Klaus Mittenzwei
Department for Economics and Society
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research
CURRICULUM VITAE Personal data Name: Klaus Mittenzwei Date of birth: 25.06.1967 Place of birth: Mannheim, Germany Home address: Stensgata 8A NO-0358 Oslo Norway Phone: + 47 22 59 85 84 Mobilphone: + 47 47 40 86 80 Current position Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO) Postboks 115 Ås NO-1431 Ås Visiting address: Storgata 2-4-6, 0131 Oslo Phone: + 47 94143954 email: klaus.mittenzwei@nibio.no URL: https://www.nibio.no/ansatte/klaus-mittenzwei Research interests Norwegian and European agricultural policies, trade policies, quantitative modelling of ex-ante policy reforms, institutions in policy decision-making, structural change in agriculture, climate change and mitigation options. 93 citations in Researchgate (as of 31.08.18) Academic education 1977-87 Humboldt-Gynmasium, Dortmund (German secondary school) 1989-1993 Dipl. Ing. Agr. (Diploma in Agricultural Economics) Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms Universität, Bonn, Germany January 2002 Dr. scient. from the Agricultural University of Norway, Ås with Ph.D. Dissertation Formalizing the Rules of the Game: A Study on the Role of Institutions in Norwegian Agricultural Policy Making (Doctor Scientiarum Theses 2001:27) Work positions 21.05.1993-30.04.1996 Researcher at NILF (Norwegian Agricultural Economics Research Institute) 01.05.1996-18.01.2002 Doctorate Fellow at NILF, and external Ph.D. student at the Department of Economics and Resource Management, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Ås. 19.01.2002-13.06.2015 Senior Researcher at the NILF 01.09.2011-31.12.2011 Visiting Scholar and Anna Lindh Fellow at the Europe Center, Stanford University (in cooperation with Tim Josling) Since 01.07.2015 Senior Researcher at NIBIO (following a merger between NILF, the Norwegian Forest and Landscape Research Institute and the Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research) 09.11.2016-09.12.2016 Visting Scholar at the Division Policies in Trade and Agriculture at the Trade and Agricultural Directorate at the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris. Languages Fluent in English, Norwegian, and German Basic knowledge in French Professional activities Project leader for several projects funded by the Research Council of Norway • Exploring preferences among citizens and politicians for agriculture and agricultural policy, 2010-2014 • A political-economy model for Norwegian agriculture, 2010-2012 • The optimal choice and timing of agricultural policies in the presence of uncertainty, 2007-2009 • Internationalisation of agricultural policies: Consequences for the agricultural sector in Northern Norway, 2005-2007 • Further improvement of the agricultural sector model JORDMOD, 2006-2008 External examiner at the University of Oslo and University of Life Sciences, Ås. Reviewer for European Review of Agricultural Economics, Journal of Agricultural Economics, congresses of the European Association of Agricultural Economics (EAAE) and meetings of the American Association of Agricultural Economists (AAEA). Liasion officer for the EAAE in Norway. Books Hegrenes, A., Mittenzwei, K. and Prestegard, S.S. (2016). Norsk jordbrukspolitikk. Handlingsrom i endring. Fagbokforlaget. (In Norwegian) . Peer-reviewed articles Mittenzwei, K., Storm, H. and Heckelei, T. (2018). Farm labor and farm income: case study from Norway. pp. 152-168 in: Mishra, A.K., Viaggi, D. and Gomez y Paloma, S. (eds). Public Policy in Agriculture. Impact on Labor Supply and Household Income. Routledge. London and New York. Mittenzwei, K. and Britz, W. (2018). Analysing farm-specific payments for Norway using the Agrispace model. Journal of Agricultural Economics (https://doi.org/10.1111/1477-9552.12268) Mittenzwei, K., Persson, T., Höglind, M. and Kværnø, S. (2017). Combined effects of climate change and policy uncertainty on the agricultural sector in Norway. Agricultural Systems 153: 118-126. Özkan Gülzari, S., Aspeholmen Åby, B., Persson, T., Höglind, M. and Mittenzwei, K. (2017). Combining models to estimate the impact of future climate scenarios on feed supply, greenhouse gas emissions and economic performance on dairy farms in Norway. Agricultural Systems 157: 157-169. Mittenzwei, K. and Mann, S. (2017). The rationale of part-time farming: emipircal evidence form Norway. International Journal of Social Economics 44(1): 53-59 (https://doi.org/10.1108/IJSE-10-2014-0207) Bullock, D.S., Mittenzwei, K. and Wangsness, P. (2016). Balancing public goods in agriculture through Safe Minimum Standards. European Review of Agricultural Economics 43(4): 561-584 (DOI: 10.1093/erae/jbv037). Mittenzwei, K., Mann, S., Refsgaard, K., Kvakkestad, V. (2016). Hot cognition in agricultural policy preferences in Norway? Agriculture and Human Values 33(1): 61-71. Storm, H., Mittenzwei, K. and Heckelei, T. (2015). Direct payments, spatial competition and farm survival in Norway. American Journal of Agricultural Economcis 97(4): 1192-1205. Mittenzwei, K., Britz, W. and Wiek, C. (2014). Does the «green box» of the European Union distort global markets? Bio-based and Applied Economics 3(1): 1-20. Mittenzwei, K. and Josling, T. (2014). Adding Value to Applied Policy Models: The Case of the WTO and OECD Support Classification Systems. Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing 10(4): 460-478. Hasselmann, F., Mann, S. and Mittenzwei, K. (2013). The importance of succession on business growth: A case study of family farms in Switzerland and Norway. Yearbook of Socioeconomics in agriculture: 109-138. Bryden, J. and Mittenzwei, K. (2013). Academic Freedom, Democracy And The Public Policy Process. Sociologia Ruralis 53(3): 311. (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/soru.12012) Josling, T. and Mittenzwei, K. (2013). Transparency and timeliness: the monitoring of agricultural policies in the WTO using OECD data. World Trade Review 12(3) (July 2013): 509-531. (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S1474745613000013) Mittenzwei, K., Bullock, D.S. and Salhofer, K. (2012). Towards a theory of policy timing. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 56(4) (October 2012): 583-596 (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8489.2012.00601.x) Mittenzwei, K., Lien, G., Fjellstad, W., Øvren, E. and Dramstad, W. (2010). Effects of Landscape Protection on Farm Management and Farmers’ Income in Norway. Journal of Environmental Management 91: 861-868. Fjellstad, W., Mittenzwei, K., Dramstad, W. and Øvren, E. (2009). Landscape Protection As A Tool For Managing Agricultural Landscapes in Norway. Environmental Science & Policy 12 (8): 1144-1152. Britz, W. and Mittenzwei, K. (2009). “Spatial Down-Scaling as a Tool to Improve Multifunctionality Indicators in Economic Models”, in: P. N. Findley (ed.). Environmental Modelling: New Research, Nova Science Publishers, New York. pp. 121-135. Mittenzwei, K., Fjellstad, W., Dramstad, W., Flaten, O., Gjertsen, A.K., Loureiro, M. and S.S. Prestegard (2007). “Opportunities and limitations in assessing the multifunctionality of agriculture within the CAPRI model”. Ecological Indicators 7 (4): 827-838. Mittenzwei, K., Asheim, L.J., Adenäuer, M. and S.S. Prestegard (2006). “Medium-term integration effects on Norwegian agriculture: A partial equilibrium analysis”. Food Economics 3 (1): 35-47 Mittenzwei, K. and D.S. Bullock (2004). ”Rules and Equilibria: A Formal Conceptualization of Institutions with an Application to Norwegian Agricultural Policy Making”, in: Van Huylenbroeck, G., Verbeke, W. og L. Lauwers (eds): Role of Institutions in Rural Policies and Agricultural Markets, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 109-121. Reports Mittenzwei, K. 2018. Økonomisk modellering av klimatiltak i jordbruket: Dokumentasjon og anvendelser i CAPRI og Jordmod. Versjon 1.0 av 30.04.2018. NIBIO Rapport 4(60). Mittenzwei, K. 2015. Reduserte klimagassutslipp fra produksjon og forbruk av rødt kjøtt. En virkelmiddelanalyse med Jordmod. NIBIO Rapport 1(16). Mittenzwei, K. and Gaasland, I. (2008). Dokumentasjon av Jordmod: Modellbeskrivelse og analyser. NILF-rapport 2008-3. NILF. Oslo. Lie, S. A. and Mittenzwei, K. (2008). Større og færre, men hvilke konsekvenser? Strukturutvikling og jordbrukspolitiske målsettinger. NILF-notat 2008-10. NILF. Oslo. Mittenzwei, K., Fjellstad, W. (2006). Operationalization of multifunctionality in the CAPRI modelling system. Report 2006-6. NILF, Oslo. Mittenzwei, K., Loureiro, M., Dramstad, W., Fjellstad, W., Flaten, O., Gjertsen, A.K. and S.S. Prestegard (2004). A cluster analysis of Norwegian municipalities with respect to agriculture’s multifunctionality, Working paper No. 2004-22, NILF, Oslo. Mittenzwei, K. and S.S. Prestegard (2004). Dokumentasjon av modellsystemet CAPRI: Modellbeskrivelse og analyser, Report 2004-6, NILF, Oslo. Mittenzwei, K. and N.K. Nersten (2004). Scenarier for norsk landbruk og landbrukspolitikk med vekt på WTO: Konsekvensanalyse med JORDMOD, Working Paper 2004-16, NILF, Oslo.