society for Risk Analysis Europe (SRAE), University of Bath, 20-23 June
Duckett, D.; McKee, A.; Sutherland, L.A.; Kyle, C. (2015) Scenario planning as a communicative action. Policy and Politics Annual Conference, University of Bristol, 15-16 September 2015.
Duckett, D.; Christley, W.R.M.; Heathwaite, M.; Mort, Z.; Austin, J.M.; Wastling, S.M.; Latham, R.; Alcock, R.; Haygarth, P. (2015) Can policy be risk based? The cultural theory of risk and the case of livestock disease containment. XXVI European Society for Rural sociology Congress, Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre, Aberdeen, 18-21 August 2015.
Duckett, D.; Kinder-Kurlanda, K. (2015) And lo! The cattle Changing biopower through EID in Aberdeenshire and Orkney. XXVI European Society for Rural sociology Congress, Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre, Aberdeen, 18-21 August 2015.
Duckett, D.; Christley, W.R.M.; Heathwaite, M.; Mort, Z.; Austin, J.M.; Wastling, S.M.; Latham, R.; Alcock, R.; Haygarth, P. (2014) Can policy be risk-based? A reality check based in the cultural theory of risk, SRA 2014 Annual Meeting - Foundational Issues in Risk Analysis symposia, Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, Denver, Coloraro, 8 December 2014.
Duckett, D.; Kinder-Kurlanda, K. (2013) And lo the cattle: changing biopower relations through electronic identification of farm animals. XXV European Society for Rural sociology Congress - Rural Resilience and Vulnerability: The rural as the locus of solidarity and conflict in times of crisis, Florence, Italy, 29 July - 1 August 2013.
Duckett, D.G. (2013) Ubiquitous technology: some implications for livestock disease control. British Animal Studies Network (BASN) Conference 'Looking', McCance Building, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, 26-27 April 2013.
Duckett, D.G (2009) An Intersubjective Approach to the Social Amplification of Zoonotic Risk 9th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), University of Lisbon, 2-5 September 2009.
Duckett, D.G (2008) Subjective interpretations of risk amplification, Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, 7-10 December 2008.
Duckett, D.G (2008) Risk Amplification and Zoonoses, Society for Risk Analysis Europe (SRA), Valencia, Spain 22-25 September 2008.