Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry
University of Florence
Graduated at College of Agriculture of University of Bologna, in Animal Production Sciences (25th of November, 1980). Researcher at University of Bologna, Faculty of Agriculture, since August 1990. Since 1992 Matteo Barbari has been Associate Professor at the Department of Agricultural and Forest Engineering of University of Firenze, Faculty of Agriculture. In December 2004 he was called as Full Professor from the Faculty of Agriculture. In service as Full Professor since November 2005. Prof. Barbari has been head of Department of Agricultural and Forest Engineering - DIAF (years 2003-2006; 2006-2009). Vice-dean of Agriculture Faculty (2006-2009), head of Department of Agricultural and Forest Economics, Engineering, Sciences and Technologies - DEISTAF (years 2010-2013), head of Department of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Systems - GESAAF (2013-2016). He is a member of AIIA (Italian Association of Agricultural Engineering), CIGR (International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering), EurAgEng (European Society of Agricultural Engineering) and ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers). Member of board CIGR Section II. He has been scientific responsible of many projects funded from different institutions (Italian Ministry of University and Research, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tuscany Region, Emilia Romagna Region, different public bodies, private organizations). In the last years he is dealing with different themes concerning farm buildings. The main topics of the research activity are the following: a) animal welfare requirements in pig and cattle farms. b) Outdoor pig production. c) Housing of dry sows: typologies; electronic feeding systems; use of straw. d) Housing of growing-fattening pigs; sloped flooring and straw bedding; deep beddings. e) Housing systems for dairy cows; compost barns. f) Design and building of simplified structures for poultry breeding. g) Timber low cost solutions for rural buildings. h) Environmental control: systems for animal protection during hot season; drip cooling; automatic water sprinkling systems; underground heat cooling; heat recovery. i) Reduction of environmental impact of pig farms. Treatment of wastes. l) Reuse of rural building. m) Design of farm and agro-food buildings in tropics and sub-tropics. n) Rural tourism, planning of routes. o) Innovative technologies (GPS-GIS) for valorization on rural landscape. Prof. Barbari attended many conferences and workshops around the world, presenting papers or posters. The main events for the international context or the scientific quality are the following: XIV International Memorial CIGR World Congress (Tsukuba, Japan, 28/11-1/12/2000); VI International Symposium ASAE on Livestock Environment (Lousville, Kentucky, 21-23/05/2001); VII National Conference of Agricultural Engineering (Vieste, Foggia, 11-14/09/2001); International Symposium II Section CIGR “Animal welfare considerations in livestock housing systems” (Slarska Poreba. Poland, 23-25/10/2001); 2002 ASAE Annual International Meeting/CIGR World Congress (Chicago, 29-31/07/2002); II International Swine Housing Conference (Durham, North Carolina, 12-15/10/03); 2nd Technical Section of the CIGR, International Symposium of the CIGR, “New Trends in Farm Building”, (Evora, Portugal, 2-6/10/04); VII International Symposium ASAE on Livestock Environment (Beijing, China, 16-18/05/2005); AGENG 2006 "World Congress Agricultural Engineering for a Better World" (Bonn,3-7/09/06); Dairy Housing (Minneapolis, 16-18/06/07); American Forage and Grassland Council and Society for Range Management 2008 (Lousville, Kentucky, 26-31/01/2008); CIGR International Conference of Agricultural Engineering - VIII International Livestock Environment Symposium (31/08–4/09/08, Iguassu, Brazil); CIGR International Conference “Innovation Technology to Empower Safety, Health and Welfare in Agriculture and Agro-food Systems” (Ragusa, 15-17/09/08); CADIR-CIGR V section, International Symposium 2009 “Technology and Management to Increase the Efficiency in Sustainable Agricultural Systems” (Rosario, Argentina, 1-4/09/09); CIGR Working Group “Animal Housing in Hot Climates” (Chongqing, China, 22-25/10/09); XVII World Congress of the International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering CIGR “Sustainable biosystems through engineering” (Quebec City, Canada, 13-17/06/10); Australian Society for Engineering in Agriculture “2011 Spatially Enabled Livestock Management Symposium” (Surfers Paradise, Queensland, Australia, 28-29/09/11). International Conference of Agricultural Engineering CIGR-AgEng2012, (Valencia, Spain, 8-12/07/12); X AIIA Conference – Associazione Italiana Ingegneria Agraria (Viterbo, 8-12/09/13); XVIII World Congress CIGR – International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (Beijing, 16-19/09/14); I SIAPAS (International Symposium of Ambience and Engineering on Sustainable Animal Production – Under Hot and Temperate Climate Conditions) and V SIMCRA (National Symposium of Rural Constructions and Ambience) (Viçosa, Brazil, 7-10/06/2016); CIGR - AgEng 2016 “Automation, Environment and Food Safety” (Aarhus, Denmark, 26 – 29/06/16); 8th Conference Biosystems Engineering (Tartu, Estonia, 11-13/05/17); XI Conference AIIA “Biosystems Engineering addressing the human challenges of the 21st Century” (Bari, 5-8/07/2017); 9th Conference Biosystems Engineering (Tartu, Estonia, 9-11/05/18). The scientific activity of Prof. Matteo Barbari is documented by more than 270 published articles or papers.