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After her studies in horticultural sciences (2008), Daniela Popescu got her Ph.D. (2012) at viticulture department at the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania. In 2012 start as researcher at the Research Station for Viticulture and Oenology Blaj and since 2015 is Team Leader of Research Department at JIDVEI SRL Company.
She is involved in national and international research projects and published several scientific works and is currently focusing on the impact of climate change on cultural practices of vines, biodiversity of vineyard ecosystem, and is responsible for testing, development and implementation of precise viticulture.
Besides dissemination activities and participation in national and international conferences and workshops, she is also involved in activities that bring together different actors (from universities and research institutes, advisers, public institutions) with winegrowers and their current needs.