Elly Navajas
National Agriculture Research Institue
Contact by mailDr Elly Ana Navajas Institute National Agriculture Research Institute (INIA) Qualifications PhD animal breeding (2008), University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom Master of Applied Science (2002), Massey University, New Zealand Ingeniera Agronoma (1995), Universidad de la República, Uruguay Employment History 2011 – present: Senior researcher at the Biotechnology Unit, National Agriculture Research Institute (INIA) 2010 – 2011: Associate Professor in Animal Breeding and Genetics, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of the Republic 2002 – 2010: Scientist, Scottish Agricultural College (SAC, now SRUC) 1996 – 2002: Lecturer in Animal Breeding and Genetics, Faculty of Agronomy, University of the Republic Main national and international research projects last 10 yrs ‘Cost-effective strategies for genetic improvement of feed efficiency and enteric methane emissions mitigation of cattle and sheep’ 2019-2022, USD 300K, Strategic Partnership AgResearch, INIA, Teagasc. Role: Project leader ‘Small Ruminants breeding for efficiency and resilience’ (SMARTER) 2018-2022, €7M (INIA € 103K), Horizon 2020 European Union. Role: Team member ‘Producir con RUmiantes menores Más eficientes, Adaptados y Robustos’ (RUMIAR), 2018-2023, USD 200K, INIA, Role: Team member ‘Enhancing competitiveness of the Uruguayan beef industry by implementing genomic tools to genetically improve feed efficiency and carcass quality of Hereford breed’, 2014-2017, USD 2M, Uruguayan Hereford Breeders Association, INIA, Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fishery, National Meat Institute, Rural Association of Uruguay (ARU), Institute of Biological Research Clemente Estable, National Agency for Innovation and Research (grant RTS_1_2012_1_348). Role: Project leader Mejoramiento genético para producción de carne y lana, 2013-2018, INIA. Role: Leader of WP ´Reference populations for genomic selection` ‘Implementación de herramientas genómicas en la mejora genética de la calidad de la canal y la carne en Hereford: desarrollo de poblaciones de referencias y métodos de análisis’, 2013-2015, USD 50K, National Agency for Innovation and Research (grant FMV_1_2011_1_6671). Role: Project leader ‘Caracterización productiva y conservación de ovinos criollos del Uruguay’, 2013-2015, USD 50K, Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations, INIA, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Uruguayan Wool Secretariat, Uruguayan Army's National Parks Service, INIA-Spain. Role: Project leader ‘Designing and testing breeding programmes to improve carcass and meat eating quality’, 2008-2011, SAC. Role: Team member ´Determining strategies for delivering environmentally sustainable production in the UK ruminant industry through genetic improvement`, 2009-2010, £274K, DEFRA. Role: Team member Relevant refereed publications (current position) DINI, Y., CAJARVILLE, C., GERE, J.I., FERNANDEZ, S., FRAGA M., PRAVIA, M.I., NAVAJAS, E.A., CIGANDA, V. 2019. Association between residual feed intake and enteric methane emissions in Hereford steers. Translational Animal Science 3: 65–72. ARMSTRONG E., IRIARTE, W., DA SILVA, C., MACEDO, F., NAVAJAS, E.A., BRITO, G., SAN JULIÁN, R., GIMENO, D., POSTIGLIONI, A. 2018. Novel genetic polymorphisms associated with carcass traits in grazing Texel sheep. Meat Science 145: 202–208. CASAL, A., GARCIA-ROCHE, M., NAVAJAS, E.A., CASSINA, A., CARRIQUIRY, M. 2018. Hepatic mitochondrial function in Hereford steers with divergent residual feed intake phenotypes. Journal of Animal Science 96:4431 – 4443. NAVAJAS, E.A., MACEDO, F., LEMA, M., LUZARDO, S., AGUILAR, I. 2018. Accuracy of genomic predictions for carcass and meat quality traits in the Uruguayan Hereford breed. Proceedings of 11th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Auckland. (www.wcgalp.org/proceedings/2018/) PRAVIA, M.I., NAVAJAS, E.A., MACEDO, F., CLARIGET, J., LUZARDO, S. 2018. Association Between Feed Efficiency and Carcass and Meat Quality Traits in Hereford Steers. Proceedings of 11th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Auckland. (www.wcgalp.org/proceedings/2018/) RAVAGNOLO, O., AGUILAR, I., CROWLEY, J., PRAVIA, M.I., LEMA, M., MACEDO, F., SCOTT, S., NAVAJAS, E.A. 2018. Accuracy of genomic predictions of residual feed intake in Hereford with Uruguayan and Canadian training populations. Proceedings of 11th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Auckland. (www.wcgalp.org/proceedings/2018/) CIAPPESONI, G., MACEDO, F., GRASSO, N., GOLDBERG, V., GIMENO, D., NAVAJAS, E.A. 2015. Herramientas moleculares para la mejora genética en ovinos. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Producción Animal 23: 50 – 52. BRANDA SICA, A., RAVAGNOLO, O., BRITO, G., BALDI, F., LA MANNA, A., BANCHERO, G., NAVAJAS, E.A., RINCON, G., MEDRANO, J.F. 2014. Evaluación de panel SNP en genes candidatos de vías metabólicas para carne en novillos Hereford. Archivos de Zootecnia 63: 73–84. GRASSO, N., GOLDBERG, V., NAVAJAS, E.A., IRIARTE, W., GIMENO, D., AGUILAR, I., MEDRANO, J.F., RINCON, G., CIAPPESONI, G. 2014. Genomic variation and population structure detected by single nucleotide polymorphism arrays in Corriedale, Merino and Creole sheep. Genetics and Molecular Biology 37: 389 – 395. MACEDO, F., GRASSO, N., NAVAJAS, E.A., GIMENO, D., CIAPPESONI, G. 2014. Exclusión de paternidad de un panel de 89 marcadores SNP en una muestra de ovinos Corriedale y Merino de Uruguay. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Producción Animal 21: 1022 – 1031. NAVAJAS, E.A., PRAVIA, M.I., LEMA. O.M., CLARIGET, J., AGUILAR, I., RAVAGNOLO, O., BRITO, G., PERAZA, P., DALLARIZZA, M., MONTOSSI, F. 2014. Genetic improvement of feed efficiency and carcass and meat quality of Hereford cattle by genomics. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Producción Animal 22: 13 – 16. CRAIGIE, C., NAVAJAS, E.A., PURCHAS, R.W., MALTIN, C.A., BÜNGER, L., HOSKIN, S.O., ROSS, D.W., MORRIS, S.T, ROEHE, R. 2012. A review of the development and use of video image analysis (VIA) for beef carcass evaluation as an alternative to the current EUROP system and other subjective systems. Meat Science 92: 307–318. SILVA, S., TAROUCO, J., FERRAZ, J.B., GOMES, R., LEME, P.R., NAVAJAS, E.A. 2012. Prediction of retail beef yield, trim fat and proportion of high-valued cuts in Nellore cattle using ultrasound live measurements. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 41: 2025-2031. LEMA. O.M., GIMENO, D., DIONELLO, N.J.L., NAVAJAS, E.A. 2011. Pre-weaning performance of Hereford, Angus, Salers and Nellore crossbred calves: individual and maternal additive and non-additive effects. Livestock Science 142: 288–297. CIAPPESONI, G., NAVAJAS, E.A., GIMENO, D. 2011. SNP, or not SNP? Is this the question? Archivos Latinoamericanos de Producción Animal 19: 13–15. NAVAJAS, E.A., DUTHIE, C.A., AMER, P.R., SAWALHA, R.M., ROEHE, R., ROUGHSEDGE, T. 2010. Impact of genomic selection for residual feed intake and calf survival in beef cattle on profit and greenhouse gas mitigation. Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Liepzig. (www.wcgalp.org/proceedings/2010/) SAWALHA, R.M., NAVAJAS, E.A., DUTHIE, C.A., ROEHE, R., ROUGHSEDGE, T. 2010. Selection Response in UK Sheep Breeding Program with the Application of Genomic Selection and Inclusion of Production Efficiency Traits. Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Liepzig. (www.wcgalp.org/proceedings/2010/)