Jacek Walczak
National Research Institute of Animal Production
Contact by mailLeader of many research topics in the field of production technology, the use of RES in animal husbandry, agricultural biogas production, organic livestock, animal welfare, impact of animal production on the environment. Leader of research projects and the contractor of the project targeted The State Committee for Scientific Research in the field of technology and ecology. The project contractor deliberately ordered by the Ministry of Environment in terms of odor emissions, Head of R&D project funded by the National Centre of Research and Development. Head of the WP in ORGANICDAIRYHEALTH project ERA-Net Plus Organic. Expert working groups of Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Environment, including: The Experts' Team of Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Area - Group on Sustainable Agricultural Practices Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission HELCOM Agri Group. The Experts' Team of Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Area - Collaborative Working Group on Sustainable Animal Production (CWGS), Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR). The Experts' Team of Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Area – The realization of adaptation strategy to climate changes in agricultural area. The Experts' Team of Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Area - The cross compliance standards and requirements evaluation. The Experts' Team of Polish Ministry of the Environment – The review of GHG emission rate in Poland for UNFCCC purpose. The Experts' Team of Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Area - The qualification of access and support principles for improvement the animal welfare. The Experts' Team of Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Area - The impact of animal production on natural environment, human health, health and welfare of animal. Phare Pl 01.01.04 Training - Organic Agriculture. Foundation of Assistance Programmes for Agriculture (FAPA) Training – Animal welfare (No S/22/2005, S/25/04/004, S/17/2005, S/21/2005), Foundation of Assistance Programmes for Agriculture (FAPA) Training - SAPARD PL-6-03/00 (2003) Training - The leadership and development of farms specialize in pigs production in aspect of rationalization of utilization of basic factors of production.