Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Research Centre for Agriculture and Fisheries
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born 25.08.1957 in Dresden, Germany
graduation from high school 1976 in Wittstock/Dosse, Germany
graduated in Agricultural Sciences at the University of Rostock with the diploma thesis "Investigations on protein nutrition in bull fattening"
1983 - 1985 research stay at "Instituto Superior de Ciencias Agropecuarias de Bayamo", ISCAB and at University of Granma, Cuba
PhD in 1986 on studies of nutritional value of tropical grasses in Cuba at University of Rostock
1986 to 1994 research associate at the Agricultural Faculty of Rostock University
1/1992 - 7/1992 Postgraduate studies "state-recognized professional degree in the field of business administration" at the University of Rostock
since 1994 research associate on Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Research Centre for Agriculture and Fisheries (LFA), Institute of Livestock Farming, Dummerstorf
Responsibility: sustainable ruminant nutrition