Arkadiusz Kawa
Poznan University of Economics and Business
WORK EXPERIENCE 09.2009 – present Poznan University of Economics and Business – associate professor at the Department of Transport and Logistics Responsible for: - Teaching several subjects (E-commerce, Logistic Service Market, Design, Evaluation and Improvement of Supply Chains, Analytical Techniques in Supply Chain Management, Processes Management in Logistics) at full-time and extramural studies. - Teaching several subjects (Car Fleet Management, ICT in Logistics, Project Management in Logistics) at post-graduate studies. - Teaching Information Requirements Analysis at MBA studies. - Supervision of research projects: e-commerce, logistics, business networks. - Supervision of student logistics interest group. RESEARCH AND PROJECTS 2018 – present Digital Economy, Innovation, and East Asia’s Competitiveness in GVCs (Phase II): Improving E-Commerce Enabling/Supporting Connectivity in Asia, project of the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Short-term consultant 2017 Digital Economy, Innovation, and East Asia’s Competitiveness in GVCs (Phase I): Cross-border e-Commerce in ASEAN and East Asia, project of the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), Short-term consultant 2016 – present Value network creation in e-commerce in terms of logistics and marketing, grant of the National Center of Science in Poland, Principal investigator 2015 – present Optimization of transportation decisions under exclusionary side constraints, grant of the National Center of Science in Poland, Main participant 2011 – present Networks in economics, Statutory research, Poland, Participant 2012 – 2016 Network approach in economic co-operation, grant of the National Center of Science in Poland, Principal investigator 2009 – 2016 Designing, analyzing and improving supply chains, Research of Young Scientists and PhD students, Project manager 2012 – 2014 Strategic Management Games – innovative teaching method for business education, Leonardo da Vinci, Austria, Lithuania, Poland, Participant 2011 – 2012 Transnational LOGistics’ Improvement through Cloud computing and innovAtive cooperative business modeLs, EU project - Central Europe, Participant 2011 – 2012 Venture Multitouch – a multiplane platform for the supply of enterprise intelligent capital, EU project within 3.3 activity, Co-ordinator 2011 – 2012 SpeedUP IQbator – intelligent capital for innovative undertakings, EU project within 3.1 activity, Participant 2010 – 2012 Transfer of experiential and innovative teaching methods for business education, EU project - Leonardo da Vinci, Lithuania, Poland, Participant 2010 – 2011 Supply chain management, Statutory research, Poland, Participant