Enyew Negussie
Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE)
Contact by mailCV Brief summary: Dr. Enyew Negussie (Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)) Personal details: Name: Enyew Negussie Date of Birth: 16 April, 1964 Languages: English, Amharic, Finnish and German Profession: Animal Breeder Current position: Senior Scientist, Animal Genetics, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Jokioinen, Finland. Current Address: Animal Genetics, Luke, Myllytie 1, 31600, Jokioinen, Finland. Tel. +358 403 547 208; E-mail. enyew.negussie@luke.fi Education: PhD in Agriculture (Animal Breeding, Technical university of Munich, Germany); MSc. in Animal Breeding (Alemaya University of Agriculture, Ethiopia & SLU) BSc. in Animal Production (Alemaya University of Agriculture, Ethiopia) PUBLICATIONS: Dr. Negussie has authored more than 40 papers on referred scientific journals and over 50 papers in the proceedings of scientific congresses and workshops. (see at https://research.luke.fi/crisyp/disp/_/en/cr_redir_all/fet/fet/sea?direc...) RESPONSIBILITIES/LEADERSHIP ROLES: - Led the animal breeding, performance recording and data analysis section of the AAU, Awassa College of Agriculture in 1990 1993. - Led the UNDP (United Nations Development Program, Ethiopia) financed livestock breed survey project implemented by and implemented by ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute) in Oromia region of Ethiopia - Led and involved in the analysis of data from different African National Agricultural Research Systems breeding programs. - Led and implemented the Across-Nordic countries genetic evaluation model for udder health traits from 2007 to 2010 Key person in the “WestAfrica Dairy genetics” part of the FoodAfrica (10 million USD) project from 2012 to 2016. - Leader of the multidisciplinary and multi-actor “GreenDairy” project – to develop genetic tools for the mitigation of the environmental impact of milk production systems from 2010 to date - Leader of Ethio-Finnish joint dairy breeding project working to develop national dairy herd performance recording and routine dairy genetic evaluation systems from 2012 to date - Coordinator of the Working Group 3 in METHAGENE EU Cost action project titled “Large-scale methane measurements on Individual ruminants for genetic evaluations” from 2013 to date WORK AND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE A. CURRENT POSITION - Senior Scientist: since 2011 to present Institute: Animal Genetics, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Jokioinen, Finland - Research Scientist: Oct. 2001- 2010 Institute: Biometrical Genetics, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Jokioinen, Finland B. PREVIOUS WORK EXPERIENCE - Senior Research Officer (Animal Breeder): 1999 – September 2001 Institute: International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Animal Genetics and Genomics, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - ILRI Graduate fellow: 1995 – 1997 Institute: International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia - Lecturer & co-ordinator Dept. Animal Breeding: 1992 – 1993 Institute: Addis Ababa University, Awassa College of Agriculture, Ethiopia. - Graduate student (M.Sc): 1990-1991 Institute: Alemaya University of Agriculture, school of graduate studies - Assistant Lecturer: 1988 – 1989 Institute: Addis Ababa University, Awassa College of Agriculture, Ethiopia. - Graduate assistant: 1987- 1988 Institute: Addis Ababa University, Awassa College of Agriculture, Ethiopia MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES/ASSOCIATIONS 1. Member of the Biostatisticians society of Finland 2. Member of the American Dairy Science Association 3. Member of the Ethiopian Society of Animal Production FELLOWSHIP AND AWARDS 1. ILRI Graduate Fellow (1995 to 1997) 2. DAAD PhD scholarship (1994 - 1999)