Sjaak Wolfert
Wageningen Economic Research
Stichting Wageningen Research
Dr. Sjaak Wolfert studied at Wageningen University and is currently Strategic Senior Scientist Digital Innovation in Agri-Food business. Important study topics are the application of Internet of Things and Big Data with special attention to socio-economic aspects such as data sharing, business modelling and governance. He is scientific coordinator of (inter)national projects such as the Internet of Food and Farm 2020 (, SmartAgriHubs ( and DATA-FAIR ( He was engaged as coordinator Value Creation with the Wageningen Data Competence Centre. He is affiliated with the Information Technology Group of Wageningen University and was president of the European Federation of ICT in Agriculture (EFITA). Sjaak is a visionary, challenged by complex problems that require a science-based approach. Publications van der Burg, S., Bogaardt, M.-J., Wolfert, S., 2019. Ethics of smart farming: Current questions and directions for responsible innovation towards the future. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 100289. Wolfert, S., Ge, L., Verdouw, C., Bogaardt, M.-J., 2017. Big Data in Smart Farming – A review. Agricultural Systems 153, 69-80. Wolfert, S., Bogaardt, M.J., Ge, L., Soma, K., Verdouw, C.N., 2017. Guidelines for governance of data sharing in agri-food networks, in: Nelson, W. (Ed.), The International Tri-Conference for Precision Agriculture in 2017, Hamilton, p. 11. Verdouw, C., Wolfert, S., Tekinerdogan, B., 2016. Internet of things in agriculture. CAB Reviews 11. Verdouw, C., Wolfert, J., Beulens, A., Rialland, A., 2016. Virtualization of food supply chains with the internet of things. Journal of Food Engineering 176, 128–136. Verdouw, C.N., Wolfert, S., Beers, G., Sundmaeker, H., Chatzikostas, G., 2017. IOF2020: Fostering business and software ecosystems for large-scale uptake of IoT in food and farming, in: Nelson, W. (Ed.), The International Tri-Conference for Precision Agriculture in 2017, Hamilton, p. 7.