Patrick Forrestal
TEAGASC - Agriculture and Food Development Authority
Contact by mailCurriculum Vitae Patrick J. Forrestal January 2019 Expertise: Soil and crop scientist with expertise in nutrient management, soil and crop nutrition, nitrogen loss mitigation, extension, research communication and biostatistics. Positions: Apr ‘13-Present Research Officer Nutrient Management, Soil and Plant Nutrition Soils, Land Use and Environment Department, Teagasc Johnstown Castle Research Center, Wexford, Ireland. Primary function: Develop and disseminate science based nutrient cycling and agronomy solutions to farmer, advisory and policy stakeholders to underpin agronomically, environmentally and economically sustainable farming systems including winning external funding and graduate student training. Oct ’12-Apr ’13 Manager University of Maryland – Upper Marlboro Research Centre Primary function: Manage the facility and staff running applied field crop research to aid delivery of the research and extension mission of faculty and USDA-ARS scientists. Apr ’12 - Aug ’12 Contract Research Agronomist University College Dublin - Clogrennane Lime Primary function: Evaluate the soil and crop performance effects of soil pH amendment using conventional and specialty liming products. Jul ’10 - May ’11 Graduate Research Assistant & Ph.D. candidate Dept. Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland. Primary function: Support applied field crop and variety testing work of the State Grain and Oilseeds Program. Write dissertation and prepare papers for publication, defend/viva. Apr ‘06 - Jul ’10 Agricultural Technician Lead & Ph.D student Grain and Oilseeds Program, Dept. Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, University of Maryland Primary function: Lead implementation of applied field research trials and associated extension activities including the State Corn Hybrid Testing, agronomy of corn, soybean, wheat and barley. Complete my Ph.D. research project (see below) Professional Preparation: 2011 Ph.D. Plant Science with focus on soil science and agronomy, University of Maryland, Dissertation: Corn residual nitrate and its implications for nitrogen management in winter wheat Developed The Fall Nitrate Test for Small Grains now credited with reducing unnecessary annual N inputs to small grains in Maryland by 11,016 t/year (UMD ANMP, 2018) 2005 M.Agr.Sc. Crop Science with focus on nutrient management and agronomy, Univ. College Dublin, Thesis: An evaluation of the effects of nitrogen and fungicide programmes on grain yield and quality parameters in spring malting barley. 2003 B.S. Agricultural Science, Univ. College Dublin: Animal and Crop Production. Competitive funding and awards: current running total to Teagasc: €1,309,269 PI CAN-NI: Agronomic and Environmental testing of nitrogen fertiliser with new stabiliser. Eurochem Fertilisers International. Award: €179,508, to Teagasc €179,508. Co-P.I. and task leader for demo/extension Nutri2Cycle: closing loops in C, N & P loops in agriculture European Commission Horizon 2020 call SFS-30-2016-2017 Sustainable Food Security. Award: €6,850,050 (19 partner institutes), to Teagasc €452,973. P.I. NBPT-Safe: Investigating the uptake potential, fate & food safety aspects of the nitrogen fertiliser stabiliser; the urease inhibitor NBPT. Irish Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine Competitive Call 2017. Award: €599,941 (2 partner institutes), to Teagasc €467,191. Sub-partner demo/extension ReNu2Farm: Agronomic testing and demonstration of bio-based recycled fertilsiers. European Commission INTEREG North-West Europe. Award: €2,228,088 (10 partner institutes) to Teagasc €35,090. Co-PI and task leader Using aerial and ground sensing to map and managing urine patches to reduce nitrous oxide emissions. The New Zealand Fund for Global Partnerships in Livestock Emissions Research. Award: €858,109 @ 1.502 euro/NZD (6 partner institutes) to Teagasc €78,507. < > Four year Ph.D Fellowship; Development of site and season specific Sulphur nutrition management. Walsh Fellowship Scheme, internal competitive call. Award: €96,000 to Teagasc €96,000. International Fertiliser Society (2014): 1st placed poster presentation as voted by the delegates of the Annual International Conference, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Soil Science Society of America (2010): 1st place in the oral presentation contest (Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition), International Meetings, Long Beach, California. 2010. Maryland Grain Producers Association (2009): funding to develop a fall nitrate test for winter wheat starter fertilizer management. American Society of Agronomy (2008): 3rd place presentation poster contest (Crop Ecology and Management), International Meetings, Houston, Texas. 2008. Maryland Crop Improvement Association (2008): James R. Miller annual bursary award. Irish Tillage and Land Use Society (2004): Annual bursary award. Peer reviewed publications/ invited conference proceedings: published: 24, in review: 3 In review: Ashekuzzaman, S.M., Forrestal, P.J., Richards, K.G., Fenton, O. Dairy industry derived wastewater treatment sludge: generation, type and characterization of nutrients and metals for agricultural reuse. Journal of Cleaner Production (In review). Forrestal, P.J., Meisinger, J.J., Kratochvil, R.J. Site N Management………….Soil Science Society of America Journal (in review) Hoekstra, N., Schulte, R.P., Forrestal, P.J., Hennessy, D., Krol, D., Lanigan, L., Müller, C., Shalloo, L., Wall, D., Richards, K.G. Scenarios to limit environmental nitrogen losses from dairy expansion. Science of the Total Environment (in review) First authored Forrestal, P.J., Harty, M.A., Carolan, R., Watson, C.J., Lanigan, G.J., Wall, D.P., Hennessy, D., Richards, K.G. 2017. Can the agronomic performance of urea equal calcium ammonium nitrate across nitrogen rates in temperate grassland? Soil Use and Management 33:243-251. doi: 10.1111/sum.12341. Forrestal, P.J., Harty, M., Carolan, R., Lanigan, G.J., Watson, C.J., Laughlin, R.J., McNeill, G., Chambers, B. and Richards, K.G. 2016. Ammonia emissions from urea, stabilised urea and calcium ammonium nitrate: insights into loss abatement in temperate grassland. Soil Use and Management. 32: 92-100. doi: 10.1111/sum.12232 Forrestal, P.J., Wall, D.P., Carolan, R., Harty, M.A. Roche, L.M, Krol, D.J. Watson, C.J., Lanigan, G.J. and Richards, K.G. 2016. Effects of urease and nitrification inhibitors on yields and emissions in grassland and spring barley. Invited Proceedings of the International Fertiliser Society, Cambridge, U.K. 9th December, 2016. Proceeding no. 793, ISBN 978-0-85310-430-8. Forrestal, P.J., Krol, D.J., Jahangir, M., Lanigan, G.J. and Richards, K.G. 2016. An evaluation of urine patch simulation methods for pasture system nitrous oxide emission estimation. Journal of Agricultural Science. 155: 725-732 doi:10.1017/S0021859616000939 Forrestal, P.J., Meisinger, J.J. and Kratochvil, R.J. 2014. Winter wheat starter nitrogen management: a pre-plant soil nitrate test and site-specific nitrogen loss potential. Soil Science Society of America Journal 78:1021-1034. doi:10.2136/sssaj2013.07.0282 Forrestal, P.J., Kratochvil, R.J. and Meisinger, J.J. 2012. Late-season corn measurements to assess soil residual nitrate and nitrogen management. Agronomy Journal 104:148-157. doi:10.2134/agronj2011.0172 Graduate students, post-docs and inter-disciplinary collaborations Zimmermann, J., Carolan, R., Forrestal, P.J., Harty, M., Lanigan, Gary, Richards, K. Roche, L., Jones, M. 2018. Assessing the performance of three frequently used biogeochemical models when simulating N2O emissions from a range of soil types and fertiliser treatments Geoderma 331:53-69. Burchill, W., Lanigan, G.J., Forrestal, P.J., Misselbrook, T., Richards, K. Ammonia volatilisation from cattle urine patches, urea and the combination of urine patches with urea and stabilised urea in temperate grassland. 2017. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 108: 163-175. Burchill, W. Forrestal, P.J., Kavanagh, I., Lanigan, G.J. 2017. Ammonia emissions from pasture-based livestock production systems; a collation of Irish research. Proceedings of the International Fertiliser Society, Cambridge, U.K. 8th December, 2017. Krol, D.J., Minet, E.P, Forrestal, P.J., Lanigan, G.J. and Richards, R.G. 2017. The effects of various nitrogen fertiliser formulations applied to urine patches on nitrous oxide emissions in grassland. Irish Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 56: 54-64 Harty, M.A., Forrestal, P.J., Carolan, R., Watson, C.J., Hennessy, D., Lanigan, G.J., Wall, D.P and Richards, K.G. 2017. Temperate grassland yields and nitrogen uptake are influenced by fertilizer nitrogen source. Agronomy Journal. 109: 1-9. doi:10.2134/agronj2016.06.0362. Roche, L., Forrestal, P.J., Lanigan, G.J., Richards, K.G., Shaw, L.J. and Wall, D.P. 2016. Impact of fertiliser nitrogen formulation, and N stabilisers on nitrous oxide emissions in spring barley. Agriculture Ecosystems and the Environment. 233: 229-237. Harty, M.A., Forrestal, P.J., Watson, C.J., McGeough, K.L., Carolan, R., Elliot, C., Krol, D.J., Laughlin, R.J., Richards, K.G., and Lanigan, G.J. Reducing nitrous oxide emissions by changing N fertiliser use from calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) to urea based formulations. 2016. Science of the Total Environment. 563-564: 576-586. Hyde, B.P., Forrestal, P.J., Jahangir, M.M.R., Ryan, M., Fanning, A.F., Carton, O.T., Lanigan, G.J. and Richards, K.G. 2016. The interactive effects of fertiliser nitrogen with dung and urine on nitrous oxide emissions in grassland. Irish Journal of Agriculture and Food Research. 55: 1-9. doi: 10.1515/ijafr-2016-0001. Fischer, K., Burchill, W., Lanigan, G.J., Kaupenjohann, M., Chambers, B., Richards, K.G. and Forrestal, P.J. 2016. Ammonia emissions from cattle dung, urine and urine with dicyandiamide. Soil Use and Management. 32: 83-91. doi: 10.1111/sum.12203 Burchill, W., Lanigan, G.J., Forrestal, P.J., Misselbrook, T., and Richards, K.G. 2016. A field based comparison of ammonia emissions from six Irish soil types following urea fertiliser application. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research. 55: 152-158. Vero, S.E., Healy, M.G., Henry, T., Creamer, R.E., Ibrahim, T.G., Forrestal, P.J., Richards, K.G. and Fenton, O. 2016. A methodological framework to determine optimum durations for the construction of soil water characteristic curves using centrifugation. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research. 55: 91-99. Minet, E.P., Ledgard, S.F., Lanigan, G.J., Murphy, J.B., Grant, J., Hennessy, D., Lewis, E., Forrestal, P.J. and Richards, K.G. 2016. Mixing dicyandiamide (DCD) with supplementary feeds for cattle: an effective method to deliver a nitrification inhibitor in urine patches. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 231: 114-121. Krol, D.J., Carolan, R., Minet, E., McGeough, K.L., Watson, C.J., Forrestal, P.J., Lanigan, G.J. and Richards, K.G. 2016. Improving and disaggregating N2O emission factors for ruminant excreta on temperate pasture soils. Science of the Total Environment. 568: 327-338. Healy, M.G., Fenton, O., Forrestal, P.J., Danaher, M., Brennan, R.B. and Morrison, L. 2016. Metal concentration in lime stabilised, thermally dried and anaerobically digested sewage sludges. Waste Management. 48: 404-408. doi: 10.1016/j.wasman.2015.11.028 Minet, E.P., Jahangir, M.M.R., Krol, D.J., Rochford, N., Fenton, O., Rooney, D., Lanigan, G., Forrestal, P.J., Breslin, C. and Richards, K.G. 2016. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2015.09.014 Cahalan, E., Minet, E., Enfors, M., Mueller, C., Devaney, D., Forrestal, P.J. and Richards, K.G. 2015. The effect of precipitation and application rate on DCD persistence and efficiency in two Irish grassland soils. Soil Use and Management. 31:367-374. doi:10.1111/sum.12194 Krol, D.J., P.J. Forrestal, Lanigan, G.J. and Richards, K.G. 2015. In situ N2O emissions are not mitigated by hippuric and benzoic acids under denitrifying conditions. Science of the Total Environment 511:362-368. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.12.074 Hunt, Jr., E.R., W.D. Hively, G.W. McCarty, R.J. Kratochvil, P.J. Forrestal, J.L. Carr, N.F. Allen, J. Fox-Rabinovitz, and C. Miller. 2011. NIR-green-blue high-resolution digital images for assessment of winter cover crop biomass. GIScience and Remote Sensing. 48:86-98. doi: 10.2747/1548-1603.48.1.86