Camila Muñoz
Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias
Contact by mailName Camila Muñoz Muñoz Address Ruta U-55 km 4 s/n, Osorno, Chile Email address Nationality Chilean Profile I am a livestock research scientist working in ruminant nutrition to improve the competitiveness of the agricultural industry and reduce its environmental impact. Recently, I have carried out research projects related to methane mitigation strategies for grazing dairy cattle. Education / Qualifications / Training 2004 – 2007 PhD “Studies on the effects of plane of nutrition and selenium supplementation in early and mid pregnancy on ewe and offspring performance”, Queen’s University of Belfast Based at the Agricultural branch of the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI–Hillsborough) and supervised by Dr. Alistair Carson. 1993 – 1998 DVM, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, University of Chile Of a total of 131 students, I ranked in the 7th position with a grade of 6.4 (scale from 1 to 7). Final year thesis – “Effect of time of artificial insemination after oestrus detection on Corriedale sheep pregnancy rates”, INIA-Kampenaike, Punta Arenas, Chile 1984 – 1992 San Juan Evangelista School, Santiago, Chile 1980 – 1984 Williams Elementary School, Gainesville, Florida, USA Employment History Employer: Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, INIA Remehue (Los Lagos Region). Position: Research Scientist Dates: March 2010 to date Employer: Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) Agriculture Branch Position: Postdoctoral Research Scientist in Ruminant Nutrition Unit under the direction of Dr. Tianhai Yan Dates: March 2008 to February 2010 Peer Reviewed Publications Elizalde, H.F., Carson, A.F., Muñoz, C., 2018. Effects of sire genotype on lamb performance at weaning in extensive sheep systems. animal, 1-8. DOI: 10.1017/S1751731118000848. A. N. Hristov, E. Kebreab, M. Niu, J. Oh, A. Bannink, A.R. Bayat, T.B. Boland, A.F. Brito, D.P. Casper, L.A. Crompton, J. Dijkstra, M. Eugène, P.C. Garnsworthy, N. Haque, A.L.F. Hellwing, P. Huhtanen, M. Kreuzer, B. Kuhla, P. Lund, J. Madsen, C. Martin, P.J. Moate, S. Muetzel, C. Muñoz, N. Peiren, J.M. Powell, C.K. Reynolds, A. Schwarm, K.J. Shingfield, T.M. Storlien, M.R. Weisbjerg, D.R. Yáñez-Ruiz, Z. Yu. 2018. Uncertainties in enteric methane inventories, measurement techniques, and prediction models. Journal of Dairy Science (in press). DOI: 10.3168/jds.2017-13536. Ungerfeld, E. M., P. Escobar-Bahamondes, and C. Muñoz. 2018. Predicción y mitigación de las emisiones de metano de los rumiantes. Agroproductividad 11:34-39. Niu, M., E. Kebreab, A. N. Hristov, J. Oh, C. Arndt, A. Bannink, A. R. Bayat, A. F. Brito, T. Boland, D. Casper, L. A. Crompton, J. Dijkstra, M. A. Eugène, P. C. Garnsworthy, M. N. Haque, A. L. F. Hellwing, P. Huhtanen, M. Kreuzer, B. Kuhla, P. Lund, J. Madsen, C. Martin, S. C. McClelland, M. McGee, P. J. Moate, S. Muetzel, C. Muñoz, P. O'Kiely, N. Peiren, C. K. Reynolds, A. Schwarm, K. J. Shingfield, T. M. Storlien, M. R. Weisbjerg, D. R. Yáñez-Ruiz, and Z. Yu. 2018. Prediction of enteric methane production, yield and intensity in dairy cattle using an intercontinental database. Global Change Biology:n/a-n/a. (doi: 10.1111/gcb.14094) Muñoz, C., D. A. Wills, and T. Yan. 2017. Effects of dietary active dried yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) supply at two levels of concentrate on energy and nitrogen utilisation and methane emissions of lactating dairy cows. Animal Production Science 57:656-664. ( Muñoz, C., P. A. Letelier, E. M. Ungerfeld, J. M. Morales, S. Hube, and L. A. Pérez-Prieto. 2016. Effects of pregrazing herbage mass in late spring on enteric methane emissions, dry matter intake, and milk production of dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 99:7945-7955. Henderson, G., F. Cox, S. Ganesh, A. Jonker, W. Young, Global Rumen Census Collaborators, and P. H. Janssen. 2015. Rumen microbial community composition varies with diet and host, but a core microbiome is found across a wide geographical range. Scientific Reports 5:14567. Muñoz, C., S. Hube, J. M. Morales, T. Yan, and E. M. Ungerfeld. 2015. Effects of concentrate supplementation on enteric methane emissions and milk production of grazing dairy cows. Livestock Science 175:37-46. Muñoz C, Yan T, Wills DA, Murray S and Gordon AW 2012. Comparison of the sulfur hexafluoride tracer and respiration chamber techniques for estimating methane emissions and correction for rectum methane output from dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 95, 3139-3148. Muñoz C, Carson AF, McCoy MA, Dawson LER, Wylie ARG and Gordon AW 2009. Effects of plane of nutrition of ewes in early and mid-pregnancy on performance of the offspring: Female reproduction and male carcass characteristics. Journal of Animal Science 87, 3647-3655. Muñoz C, Carson AF, McCoy MA, Dawson LER, Irwin D, Gordon AW and Kilpatrick DJ 2009. Effect of supplementation with barium selenate on the fertility, prolificacy and lambing performance of hill sheep. Veterinary Record 164, 265-271. Muñoz C, Carson AF, McCoy MA, Dawson LER, O'Connell NE and Gordon AW 2009. Effect of plane of nutrition of 1- and 2-year-old ewes in early and mid-pregnancy on ewe reproduction and offspring performance up to weaning. Animal 3, 657-669. Muñoz C, Carson AF, McCoy MA, Dawson LER, O'Connell NE and Gordon AW 2008. Nutritional status of adult ewes during early and mid-pregnancy. 2. Effects of supplementation with selenised yeast on ewe reproduction and offspring performance to weaning. Animal 2, 64-72. Muñoz C, Carson AF, McCoy MA, Dawson LER, O'Connell NE and Gordon AW 2008. Nutritional status of adult ewes during early and mid-pregnancy. 1. Effects of plane of nutrition on ewe reproduction and offspring performance to weaning. Animal 2, 52-63. Urquieta B, Flores P, Muñoz C, Bustos-Obregón E and García-Huidobro J 2005. Alpaca semen characteristics under free and directed mounts during a mating period. Animal Reproduction Science 90: 329-339. Flores P, Garcı́a-Huidobro J, Muñoz C, Bustos-Obregón E and Urquieta B 2002. Alpaca semen characteristics previous to a mating period. Animal Reproduction Science 72: 259-266. Muñoz C, Parraguez VH, Latorre E 2002. Efecto del tiempo de inseminación artificial después de la detección de celo sobre la tasa de preñez en ovinos Corriedale. Agricultura Técnica 62: 616-623. Parraguez VH, Blank O, Muñoz C, Latorre E 2000. Inseminación artificial en ovinos. Monografías de Medicina Veterinaria 20: 69-77. Grants (from 2010 to date) 2017-020. Capturing Effects of Diet on Emissions from Ruminant (CEDERS). FACCE - ERAGAS (UE). Co-investigadora. 2016-2021. Quantification of Intake and Diet Selection of Ruminants Grazing Heterogeneous Pasture using Compound Specific Stable Isotopes. IAEA y FAO coordinated Research Project. Main researcher. 2016-2019. Interaction between the inhibition of ruminal methanogenesis and the efficiency of nitrogen utilization in ruminants. Fondecyt Regular. Co-investigator. 2015-2018. Effect of oilseed supplementation on enteric methane emissions, nitrogen utilization efficiency and milk fatty acid profile of dairy cows. Fondecyt Regular 2015 No 1151355. Main researcher. 2012-2015. Physico-chemical control of hydrogen dynamics in ruminal Fermentation. Fondecyt Regular 2012 No 1121148. Co-investigator 2011-2014. Effect of concentrate supplementation and pasture growth stage on enteric methane emissions of grazing dairy cows. Proyecto Fondecyt Iniciación 2011 No 11110410. Main researcher. 2011-2013. Cambio climático y ganadería: cuantificación y opciones de mitigación de las emisiones de metano y oxido nitroso de origen bovino en condiciones de pastoreo. Proyecto financiado por el Fondo Regional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Fontagro) FTG/RF-1028-RG. Co-investigator. 2010-2012. Fortalecimiento de INIA Remehue para determinación de gases con efecto invernadero y huella de carbono. Proyectos de Investigación & Desarrollo INIA. Co-investigator. 2008- 2010. “Mitigation strategies for methane emissions by dairy cows in Irish milk production systems”. Este proyecto fue financiado por el Department of Agriculture and Food de la Republica de Irlanda a través de el Research Stimulus Fund Programme (RSFP). Co-investigator.