Cristina Mora
Department of Food and Drug
Università di Parma
Department of Food and Drug University of Parma Parco Area delle Scienze 27/A 43124 Parma – Italy E-mail: Skype: cristina-mora Telephone: +39 (0) 521 906545 Personal Website: H Index (2002-2017): 11 (Scopus|SciVal) Education and Academic Career Degree in Economics, University of Parma, and PhD in Agricultural Economics. Currently Associate Professor in Food Marketing at the Department of Food and Drug of the University of Parma. Expert Reviewer for evaluation of research products in the framework of the Italian Evaluation of Research Quality exercise (VQR 2004-2010) In 2014 obtained the National Scientific Qualification to function as Full Professor in Italian Universities (art.16 of the law 30 December 2010, n.240). Current Research Interests Developing qualitative and quantitative methodologies to understand attitudes and behaviours related to food Appling qualitative methodologies to understand firm competition in the food sector Evaluating the effectiveness of public engagement in the agrifood sector Grants awarded Involved in several EU projects, primarily in the area of food consumer behavior, have been workpackage leader in many of these. Including MEDAFOR (MEDiterranean Desertification And FORestry, 4th FP), TRACE (Tracing Food Commodities in Europe, 6th FP), PEGASUS (Public Perception of Genetically modified Animals, 7th FP), FOCUS BALKANS (Food Consumer Science in the Balkans, 7th FP), PRIMEFISH (Developing Innovative Market Orientated Prediction Toolbox to Strengthen the Economic Sustainability and Competitiveness of European Seafood on Local and Global markets, Horizon 2020, and CONSUMEHealth, Scientific Responsible, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Global Fellowship. Partner organization: Cornell University (Ithaca, USA); Secondment: European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). EMERALD Awards for Excellence – 2016 “Highly commended” paper” for “Consumer attitude towards sustainable-labelled wine: an exploratory approach” (in collaboration with Sogari G. and Menozzi D., 2015), International Journal of Wine Business Research. Publications Mora C., Menozzi D. (2007), Company costs and benefits of organic processed food, in Theuvsen L., Spiller A., Peupert M., Jahn G., Quality Management and in Food Chains, Wageningen Academic Publishers, ISBN: 978-90-76998-90-9, The Netherlands. Mora C., Menozzi D. (2007), Present and future benefits of traceability in food markets: consumers’ perception and action, comunicazione invitata presentata al Workshop Risk and cost benefit analysis of traceability in the agri-food chain – Session 2: Consumers’ behavior, 13/14 December 2007 – Ispra presso il Joint Research Centre dell’Unione Europea. Mora C., Menozzi D. (2008). Conoscenza e atteggiamento dei consumatori verso gli alimenti derivanti o contenenti organismi geneticamente modificati. RIVISTA DI DIRITTO ALIMENTARE (on line). Anno 2, n. 1, gennaio 2008, pp. 23-27 ISSN: 1973-3593. (Italy), June 15th-16th, 2006 Mora C., Menozzi D. (2008), Benefits of traceability in food markets: consumers’ perception and action ACTA AGRICULTURAE SCANDINAVICA SECTION C - FOOD ECONOMICS (ISSN:1650-7541) pp.92- 105 14 (5 (2)) 10.1080/16507540903034907 Mora C., Menozzi D. (2009). International Marketing and Trade of Protected Designation of Origin Products. In: CANAVARI M., CANTORE N., CASTELLINI A., PIGNATTI E., SPADONI R. International marketing and trade of quality food products. (pp. 61-81). ISBN: 978-90-8686-089-0. WAGENINGEN: Wageningen Academic Publishers. Mora C., Menozzi D. (2011) Attitude and behavior towards fruit consumption among young adults in Italy. In:Fruit & Veg Processing, 1st Euro-Mediterranean Symposium. 18-21 April, 2011, Avignon, France. Menozzi D., Mora C., Faioli G. (2011). Consumer's preferences for brand, country of origin and traceability of UHT milk, Progress in Nutrition 13 (4), 263-275. ISSN: 11298723. Siet J. Sijtsema, Karin Zimmermann, Miljan Cvetkovic , Zaklina Stojanovic , Igor Spiroski ,Jasna Milosevic, Cristina Mora, Ruzica Butigan, Boban Mugosa , Magali Esteve, Jure Pohar (2012) Consumption and perception of processed fruits in the Western Balkan region LEBENSMITTEL-WISSENSCHAFT + TECHNOLOGIE (ISSN:0023-6438) pp.293- 297 5 (49) 10.1016/j.lwt.2012.07.025. C. Mora, D. Menozzi, L.H. Aramyan, N.I. Valeeva, G. Pakki Reddy, K.L. Zimmermann (2012) Genetically modified animals in the food and pharmaceutical chains: economics, public perception and policy implications. In:1st AIEAA Conference. 4-5 June, Trento (Italy). D. Menozzi, C. Mora (2012) Fruit consumption determinants among young adults in Italy: A case study LEBENSMITTEL-WISSENSCHAFT + TECHNOLOGIE (ISSN:0023-6438) pp.298- 304 7 (49) DOI: 10.1016/j.lwt.2012.03.028 D. Menozzi, C. Mora, A. Merigo (2012), Genetically Modified Salmon for Dinner? Transgenic Salmon Marketing Scenarios, AgBioForum, 15(3):pp. 276-293, ISSN: 1522936X Amblard C., Prugnard E., Giraud G., Mora C., (2013). Utilising conjoint analysis: understanding consumer preferences for Traditional food, in Food Consumer Science. Theories, Methods and Application to the Western Balkans, ed. By Barjolle D., Gorton M., Milosevic J., Stojanovic K., Springer, pagg. 107-126. ISBN 978-94-007-5945-9. Sijtsema S., Zimmermann K, L., Cvetkovic M., Mora C., Laniau-Zaouche M., (2013) Assessing fruit perception using focus groups, in Food Consumer Science. Theories, Methods and Application to the Western Balkans, ed. By Barjolle D., Gorton M., Milosevic J., Stojanovic K., Springer, pagg. 73-88. ISBN 978-94-007-5945-9. Mora C., Menozzi D., Kleter G., Aramyan L.H., Valeeva N.I., Zimmermann K.L., Pakki Reddy G. (2012). Factors affecting the adoption of genetically modified animals in the food and pharmaceutical chains. Bio-based and Applied Economics 1 (3), 313-329. Frewer, L.J.; Kleter, G.A.; Brennan, M.; Coles, D.G.; Fischer, A.R.H.; Houdebine, L.M.; Mora, C.; Millar, K.; Salter, B., (2013), Genetically modified animals from life-science, socio-economic and ethical perspectives: examining issues in an EU policy context, New Biotechnology 30 (2013)5. - ISSN 1871-6784, 447 - 460. Giraud, G.,Amblard, C.,Thiel, E., Zaouche-Laniau, M., Stojanović, Z.,Pohar, J.,Butigan, R.,Cvetković, M.,Mugosa, B.,Kendrovski, V.,Mora, C.j,Barjolle, D. (2013), A cross-cultural segmentation of western Balkan consumers: Focus on preferences toward traditional fresh cow cheese, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, ISSN: 00225142; DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.6350. Menozzi D., Halawany-Darson R., Mora C., Giraud G. (2015). Motives towards traceable food choice: A comparison between French and Italian consumers. Food Control. ISSN: 09567135; DOI: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2013.09.006. Menozzi D., Mora C., Sogari G. (2015). Explaining vegetable consumption among young adults: An application of the theory of planned behaviour. Nutrients 7(9): 7633-7650. Sogari G., Corbo C., Macconi M., Menozzi D., Mora C. (2015). Consumer attitude towards sustainable-labelled wine: an exploratory approach. International Journal of Wine Business Research 27(4): 312-328. Sogari G., Mora C., Menozzi D. (2016). Factors driving sustainable choice: the case of wine. British Food Journal 118 (3): 632-646. Sogari G., Mora C., Menozzi D. (2016). Sustainable wine labeling: a framework for definition and consumers’ perception. Agriculture and Agricultural Science Procedia 8: 58–64. Sogari G., Menozzi D., Mora C. (2016). Exploring young foodies’ knowledge and attitude regarding entomophagy: A qualitative study in Italy. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 7, 16–19. Menozzi D., Sogari G., Mora C. (2017). Understanding and modelling vegetables consumption among young adults. LWT – Food Science and Technology, 85, 327-333. Menozzi D., Kostov K., Sogari G., Arpaia S., Moyankova D., Mora C. (2017). A Stakeholder Engagement Approach for Identifying Future Research Directions in the Evaluation of Current and Emerging Applications of GMOs. Bio-based and Applied Economics, 85, 327-333. Menozzi D., Sogari G., Veneziani M., Simoni E., Mora C. (2017). Eating novel foods: An application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour to predict the consumption of an insect-based product. Food Quality and Preference, 59, 27-34.