Juha-Pekka Salminen
Dept Chemistry
Contact by mailCurriculum vitae JUHA-PEKKA SALMINEN Personal information: ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2912-7094. ResearcherID: N-3313-2017 Nationality: Finnish, DOB: 7 November 1969, Address: Department of Chemistry, FI-20014 University or Turku, Finland, j-p.salminen@utu.fi. Homepage: http://naturalchemistry.utu.fi/ Professional preparation: MSc in Environmental Chemistry, University of Turku, Finland, 1998 / PhD in Environmental Chemistry, University of Turku, Finland, 2002 / Docent in Chemical Ecology, University of Turku, Finland, 2005 Professional appointments: Postdoctoral Researcher, 2003, Dept. Biology, University of Turku / Academy Postdoctoral Researcher, 2004 – 2005, Dept. Biology, University of Turku / Senior Researcher, 2006 – 2007, Dept. Chemistry, University of Turku / Academy Research Fellow, 2007-2009, Dept. Chemistry, University of Turku / Full Professor of Natural Compound Chemistry, 2009-, Dept. Chemistry, Univ. Turku / Vice-Head of Department, 2010-2012, Dept. Chemistry, University of Turku / Head of Department, 2012-2017, Dept. Chemistry, University of Turku Awards: The best PhD thesis in the field of Environmental Sciences in 2001-2003 (by Finnish Society of Environmental Sciences) Synergistic activities: Member of the Faculty Board (Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Turku), since 2009 / President of the board of the Joint Biotechnology Laboratory (between University of Turku and Russian Academy of Sciences) since 2015 / Member of the Board of Industrial Biotechnology Cluster Finland, 2015-2017 / Member of the Chemistry Scientific Panel in Finland, since 2015 / Member of the board of the PET-centre at the University of Turku since 2014 / Member of the Chemistry Boost Panel in Turku (industry vs schools), since 2013 / Member of the board of the Graduate School of Physical and Chemical Sciences at the University of Turku since 2013 / Member of the Board of the Finnish graduate school of environmental science and technology, 2011 – 2013 / The Fifth Finnish Conference of Environmental Sciences, Secretary of the Organizing Committee, 2000 –2001 / Finnish Society for Environmental Sciences, Secretary and Treasurer, 2000 – 2002; Member of the Board, 2000 – 2006 Major collaborators: Anurag Agrawal, Ann Hagerman (USA), Marc Johnson, Peter Constabel (Canada), Irene Mueller-Harvey, Sofia Gripenberg (UK), William Foley, Martin Steinbauer (Australia), Vojtech Novotny (Czech Reb.), Yves Basset (Panama), Herve Hoste (France), Wilbert Pellikaan (the Netherlands), Stig Thamsborg (Denmark), Tomas Roslin (SWE) Editorial and reviewer activities: Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, constant reviewer for 17 different journals of chemistry, chemical ecology and ecology. Lectures and conferences: Invited presentations to internationally established conferences: Plenary lectures at (i) Combined Australian Entomological Society 47th AGM & New Zealand Entomological Society Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2016, (ii) XXVIth International Conference on Polyphenols, Florence, Italy, 2012, (iii) Plant-Herbivore Interactions GRC Conference, Galveston, USA, 2010. Other invited lectures at (i) XXVIIIth International Conference on Polyphenols, Vienna, Austria, 2016, (ii) Mass Spectrometry in Chemical Sciences, Royal Society of Chemistry, Turku, Finland, 2016, (iii) The Tannin Conference, Pullman, USA, 2008, (iv) 2nd International Symposium on Green / Sustainable Chemistry, New Delhi, India. Invited presentations to : Reading Univ., ETH Zurich, SLU Lund, Univ. Helsinki, MTT Mikkeli, NIAB Cambridge, Univ. Wageningen, New Mexico State University, Univ. Michigan. >30 invited presentations nationally. Postgraduate students and post-docs: I have supervised more than 50 undergraduates, and trained nine PhD students who are all pursuing successful careers either in the industry or academia: M. Lahtinen, C. Yarnes, J. Liimatainen, M. Vihakas, J. Moilanen, I. Gomez Avila, M. Engström, D. Anstett, N. Baert. The Finnish funding system favors PhD students over post-docs: I have trained only three post-docs (two continued in academia, one in industry). I am presently supervising 28 undergraduates, 7 PhD students and 1 post-doc. Note: I also have participated in the co-supervision of 20 PhD students and 6 post-docs, all from biological sciences, during the past 10 years (Finland, UK, France, Denmark, Germany, Greece, USA, Canada). These included 6 ESRs that had secondments in our group during the LegumePlus ITN project. Current teaching at the Univ. Turku: Natural Compound Chemistry (every year, the other courses every 2nd year); Screening of Plants for Bioactivity and Bioactive Compounds; Chemistry of Tannins and other Polyphenols; Preparative Chromatography and MS/MS Quantitation Techniques; UV and MS spectra of Natural Compounds; Plant-Herbivore Interactions (Dept Biology). Previous teaching: Environmental Chemistry, Method Development & Problem Solving; Recent Developments in Natural Compound Chemistry; Field Course in Natural Compound Chemistry. Leadership of research projects and institutions: Leader and founder of the Natural Chemistry Research Group, Univ. Turku, 2009-; Head of Department of Chemistry, Univ. Turku, 2012-17; Vice-Head for 2009-12; President of the board of the Joint Biotechnology Laboratory, Univ. Turku, 2015-; PI of three major projects funded by the Academy of Finland (full period 2007-20); Co-PI and WP3 (Chemistry) Leader of the Marie Curie ITN “LegumePlus” (2012-16). Research Grants: PI or Co-PI on 21 national and 11 overseas projects, mainly from the Academy of Finland, European Union and USDA. Most recent major grants: PI: Academy of Finland, 2016-20, 480 k€, “OptiFeed”; Co-PI: Academy of Finland, 2014-18, 600 k€, “BerryTannin”; PI: Academy of Finland, 2012-16, 679 k€, “PolyphenOx”; Co-PI: European Union, 2012-16, 274 k€ (Finnish part of the 4.1 M€), Marie Curie ITN “LegumePlus”; Co-PI: TEKES, 2011-13, 74 k€, “CurrantFood”; PI: Kone Foundation, 2010-12, 80 k€, “PhenOx”; PI: Academy of Finland, 2007-12, 400 k€; Co-PI: US Department of Agriculture, 2006-08, 93 k$ (Finnish part). Publications: >113 peer-reviewed papers (>53 first or last-authored, >60% multidisciplinary, mainly chemistry/biology) Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=sxBv87MAAAAJ&hl=en ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Juha_Pekka_Salminen Web of Science: http://www.researcherid.com/rid/N-3313-2017 Citations: Google Scholar citations 3575, Hirsh H = 36; WoS citations 2479, Hirsh H = 28; ResearchGate citations 3165, Hirsh H = 30. Key papers: Gripenberg, S.; Rota, J.; Kim, J.; Wright, S.J.; Garwood, N.C.; Fricke, E.C.; Zalamea, P.-C.; Salminen, J.-P. 2017. Seed polyphenols in a diverse tropical plant community. Journal of Ecology. http://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.12814 Engström, M.T.; Karonen, M.; Ahern, J.R.; Baert, N.; Payré, B.; Hoste, H.; Salminen, J.-P. 2016. Chemical Structures of Plant Hydrolyzable Tannins Reveal Their in Vitro Activity Against Egg Hatching and Motility of Haemonchus contortus Nematodes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 64(4): 840–851. Moilanen, J.; Karonen, M.; Tähtinen, P.; Jacquet, R.; Quideau, S.; Salminen, J.-P. 2016. Biological activity of ellagitannins: Effects as anti-oxidants, pro-oxidants and metal chelators. Phytochemistry 125: 65–72. Engström, M.T.; Pälijärvi, M.; Salminen, J.-P. 2015. Rapid fingerprint analysis of plant extracts for ellagitannins, gallic acid and quinic acid derivatives, and quercetin-, kaempferol- and myricetin-based flavonol glycosides by UPLC-QqQ-MS/MS. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 63(16): 4068–4079. Moilanen, J.; Koskinen, P.; Salminen, J.-P. 2015. Distribution and content of ellagitannins in Finnish plant species. Phytochemistry 116: 188–197. Vihakas, M.; Gómez, I.; Karonen, M.; Tähtinen, P.; Sääksjärvi, I.; Salminen, J-P. 2015. Phenolic compounds and their fates in tropical lepidopteran larvae: modifications in alkaline conditions. Journal of Chemical Ecology 41(9): 822–836. Salminen, J.-P. 2014. The Chemistry and Chemical Ecology of Ellagitannins in Plant–Insect Interactions: From Underestimated Molecules to Bioactive Plant Constituents. Pp. 83-113 in Recent Advances in Polyphenol Research (eds Romani, A.; Lattanzio, V.; Quideau, S.). John Wiley & Sons, UK. Johnson, M.T.J.; Ives, A.R.; Ahern, J.; Salminen, J.-P. 2014. Macroevolution of plant defenses against herbivores in the evening primroses. New Phytologist 203(1): 267–279. Engström, M.T.; Pälijärvi, M.; Fryganas, F.; Grabber, J.; Mueller-Harvey, I.; Salminen, J.-P. 2014. Rapid qualitative and quantitative analysis of proanthocyanidin oligomers and polymers by UPLC-MS/MS. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 62(15): 3390–3399. Agrawal, A.A; Hastings, A.; Johnson, M.T.J.; Maron, J.L.; Salminen, J.-P. 2012. Insect Herbivores Drive Real-Time Ecological and Evolutionary Change in Plant Populations. Science 338(6103): 113–116. Salminen, J.-P.; Karonen, M. 2011. Chemical ecology of tannins and other phenolics: we need a change in approach. Functional Ecology 25(2): 325–338. Salminen, J.-P.; Karonen, M.; Sinkkonen, J. 2011. Chemical Ecology of Tannins: Recent Developments in Tannin Chemistry Reveal New Structures and Structure–Activity Patterns. Chemistry – A European Journ. 17(10): 2806–2816. Vihakas, M., Kapari, L., Salminen, J-P. 2010. New Types of Flavonol Oligoglycosides Accumulate in the Hemolymph of Birch-Feeding Sawfly Larvae. Journal of Chemical Ecology 36(8): 864–872. Johnson, M., Agrawal, A., Maron, J., Salminen, J.-P. 2009. Heritability, covariation, and natural selection on 24 traits of common evening primrose (Oenothera biennis) from a field experiment. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22(6): 1295–1307. Moilanen, J., Salminen, J.-P. 2008. Ecologically neglected tannins and their biologically relevant activity: chemical structures of plant ellagitannins reveal their in vitro oxidative activity at high pH. Chemoecology 18(2): 73–83. Barbehenn, R.V., Jones, C.P., Karonen, M., Salminen, J.-P. 2006. Tannin composition affects the oxidative activities of tree leaves. Journal of Chemical Ecology 32, 2235-2251. Popularization of science: Yearly articles in local newspapers or union journals / Yearly visits to local schools and hosting of school groups to show chemistry in action / Two radio programs of research activities of the group / Active update of the naturalchemistry.utu.fi web site for news in both Finnish and English of the most recent research results / Salminen, J.-P. 2014. Transforming the tools of tannin analysis. International Innovation 141: 16–18. / Salminen, J.-P. 2015. New era of tannin utilization. Pan European Networks: Science & Technology 13: 245.