Giorgos Markou
Institute of Technology of Agricultural Products, Hellenic Agricultural Organization - Demeter
Curriculum Vitae (updated CV here) Giorgos Markou, PhD Date of birth: 09-11-1977 Married, two children email: Tel: mobile: +306937085422 and office: +30210 2845940/203 Member Editorial board of Algal Research (Elsevier). Member of the COST Action (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), research group European Network for Algal by-products (ES1408). Member of Hellenic Phycological Society EDUCATION March 2010 – March 2013: PhD. Agricultural University of Athens, Department of Natural Resources Management and Agricultural Engineering. November 2007- November 2009- MSc in Energy Systems and Renewable Energy Sources (Agricultural University of Athens). September 1995 – July 2003: Diploma in Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural University of Athens, Department of Crop Science. 1994 – 1995 General Greek Lyceum of Dortmund, Germany 1992 – 1994 General Lyceum of Elassona, Greece SCHOLARSHIPS 2016-2017 (12 months): Post doc research scholarship (IKY) 2015 –2016 (12 months): Pegasus Marie Curie fellowship, FWO, Belgium February 2010 – November 2012: PhD scholarship of the Greek Scholarship Foundation. November 2007 – November 2008: MSc scholarship of the Greek Scholarship Foundation. WORKING EXPERIENCE 2018 June - : Research Scientist at Institute of Technology of Agricultural Products, Hellenic Agricultural Organization – Demeter 2016 – 2018 May: Independent Researcher at Agricultural University of Athens 2015 – 2016 (12 months): Post-doctoral Research fellow (Pegasus Marie Curie) in Biology, KU LEUVEN (KULAK) 2014 –2015 (13 months): Post-doctoral research fellow in National Agricultural Research Foundation (NAGREF, Greece) 2013 –2014 (16 months): Independent Researcher at Agricultural University of Athens 2010 –2013 PhD candidate and teaching assistant of the Laboratory of Agricultural Constructions of Agricultural University of Athens in the field of Management of Agricultural Wastes and Agricultural Constructions. Participation in several research projects. 2007 Selected in the Agricultural registry office as Agricultural engineer assistant. 2003 – 2008: Self-employed in the field of agricultural engineering (research and constructions). June 1998 – August 1998: practice in the Agricultural Co-operative of Rethymno, Crete. June 1997 – August 1997: practice in the Agricultural Co-operative of Rethymno, Crete. TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2015 –2016 Participation on selected presentation and lectures on ecology and environment at KU Leuven, Belgium 2010-2013 Teaching assistant and selected (invited) presentations and lectures in classes of the 3d semester Environmental Management and 7th semester Waste Management at Department of Natural Resources Management and Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural University of Athens LANGUAGES Greek (mother tongue) English (Advanced, TOECI score 900/990, C1) German (Good, Goethe Institut, B2) THESES MSc Thesis: Anaerobic co-digestion of low solid swine wastewater and corn silage PhD Thesis: Cultivation of the cyanobacterium Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis under phosphorus limitation conditions for the accumulation of intracellular carbohydrates used for the production of biofuels (bio-methane and bio-ethanol). PUBLICATIONS Book Chapters Muylaert, K., Beuckels, A., Depraetere, O., Foubert, I., Markou, G., Vandamme, D. 2015. Wastewater as a Source of Nutrients for Microalgae Biomass Production. in: Biomass and Biofuels from Microalgae, (Eds.) N.R. Moheimani, M.P. McHenry, K. de Boer, P.A. Bahri, Vol. 2, Springer International Publishing, pp. 75-94. Martín-Juárez, J., Markou, G., Muylaert, K., Lorenzo Hernando, A., Bolado-Rodriguez, S., Breakthroughs in bio-alcohol production from microalgae: Solving the hurdles, in Microalgae-Based Biofuels and Bioproducts, Elsevier, Editors Raul Muñoz and Cristina Gonzalez-Fernandez. Posadas, E., Alcántara, C., García-Encina, PA., Gouveia, L., Guieysse, B., Norvill, Z., abriel Acién, F., G. Markou, Congestri, R., Koreivienė, J., and Muñoz, R., Microalgae cultivation, in wastewater in Microalgae-Based Biofuels and Bioproducts, Elsevier, Editors Raul Muñoz and Cristina Gonzalez-Fernandez. Publications in international peer-reviewed journals (Scientific Citation Index-SCI): Published Markou G., J Ye, J Liang, L Wang and Unc A., (2018) Using agro-industrial wastes for the cultivation of microalgae and duckweeds: contamination risks and biomass safety concerns, Biotechnology Advances (Accepted for publication). J Ye, J Liang, L Wang, Markou, G, (2018) The mechanism of enhanced wastewater nitrogen removal by photo-sequencing batch reactors based on comprehensive analysis of system dynamics within a cycle Bioresource Technology, 256-263 J Ye, J Liang, L Wang, Markou, G, Q Jia, (2018) Operation optimization of a photo-sequencing batch reactor for wastewater treatment: study on influencing factors and impact on symbiotic microbial ecology, Bioresource Technology 252, 7–13 I Chentir, A Doumandji, J Ammar, F Zili, M Jridi, Markou, G, HB Ouad, (2018) Induced change in Arthrospira sp. (Spirulina) intracellular and extracellular metabolites using multifactor stress combination approach, Journal of Applied Phycology (In press). Markou, G, D Mitrogiannis, V Inglezakis, K Muylaert, N Koukouzas, et al., (2017) Ca(OH)2 pre-treated bentonite for phosphorus removal and recovery from synthetic and real wastewater, CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water 46: 1700378. doi:10.1002/clen.201700378 Markou G, LHT Dao, K Muylaert, J Beardall, (2017) Influence of different degrees of N limitation on photosystem II performance and heterogeneity of Chlorella vulgaris Algal Research 26, 84-92 Cuellar-Bermudez, S. P., Aleman-Nava, G. S., Chandra, R., Garcia-Perez, J. S., Contreras-Angulo, J. R., Markou, G., Muylaert, K., Rittmann, B. E. and Parra-Saldivar, R., (2016) Nutrients utilization and contaminants removal. A review of two approaches of algae and cyanobacteria in wastewater. Algal Research 24, 438-449 Mitrogiannis D., Psychoyou, M., Baziotis, I., Inglezakis, V., Koukouzas N., Tsoukalas N., Kamitsos E., Palles, D., Markou, G. (2017) Removal of phosphate from aqueous solutions by adsorption onto Ca(OH)2 treated natural clinoptilolite, Chemical Engineering Journal, 320, 510-522. Markou, G., Muylaert, K. (2016). Effect of light intensity on the degree of ammonia toxicity on PSII activity of Arthrospira platensis and Chlorella vulgaris. Bioresourse Technology, 216, 453-461. Markou, G., Depraetere, O., Muylaert, K. (2016). Effect of ammonia on the photosynthetic activity of Arthrospira and Chlorella: A study on chlorophyll fluorescence and electron transport. Algal Research, 16, 449-457. Çelekli, A., Topyürek, A., Markou, G., Bozkurt, H. (2016). A Multivariate Approach to Evaluate Biomass Production, Biochemical Composition and Stress Compounds of Spirulina platensis Cultivated in Wastewater. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 180 (4), 728–7391-12. Markou, G., Inglezakis, V.J., Mitrogiannis, D., Efthimiopoulos, I., Psychoyou, M., Koutsovitis, P., Muylaert, K., Baziotis, I. (2016). Sorption mechanism(s) of orthophosphate onto Ca(OH)2 pretreated bentonite. RSC Advances, 6, 22295-22305. Markou G., Mitrogiannis D., Muylaert K., Çelekli, A., and Bozkurt, H. (2016). Biosorption and retention of orthophosphate onto Ca(OH)2-pretreated biomass of Phragmites sp., Journal of Environmental Sciences, 45, 49-59. Markou, G., Iconomou, D., Muylaert, K. (2016). Applying raw poultry litter leachate for the cultivation of Arthrospira platensis and Chlorella vulgaris. Algal Research, 13, 79-84 Markou, G., Mitrogiannis M., Inglezakis V., Muylaert K., Koukouzas N., Tsoukalas N., Kamitsos E., Palles D., and Baziotis I., Ca(OH)2 pre-treated bentonite for phosphorus removal and recovery from synthetic and real wastewater, CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water (Accepted for publication). Markou, G., Brule, M., Balafoutis, A., Kornaros, M., and Papadakis, G. (2016). Biogas production from energy crops in northern Greece: Economics of electricity generation associated with heat recovery in a greenhouse. Clean Technologies and Environmenatl Policy (In press). Markou, G., Agriomallou, M., and Georgakakis D. (2016). Forced ammonia stripping from livestock wastewater: The influence of some physico-chemical parameters of the wastewater, Water Science and Technology (In press). Markou, G. (2015). Improved anaerobic digestion performance and biogas production from poultry litter after lowering its nitrogen content, Bioresource Technology., 193, 35-41. Markou, G., Iconomou, D., Sotiroudis, T., Israelides, C. and Muylaert K., (2015) Exploration of using stripped ammonia and ash from poultry litter for the cultivation of the cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis and the green microalga Chlorella vulgaris, Bioresource Technology 196, 459-468 Markou, G. (2015). Fed-batch cultivation of Arthrospira and Chlorella in ammonia-rich wastewater: Optimization of nutrient removal and biomass production. Bioresource Technology 193, 35-41. Khajepour, F., Hosseini, S., Ghorbani Nasrabadi, R., Markou, G. 2015. Effect of Light Intensity and Photoperiod on Growth and Biochemical Composition of a Local Isolate of Nostoc calcicola. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 176 (8), 2279-2289 Markou, G., Depraetere, O., Vandamme D. and Muylaert, K. (2015) Cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris and Arthrospira platensis with recovered phosphorus from wastewater by means of zeolite sorption, International Journal of Molecular Science, 16(2), 4250-4264. Mitrogiannis, D., Markou, G., Çelekli, A., Bozkurt, H. 2015. Biosorption of methylene blue onto Arthrospira platensis biomass: Kinetic, equilibrium and thermodynamic studies. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 3, 670-680. Depraetere, Ο., Pierre, G., Deschoenmaeker, F., Badri, H., Foubert, I., Leys, M., Wattiez, M., Michaud, P., Markou G. and Muylaert, K. Harvesting carbohydrate-rich Arthrospira platensis by spontaneous settling, Bioresource Technology 180, 16-21. Vandamme, D; Beuckels, A, Markou, G.; Foubert, I, Muylaert , K. Reversible flocculation of microalgae using magnesium hydroxide Bioenergy Research (In press) Markou, G., Mitrogiannis, D., Çelekli, A., Bozkurt, H., Georgakakis, D. and Chrysikopoulos, C. (2015) Biosorption of Cu2+ and Ni2+ by Arthrospira platensis with different biochemical compositions. Chemical Engineering Journal 259, 806-813. Markou, G., Vandamme, D. and Muylaert K. (2014) Microalgal and cyanobacterial cultivation: The supply of nutrients. Water Research 65, 186-202. Markou, G., Vandamme, D. and Muylaert K., (2014) Ammonia inhibition on Arthrospira platensis in relation to the initial biomass density and pH. Bioresource Technology 166, 259–265 Markou, G., (2014) Effect of various colors of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) on the biomass composition of Arthrospira platensis. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 172(5), 2758-2768 Markou, G., Vandamme, D. and Muylaert K., (2014) Using natural zeolite for ammonia sorption from wastewater and as nitrogen releaser for the cultivation of Arthrospira platensis. Bioresource Technology 155(0), 373-378 Markou, G. and Georgakakis, D., (2013) Anaerobic mono- and co-digestion of maize silage and low solid swine wastewater in a novel two-state (liquid/solid) anaerobic digester. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 5, 05310 Markou, G. and Nerantzis, E., (2013) Microalgae for high-value compounds and biofuels production: A review with focus on cultivation under stress conditions. Biotechnology Advances 31(8), 1532–1542 Markou, G., Angelidaki, I., Nerantzis, E. and Georgakakis, D., (2013) Bioethanol production by carbohydrate-enriched Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis. Energies 6, 3937-3950 Markou, G., Angelidaki, I. and Georgakakis, D., (2013). Carbohydrate-enriched cyanobacterial biomass as feedstock for bio-methane production through anaerobic digestion. Fuel, 111, 872–879 Markou, G., Chatzipavlidis, I. and Georgakakis, D., (2012) Carbohydrates production and bio-flocculation characteristics in cultures of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis: Improvements through phosphorus limitation process. Bioenergy Research, 5(4), 915-925 Markou, G., (2012) Alteration of the biomass composition of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis under various amounts of limited phosphorus. Bioresource Technology 116, 533–535 Markou, G, Chatzipavlidis, I. and Georgakakis, D., (2012) Effects of phosphorus concentration and light intensity on the biomass composition of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 28(8), 2661-2670 Markou, G., Angelidaki, I., and Georgakakis, D., (2012) Microalgal carbohydrates: an overview of the factors influencing carbohydrates production, and of main bioconversion technologies for production of biofuels, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 96(3), 631-645 Markou, G., Chatzipavlidis, I. and Georgakakis, D., (2012) Cultivation of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis in olive-oil mill wastewater treated with sodium hypochlorite. Bioresource Technology 112:234–241 Markou, G. and Georgakakis, D., (2011) Cultivation of filamentous cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) in agro-industrial wastes and wastewaters: A review. Applied Energy 88 (10):3389-3401 Publications in international peer-reviewed journals (non-Scientific Citation Index-SCI): Markou G., Georgakakis, D., Plagou, K., Salakou, G. and Christopoulou, N., (2010) Balanced waste management of 2- and 3-phase olive oil mills in relation to the seed extraction plant, Terrestrial and Aquatic Environmental Toxicology 4 (Special Issue 1):109-112 Publications in national peer-reviewed journals: Markou, G., Tzovenis, I. and Nerantzis, E., (2013) Microalgae: Cultivation and applications (in Greek), E-JST, 1 (8): 2-29. Markou, G. (2016) Treatment and valorization of poultry litter: A review, E-JST, 3(11):1-21 Publication in conferences: Markou, G., 2015, Using ash and stripped ammonia from poultry litter for the cultivation of Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis and Chlorella vulgaris, In: Proceedings of 9th Greek conference of EGME. Athens , Greece Mitrogiannis, D and Markou, G., 2015, Biosorption of phosphate from aqueous solutions on to Ca(OH)2 – pretreated dry biomass, In: Proceedings of 9th Greek conference of EGME. Athens , Greece Drouga, M., Markou, G, Gessouli, E., Vastaroucha, and Georgakakis D., 2015, Biogas production from dense liquid fractions of diluted solid agro-industrial wastes with provision for effluent handling, In: Proceedings of 9th Greek conference of EGME. Athens , Greece Markou, G., Brulle, M., Balafoutis, A., Georgakakis, D. and Papadakis, G., Energy-Crops based biogas plants in Greece: Economical comparison of maize and sweet sorghum silages used as feedstock, EUBCE 2015 - 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition – Vienna, Austria; 06/2015 Markou, G., Drouga, M., Georgakakis, D. 2011. Anaerobic process control during biogas production with the aid of b-value diagrams. In: Proceedings of 7th Greek conference of EGME. Athens , Greece Drouga, M., Markou, G., Georgakakis, D. 2011. Methane production models for mechanically separated effluents of livestock wastes and their mixtures with whey. In: Proceedings of 7th Greek conference of EGME. Athens , Greece. BIBLIOMETRICS Taken from Google scholar Total citations: 1544 h-index 18 i10-index 24 RESEARCH PROJECTS AND FUNDING SOURCES Researcher in the following projects: Forthcoming Project (2018-2021) BIO^2 - Production of biotechnological added-value products utilizing treated waste streams from anaerobic digestion plants (National Funding Agency; budget >750.000 euros) - Developing, coordinating and preparing the proposal. Forthcoming Project (2018-2020) G2Value - Valorization of biodiesel crude glycerol through microalgal biorefineries for the production of high value products (National Funding Agency; budget >300.000 euros) - Developing, coordinating and preparing the proposal. (2017-2020) EranetMed with title BIOGASNEMA "Demonstration of dry fermentation and optimization of biogas technology for rural communities in the MENA region". budget >1.200.000 euros 2016-2017 (November 2016-February 2017): Technical Assistance for energy efficiency and sustainable transport in Cyprus, GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) + WIP GmbH, Germany and Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, Republic of Cyprus. External Researcher 2015-2016. KU Leuven, Pegasus Marie Curie grant for the project “Production of carbohydrates for biofuel production by the cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis: understanding the fundamental mechanisms that link nutrient stress with accumulation of carbohydrates” 2014-2015. Post-doctoral fellow: Integrated treatment of poultry litter for the production of biogas and microalgal biomass (Arthrospira and Chlorella) used as poultry feed. NAGREF, AgroEtak. 2014-2015. Site selection for the installation of a biogas plant in private properties of the public sector (ETAD) and description of the technical specifications of the biogas plant (contract nr. 2011-2012. Research project: Utilization of the by-product from biodiesel production glycerol as substrate for microalgae cultivation (contract nr. 2009-2010. Research project: Techno-economic evaluation of the production of combined heat and power (CHP) from the anaerobic co-digestion of animal manures and sweet sorghum. DISTINCTIONS AND AWARDS Markou, G., Georgakakis, D., (2011) Cultivation of filamentous cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) in agro-industrial wastes and wastewaters: A review. Applied Energy 88 (10):3389-3401 Top 25 hottest articles in Applied Energy (Elsevier) for the years 2011-2013 Markou, G. and Nerantzis, E., (2013) Microalgae for high-value compounds and biofuels production: A review with focus on cultivation under stress conditions. Biotechnology Advances 31(8), 1532–1542” 25 most downloaded articles in Biotechnology Advances (December 2013) Markou, G., Vandamme, D. and Muylaert K. (2014) Microalgal and cyanobacterial cultivation: The supply of nutrients. Water Research 65, 186-202 Top 25 hottest articles in Water Research (July to December 2014) Mitrogiannis, D., Markou, G., Çelekli, A., Bozkurt, H. 2015. Biosorption of methylene blue onto Arthrospira platensis biomass: Kinetic, equilibrium and thermodynamic studies. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 3, 670-680. 25 most downloaded articles in Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering REVIEWER Reviewer for evaluation of research proposals: Fondecyt, Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico, Chile, 2011 Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal, 2012 Fondazione Cariplo, Italy, 2015 Fondecyt, Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico, Chile, 2015 USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USA, 2016 National Science Centre, Poland, 2017 (May) National Science Centre, Poland, 2017 (September) National Science Centre, Poland, 2018 (March) The French National Research Agency, France, 2018 (May) Guaana, Mohammed bin Rashid (MBR) Space Settlement Challenge, 2018 (May) Ministry of Science and Technology, Division of Water Science, Environment and Agriculture, State of Israel, 2018 (August)