Greg Peters
Chalmers University of Technology
Greg Peters: Expertise in environmental systems analysis including LCA. Additional expertise in odour and microbial risk assessment in an LCA framework. Magdalena Svanström: Expertise in environmental systems analysis including LCA. Additional expertise in learning for sustainable development and extension of results. Contact details: Professor Greg Peters Department of Technology Management and Economics Division of Environmental Systems Analysis 41296 Gothenburg +467723003 Description: Greg Peters Professor Peters has project management experience through collaboration with researchers in Australia, North America and Europe via for example his coordination of FLOT333, a four-year, AUD1.4 million research project at UNSW for quantitative risk assessment of microbial and chemical hazards from feedlot wastes. He has played similar roles in Sweden, coordinating three PhD candidates in the 8-year, 80 MSEK Mistra Future Fashion program (with collaborative inputs from Danish and British academics) on systems analysis of fibre and textile systems, and he brought together researchers at UNSW (Australia), University of Alberta (Canada) and Chalmers (Sweden) as coordinator of two research projects focussed on LCA and risk assessment of sewage sludge management alternatives. He previously collaborated with Professor Sommar in the Danish Cleanwaste project, which led to his development of an odour assessment framework for LCA. 5 key papers: ten Hoeve M, Nyord T, Peters G, Hutchings N, Jensen LS, Bruun S (2016) A life cycle perspective of slurry acidification strategies under different nitrogen regulations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 127:591-599 Peters GM, Murphy KR, Adamsen AP, Bruun S, Svanström M, ten Hoeve M (2014) Improving odour assessment in LCA - the odour footprint. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 19(11)1891-1900 Harder R, Heimersson S, Svanström M, Peters GM. (2014) Including pathogen risk in life cycle assessment 1 of wastewater management. Part 1: Estimating the burden of disease associated with pathogens. Environmental Science and Technology, 48:9438-9445 Rowley HV, Peters GM, Lundie S, Moore SJ (2012) Aggregating sustainability indicators: Beyond the weighted sum. Journal of Environmental Management, 111:24-33 Peters GM, Rowley HV, Wiedemann S, Tucker R, Short M, Schulz M (2010) Red meat production in Australia – A life cycle assessment and comparison with overseas studies. Environmental Science and Technology, 44(4)1327-1332 Magdalena Svanström Magdalena Svanström is a professor at the Environmental Systems Analysis Division at Chalmers University of Technology. She has project management experience from several contexts that relate to the topic of the proposal. She was the work package leader of the integrated technoeconomic and environmental assessment of wastewater and sludge management technologies in the EU FP7 ROUTES project that provided research-based support to technology developers and policy-makers in the EU. She was also the project leader of a Swedish Water project that used LCA to guide the Swedish Water sector on future sludge management that ensures phosphorus recovery and improved hygienisation. She is currently the project leader of a Formas project on how to best describe the benefits of use of sewage sludge on arable land in LCA in terms of the nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon content. She is also the work package leader of the integrated assessment work package that is now starting up within the H2020 ITN REFLOW project on phosphorus recovery from the dairy industry . 5 key papers: Heimersson S, Svanström M, Cederberg C, Peters G (2017) Improved life cycle modelling of benefits from sewage sludge anaerobic digestion and land application. Resources Conservation and Recycling, 122:126-134 Tomei MC, Bertanza G, Canato M, Heimersson S, Laera G, Svanström M (2015) Techno-Economic and Environmental Assessment of Upgrading Alternatives for Sludge Stabilization in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants, Journal of Cleaner Production 112:3106-15 Heimersson S, Harder R, Peters GM, Svanström M. (2014) Including pathogen risk in life cycle assessment of wastewater management. Part 2: Quantitative comparison of pathogen risk to other impacts on human health. Environmental Science and Technology, 48:9446-9453 Svanström M, Bertanza G, Bolzonella D, Canato M, Collivignarelli C, Heimersson S, Laera G, Mininni G, Peters G, Tomei MC (2014) Method for technical, economic and environmental assessment of advanced sludge processing routes. Water Science and Technology, 69: 2407-2416 Ten Hoeve M, Hutchings NJ, Peters G, Svanström M, Jensen LS, Bruun S. (2014) Life cycle assessment of pig slurry treatment technologies for nutrient redistribution in Denmark. Journal of Environmental Management, 132: 60–70