Delft University of Technology
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Asterios is an Assistant Professor at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), and a member of the Web Information Systems group.
Before joining TU Delft, Asterios spent a year with the SAP Innovation Center in Berlin, working on scale-out architectures for machine learning inference and training. Before SAP, he was a senior researcher at the database systems group in TU Berlin, headed by Volker Markl. Asterios received my PhD from INRIA Saclay & Universite Paris-Sud in 2013, under the supervision of Ioana Manolescu. Prior to that, he was a member of the High Performance Computing systems Lab (HPCL), at the University of Cyprus, working with Marios Dikaiakos.
Asterios works in the broad area of scalable data management; more specifically on Big Data analytics and management, stream processing, database language models, and query optimization. He is the information director of SIGMOD Record, a local organization chair of SIGMOD 2019 and regularly serves in the program committees of ICDE/SIGMOD and VLDB.