Paul Murphy
University College Dublin
Contact by mailCURRICULUM VITAE SECTION 1: EDUCATION Queen’s University Belfast, Ireland. 2001 - 2004 Ph.D., Environmental Soil Science Thesis: The effect of lime, gypsum and phosphorus application on phosphorus loss from agricultural soils to water. Supervisors: Dr. R.J. Stevens, Dr. J. Bailey and Dr. R. Smith. Eberhard-Karls Universität, Tübingen, Germany. 1999 - 2001 M.Sc., Applied Environmental Geoscience Thesis: Investigation of a method for the quantification of phosphorus fractions in soil solution samples. Supervisors: Prof. M. Kaupenjohann and Dr J. Siemens. University of Dublin, Trinity College, Ireland. 1995 - 1999 B.A. (Hons.), Natural Sciences (Geology) Thesis: The geology of the Boyle area, Co. Roscommon. Supervisor: Prof. G.D. Sevastopulo. Laboratory project: Geomorphological evidence for possible tectonism in eastern Leinster. Supervisor: Dr. A.L. Densmore. General Areas of Academic Interest: Soil nutrient and C cycling and management. Solutions to environmental problems in agricultural and forestry resource management, particularly relating to soil management practices, water quality and greenhouse gas emissions. Environmental hydrogeochemistry, nutrient cycle modelling and geospatial modeling of soil processes and properties (soil-landscape modeling). Environmental applications of GIS. Geomorphology and soils. SECTION 2: EMPLOYMENT Current Employment: Assistant Professor, UCD (October 2013- present). Previous Employment: Research Officer, Teagasc (May 2008- October 2013). Previous Employment: Postdoctoral Fellow, Forest Watershed Research Centre, Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management, University of New Brunswick, Canada (May 2005- May 2008). SECTION 3: RESEARCH AND SCHOLARLY ACTIVITIES Citations: 813 h-Index: 18 (Scopus/Mendeley, 6th Nov 2018) Papers in Peer-reviewed Journals Thomas I, Jordan P, Shine O, Fenton O, Mellander P-E, Dunlop P, Murphy PNC 2017. Defining optimal DEM resolutions and point densities for modelling hydrologically sensitive areas in agricultural catchments dominated by microtopography. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 54, 38-52. DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2016.08.012 Thomas I, Mellander P-E, Murphy PNC, Fenton O, Shine O, Djodjic F, Dunlop P, Jordan P 2016. A sub-field scale critical source area index for legacy phosphorus management using high resolution data. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 233, 238-252. DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2016.09.012 Thomas I, Jordan P, Mellander P-E, Fenton O, Shine O, Ó hUallacháin D, Creamer R, McDonald NT, Dunlop P, Murphy PNC 2016. Improving the identification of hydrologically sensitive areas using LiDAR DEMs for the delineation and mitigation of critical source areas of diffuse pollution. Science of the Total Environment 556, 276-290. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.02.183 Minogue D, French P, Bolger T, Murphy PNC 2016. Characterisation of dairy soiled water in a survey of 60 Irish dairy farms. Irish Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 54(1), 1-16. DOI: 10.1515/ijafr-2015-0001 Buckley C, Wall DP, Moran B, O’Neill S, Murphy PNC 2016. Phosphorus management on Irish dairy farms post controls introduced under the EU Nitrates Directive. Agricultural Systems 142, 1-8. Buckley C, Wall DP, Moran B, O’Neill S, Murphy PNC 2016. Farm gate level nitrogen balance and use efficiency changes post implementation of the EU Nitrates Directive. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 104, 1-13 . doi: 10.1007/s10705-015-9753-y Fenton O, Ibrahim TG, Murphy PNC, Sherriff SC, Vero S & Ó hUallacháin D 2015. Consequences of using different soil texture determination methodologies for soil physical quality and unsaturated zone time lag estimates. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2015.07.004 Buckley C, Wall DP, Moran B, O’Neill S, Murphy PNC 2015. Developing the EU Farm Accountancy Data Network to derive indicators around the sustainable use of nitrogen and phosphorus at farm level. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 102, 319-333. DOI:10.1007/s10705-015-9702-9 Murphy PNC, Mellander P-E, Melland AR, Buckley, C, Shore M, Shortle G, Wall DP, Treacy, M. Shine, O., Mechan, S & Jordan P 2015. Variable response to phosphorus mitigation measures across the nutrient transfer continuum in a dairy grassland catchment. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 207, 192-202. DOI:10.1016/j.agee.2015.04.008 Mihailescu E, Ryan W, Murphy PNC, Casey IA & Humphreys J 2015. Economic impacts of nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiency on nineteen intensive grass-based dairy farms in the South of Ireland. Agricultural Systems 132, 121–132. Ruane EM, Murphy PN, French P, Healy MG 2014. Comparison of a stratified and a single-layer laboratory sand filter to treat dairy soiled water from a farm-scale woodchip filter. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 225(5), 1-10. Mihailescu E, Murphy PNC, Ryan W, Casey IA & Humphreys J 2014. Nitrogen balance and use efficiency on twenty-one intensive grass-based dairy farms in the South of Ireland. The Journal of Agricultural Science 152(5), 843-859. doi:10.1017/S0021859614000045 Mihailescu E, Murphy PNC, Ryan W, Casey IA & Humphreys J 2014. Phosphorus balance and use efficiency on twenty-one intensive grass-based dairy farms in the South of Ireland. The Journal of Agricultural Science 153(3), 520-537. doi:10.1017/S0021859614000641 Shore M, Jordan P, Mellander P-E, Kelly-Quinn M, Wall DP, Murphy PNC & Melland AR 2014. Evaluating the critical source area concept of phosphorus loss from farms to water-bodies in agricultural catchments. Science of the Total Environment 490, 405-15. Mellander P-E, Melland AR, Murphy PNC, Wall DP, Shortle G & Jordan P 2014. Coupling of surface water and groundwater nitrate-N dynamics in two permeable agricultural catchments. The Journal of Agricultural Science 1-18. Murphy PNC, O’Connell K, Watson S, Watson CJ & Humphreys J 2013. Seasonality of nitrogen uptake, apparent recovery of fertilizer nitrogen and background nitrogen supply in two Irish grassland soils. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research 52 (1), 17-38. Mellander P-E, Jordan P, Melland AR, Murphy PNC, Mechan S, Meehan R, Kelly C, Shine O and Shortle G 2013. Quantification of phosphorus transport from a karstic agricultural watershed to emerging spring water. Environmental Science and Technology 47 (12), 6111-6119. Shore M, Murphy PNC, Jordan P, Mellander P-E, Kelly-Quinn M, Cushen M, Mechan S, Shine O & Melland AR 2013. Evaluation of a surface hydrological connectivity model in agricultural catchments with surface ditch drainage. Environmental Modelling and Software 47, 7-15. Murphy PNC & Sims JT 2012. Effects of lime and phosphorus application on phosphorus runoff risk. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 223 (8) 5459-5471. DOI: 10.1007/s11270-012-1293-3 Wall DP, Murphy PNC, Melland AR, Mechan S, Shine O, Buckley C, Mellander P-E, Shortle G & Jordan P 2012. Evaluating nutrient source regulations at different scales in five agricultural catchments. Environmental Science and Policy 24, 34-43. Doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2012.06.007 Ruane E, Murphy PNC, Clifford E, O’Reilly E, French P & Rogers M 2012. Performance of a woodchip filter to treat dairy soiled water. Journal of Environmental Management 95 (1), 49-55. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2011.09.007 Melland AR, Mellander P-E, Murphy PNC, Wall DP, Mechan S, Shine O, Shortle G & Jordan P 2012. Stream water quality in intensive cereal cropping catchments with regulated nutrient management. Environmental Science and Policy 24, 58-70. Serrenho A, Fenton O, Murphy PNC, Grant J, Healy MG 2012. Effect of chemical amendments to dairy soiled water and time between application and rainfall on phosphorus and sediment losses in runoff. Science of the Total Environment 430, 1-7. DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.04.061 Mellander P-E, Melland AR, Jordan P, Wall DP, Murphy PNC & Shortle G 2012. Quantifying nutrient transfer pathways in agricultural catchments using high temporal resolution data. Environmental Science and Policy 24, 44-57. White B, Ogilvie J, Campbell D, Hiltz D, Gauthier B, Chisholm K, Wen K, Murphy PNC & Arp PA 2012. Using the cartographic depth-to-water index to locate small streams and associated wet areas across landscapes. Canadian Water Resources Journal 37 4, 333-347. Ruane E, Murphy PNC, Healy MG, French P & Rodgers M 2011. On-farm treatment of dairy soiled water using aerobic woodchip filters. Water Research 45, 6668-6676. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2011.09.055 Murphy PNC, Ogilvie J, Meng F, White B, Bhatti JS & Arp PA 2011. Modeling and mapping topographic variations in forest soils at high resolution: a case study. Ecological Modelling 22 (14), 2314-2332. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2011.01.003 Murphy PNC & Stevens RJ 2010. Lime and gypsum as source measures to decrease phosphorus loss from soils to water. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 212, 101-111. DOI: 10.1007/s11270-010-0325-0 Murphy PNC, Castonguay M, Ogilvie J, Nasr M & Arp P 2009. A geospatial and temporal framework for modeling gaseous N and other losses from forest soils and basins, with application to the Turkey Lakes Watershed Project, in Ontario, Canada. Forest Ecology and Management 258 (10), 2304-2317. Murphy, PNC, Bell A & Turner B 2009. Phosphorus speciation in temperate basaltic grassland soils by solution 31P NMR spectroscopy. European Journal of Soil Science 60, 638-651. Murphy PNC, Ogilvie J & Arp PA 2009. Topographic modelling of soil moisture conditions: a comparison and verification of two models. European Journal of Soil Science 60 (1), 94-109. Vega-Nieva DJ, Murphy PNC, Castonguay M, Ogilvie J & Arp PA 2009. A modular terrain model for daily variations in machine-specific forest soil trafficability. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 89 (1), 93-109. Fenton O, Coxon C, Haria AH, Horan B, Humphreys J, Johnson P, Murphy P, Necpalova M, Premrov A & Richards K 2009. Variations in travel time and remediation potential for N loading to groundwaters in four case studies in Ireland: Implications for policy makers and regulators. Tearman: Irish Journal of Agri-environmental Research, 7 129-142. Murphy PNC, Ogilvie J, Meng F & Arp PA 2008. Stream network modelling using lidar and photogrammetric digital elevation models: a comparison and field verification. Hydrological Processes 22 (12): 1747-1754. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.6770. Murphy PNC, Ogilvie J, Castonguay M, Zhang C, Meng F & Arp PA 2008. Improving forest operations planning through high-resolution flow-channel and wet-areas mapping. The Forestry Chronicle 84, 568-574. Murphy PNC, Ogilvie J, Connor K & Arp PA 2007. Mapping wetlands: a comparison of two different approaches for New Brunswick, Canada. Wetlands 27 (4), 846-854. Murphy PNC 2007. Lime and cow slurry application temporarily increases organic phosphorus mobility in an acid soil. European Journal of Soil Science 58, 794-801. Murphy PNC, Ogilvie J, Castonguay M, Meng F & Arp PA 2006. Verifying calculated flow accumulation patterns of mapped and unmapped forest streams by culvert location. The Forestry Chronicle, 83: 198-206. Murphy PNC, Stevens RJ & Christie P 2005. Long-term application of animal slurries to grassland alters soil cation balance. Soil Use and Management 21, 240-244. Book Chapters Melland AR, Jordan P, Murphy PNC, Mellander P-E, Buckley C & Shortle G 2014. Land Use: Catchment Management. In: Neal Van Alfen (ed.) Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems, Vol. 4, pp. 98-113. Elsevier, San Diego.