Søren O. Petersen
Department of Agroecology
Aarhus University
Contact by mailCurriculum Vitae for Søren O. Petersen Personal: Born February 17, 1960 Work address: Aarhus University, Dept. Agroecology, Blichers alle 20, DK-8830 Tjele, Denmark phone 87157756, email sop@agro.au.dk Education: Ph.D. (Microbial ecology), Aalborg University, 1991 M.Sc. (microbial ecology), Dept. Ecology and Genetics, Aarhus University, 1988. Employments: 1994- present: Senior researcher, Faculty of Science and Technology, Aarhus University (until 2007 Danish Inst. Agricultural Sciences) 1991-94 Post doc, Lab. Environmental Engineering, Aalborg University 1992-93 Post doc, Centre for Microbial Ecology, Michigan State Univ. Honours and Awards: 2012: Outstanding associate editor award, Journal of Environmental Quality 2014: Outstanding associate editor award, Journal of Environmental Quality Academic Society and Editorial Positions: 2016- : Associate Chief Editor, Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2010-2015: Subject Editor, Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2010-2015: Associate editor, Journal of Environmental Quality Professional and Leadership Experience: My research has addressed fundamental and applied aspects of nutrient cycling and microbial dynamics in soil and manure environments, with particular focus on gaseous emissions as mediated by the physical environment and stresses. Experimental work includes stable isotopes, trace gas analyses, lipid analyses of soil microbial communities and soil fauna, and methodologies for trace gas analysis. I have been project leader or PI of several projects addressing climate impacts of agricultural production methods, including (past 5 yr): “Sources of N2O in arable organic soil as revealed by N2O isotopomers” (2014-2016); “Value chains for biogas production” (2013-2016); “Mitigating nitrous oxide emissions following grassland cultivation” (2013-2016); “Estimation of methane emissions from slurry pits below pig and cattle confinements” (2014-2016); “Pesticide Interactions with N source and Tillage: Effects on soil biota and ecosystem services” (2012-2014); “Higher productivity in Danish organic arable crop production” (2011-2014). Teaching: Main supervisor and co-supervisor of >10 MSc/BSc students and 10 PhD students for their thesis/dissertation work Publications: 116 international publications in peer-reviewed journals, 2 book chapters, and >100 conference proceedings papers/abstracts. Researcher ID: E-9714-2016. H-index is 37 and No. citations >4300 (Scopus, November 2018).