Philip L. Fosboel
Technical University of Denmark
Name and year of birth Philip Loldrup Fosbøl, 1979 Twitter/fosboel ResearchGate Fosboel Fosbol ORCID Fosbøl Scopus Thomson Fosbøl ResearcherID LinkedIn Fosbøl Google Scholar Fosbøl Degrees: 2008 PhD, Chemical Engineering DTU 2003 MSc, Chemical Engineering DTU Positions: 2015 – Associate Professor, CERE, Department of Chemical Engineering, DTU, DTU. 2009 – 2015 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, DTU. 2008 – 2009 Postdoc, Department of Chemical Engineering, DTU 2007 – 2008 Postdoc, Department of Chemical Engineering, DTU 1997 – 2002 Freelance programmer for the publishing industry Research Area: CO2 capture, corrosion, gas transport, thermodynamic modelling, experimental measurements, pilots, process design, simulation, and optimization Distinctions and awards: 2008: Peter Gorm-Pedersens, Destinguised finalised PhD., DTU Memberships of scientific committees, review Reviewer for: Ind. & Eng. Chem. Res., J. Chem. & Eng. Data, Solution chemistry, Int. J. Greenhouse Gas Control, J. of Energy & Fuels, and Chem. Eng. Com. 2014-2019 Session chair TCCS-8, TCCS-9, TCCS-10, GHGT12, Scientific board: ISSP17 2013 On the Scientific Board for the DTU Oil and Gas Centre creation 2017-2018 Reviewer for H2020, MSCA Web of Science publications: 52 Year of first WoS publication: 2009 Year of first WoS publication at DTU: 2009 Citations: 389 ; Citation impact: 7.8 H.index: 11 Other publ.: 10 Patents: 0 To see the above statistics please use: Thomson Fosbøl ResearcherID Other innovation activities: Appeared in the following media: TV, radio and news papers: Written news: 20170131:, link; 20170201:, link; 20170228:, link; 20171120:, link; 20171122:, link; 20171124:, link; 20180108:, link; 20180108:, link; 20180421: DR Viden, link; 20180803: Weekendavisen, link; 20180807:, link; 20181009: Magisterbladet, link; 20181009:, link; 20181010:, link; 20181011: Sciencereport, link; 20181022:, link Flow-TV: 20170317: DR Deadline, link; 20171123: DR Dagen, link; 20180807: DR TV-avisen, link; Radio/streaming: 20170420: DR Klimatetstamentet, link; 20181008: DR Radioavisen, link; 20180815: Zetland, link There is at least 50 derived new stories from the above original content. Supervision of PhDs, 2013 – present (ongoing or finished in 2013 or later): 2019- Co-supervisor of PhD student NA on BaSO4 scaling 2018- Co-supervisor of PhD student Petter on experimental scaling kinetics 2018- Supervisor of PostDoc Carolina Figueroa Murcia on FeCO3 solubility 2018 Supervisor of researcher Randi Neerup on BioCO2 demonstration 2017- Supervisor of PostDoc Susana de Almeida on BioCO2 demonstration 2017 -2018 Supervisor of PostDoc Arne Gladis BioCO2 demonstration 2019- Supervisor of PhD student “NA” on BioCO2 production 2015- Supervisor of PhD student Mauro Torli on Biogas production 2015- Supervisor of PhD student Henrik Lund Nielsen on SO2 corrosion 2014 Supervisor of Postdoc Waseem Ashad on CO2 capture simulation 2013- Co-supervisor of PhD student Carolina Figueroa Murcia on HPHT EOR 2012-2015 Supervisor of Postdoc Ioannis Xiarchos on Smartwater EOR 2012-2016 Supervisor of PhD student Jozsef Gasper on CO2 Capture EU FP7 2012-2016 Co-supervisor of PhD stud. K.H. Chakravaty, Smartwater EOR Teaching and Education activities: 2012-ongiong Teacher for “Unit Operations of Chem. Eng.”, DTU; 2012-ongoing Teacher for “Chemical Unit Operations Laboratory”, DTU; 2014-ongoing Teacher for “Advanced Course on Thermodynamics”, DTU; 2004-ongoing Assistant-supervision, Co-supervision, and main supervision plus mentor of numerous persons both high school students (2), graduating lab students (6), undergrad bachelors (25), master students (30) in chemical engineering, PhD students (6), and postdocs (6). Grants, 2013 – present (ongoing or finished in 2013 or later): 2016-2018, DHRTC, 2 PhD projects, total DKK 4.000.000; 2017-2018, 3 DHRTC sprint projects, total DKK 850.000; 2018-2020, DHRTC FeCO3 scaling, DKK 2.600.000; 2016-2021, BioCO2 funded by EUDP, DKK 13.900.000; 2014-2017, 7 smaller innovation project, total DKK 1.100.000; 2012-2013, industrial Louids Register, DKK 150.000; 2013, Industrial Silicatech fund: DKK 340.000; 2012-2019, Industrial Mærsk NDT fund: DKK 390.000; 2011-2014, DTU share of EU FP7 Octavius project EUR 230.000; 2009-2014, DTU share of EU FP7 iCap project: EUR 650.000; 2009, EU START fund in relation to iCap and Octavius: DKK 550.000; 2008-2013, DTU share of EU FP7 CESAR/CLEO project: EUR 100.000 Selected 10 recent publications Gaspar, J; Fosboel, PL. Practical enhancement factor model based on GM for multiple parallel reacs: Piperazine (PZ) CO2 capture. Chem Eng Sci 158, 257, 2017. Gaspar, J; Sandoval, LR; Joergensen, JB; Fosboel, PL. Controllability and flexibility analysis of CO2 post-combustion capture using piperazine and MEA. Int. J. GHGC 51, 276-289, 2016. Gaspar, J; Thomsen, K; von Solms, N; Fosboel, PL. Solid Formation in Piperazine Rate-based Simulation. Energy Procedia, 63, 1074-1083, 2014. Gaspar, J; Arshad, MW; Blaker, EA; Langseth, B; Hansen, T; Thomsen, K; von Solms, N; Fosboel, PL. A Low Energy Aqueous Ammonia CO2 Capture Process. Energy Procedia, 63 (2014) 614-623, 2014. Fosboel, PL; Gaspar, J; Ehlers, S; Kather, A; Briot, P; Nienoord, M; Khakharia, P; Le Moullec, Y; Berglihn, OT; Kvamsdal, H. Benchmarking and Comparing First and Second Generation Post Combustion CO2 Capture Technologies. Energy Procedia, 63, 27-44, 2014. Arshad, MW; Svendsen, HF; Fosboel, PL; von Solms, N; Thomsen, K. Equilibrium Total Pressure and CO2 Solubility in Binary and Ternary Aqueous Solutions of 2-(Diethylamino)ethanol (DEEA) and 3-(Methylamino)propylamine (MAPA). J. Chem. Eng. Data 59(3), 764-774, 2014. Valenti, G; Bonalumi, D; Fosboel, PL.; Macchia, E; Thomsen, K, Gatti, D; Alternative layouts for the carb capture with the CAP. E Proc 37, 2076, 2013. Fosboel, PL; Maribo-Mogensen, B; Thomsen, K. Solids Modelling and Capture Simulation of Piperazine in Potassium Solvents. Energy Procedia 37, 844, 2013. Arshad, MW; Fosboel, PL; von Solms, N; Svendsen, HF; Thomsen, K. Heat of Absorption of CO2 in Phase Change Solvents: 2-(Diethylamino)ethanol and 3-(Methylamino)propylamine. J. Chem. Eng. Data 58(7), 1974-1988, 2013. Soenderby, TL; Carlsen, KB; Fosboel, PL; Kioerboe, LG; von Solms, N. A New Pilot Absorber for CO2 Capture from Flue Gases: Measuring and Modelling Capture with MEA Solution. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 12, 181-192, 2013.