Oscar Gonzalez-Recio
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.
Contact by mailDr González-Recio completed his PhD in animal breeding in 2006 from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Then, he spend his post-doctoral period in the University of Wisconsin under the supervision of Drs. Gianola, Weigel and Rosa, working on statistical modelling of genomic information on complex phenotypes. In 2013, he worked on Feed Efficiency and Fertility as a Senior Research Scientist in the Department of Environment and Primary Industries (Victoria, Australia). In 2015, he moved to INIA where his most recent research projects include the selection of feed efficiency and lower methane emissions to breed more productive livestock that provide more food for human consumption with a reduced use of raw material and lower environmental and land footprint. Oscar is also interested in the development and application of statistical methods to analyse high throughput genomic information, including rare variants, and its association with complex traits. Recently, the role of the microbiome in the sustainability of animal husbandry and the use of metagenomic information in animal breeding is getting much of his research interest. Dr. González-Recio emphasizes the importance of phenotypes and recording schemes to maximise the success of breeding programs, as well as to improve any inference or prediction to be made for a better understanding of genetics and biology. Oscar is also associate professor at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, teaching population and quantitative genetics, breeding programs, genomic selection, statistical genetics, and bio-computation. He also participates in international courses as invited lecturer.