Technical University of Denmark
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Birger Andersen is a professor at Technical University of Denmark, Ballerup Campus (DTU).
Before he was affiliated with Copenhagen University College of Engineering where he was Head of
Department of Information Technology until end 2010. From 2006 he has been the head of Center for
Wireless Systems and Applications (CWSA), the first research center at the college, which he also
founded. He is a Master in Computer Science (1988), BBA (1986) and holds a PhD in Computer
Science (1992). His teaching and research interests are wireless communication, computer networks,
sensor networks, cloud computing, network/host security/privacy/reliability, and wireless/mobile
applications. From November 2013 he is heading two EU funded projects. From 2006 to 2010 he has
been heading a project in software defined radio in the Center for Software Defined Radio at Aalborg
University. From 2006 he has also been an external associate professor at Aalborg University,
Copenhagen, and teaching security/privacy.