Wageningen University and Research Center
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Mini Curriculum
Name: Sytze de Bruin
E-mail: sytze.debruin@wur.nl
Date of birth: 15-03-1964
Current position: associate professor
Fields of Expertise:
GIS, geostatistics, soil science, spatial analysis,
remote sensing, uncertainty propagation, precision agriculture
QUALIFICATIONS: (diplomas, degrees)
- MSc (Soil Science)
- PhD (GI science)
SCIENTIFIC CAREER: (major steps)
- pre 1996 several short appointments, mainly abroad
- 1996 - 2000 PhD research
- 2001 - September 2015 assistant professor
- Since October 2015 associate professor Geo-information science
Number of publications in international refereed scientific journals: > 45
Contributions to books: 8
H-index: 14 (Scopus)
Supervision of PhD theses:
Number of PhD students supervised till defense of thesis: 7.
Scientific teaching:
Spatial modelling and statistics (GRS-30306)
Advanced GI science for Earth and Environment (GRS-33306)
Post-graduate course: Model-based geostatistics
Post-graduate course: Uncertainty propagation in spatial environmental modelling
MSc thesis supervision (GRS-804xx)
Role in integration course (GRS-60312)
Three key publications 2009 – 2014:
- Mulder, V.L., de Bruin, S., Weyermann, J., Kokaly, R.F., Schaepman, M.E., 2013. Characterizing regional soil mineral composition using spectroscopy and geostatistics. Remote Sensing of Environment, 139, pp. 415-429.
- de Jong, R., Verbesselt, J., Schaepman, M.E., de Bruin, S., 2012. Trend changes in global greening and browning: Contribution of short-term trends to longer-term change. Global Change Biology, 18 (2), pp. 642-655.
- de Bruin, S., Lerink, P., Klompe, A., van der Wal, T., Heijting, S. 2009. Spatial optimisation of cropped swaths and field margins using GIS. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 68 (2), pp. 185-190.
RELEVANT SCIENTIFIC SERVICES (during period under review / chronological order):
Membership of editorial boards of international scientific journals: (max 3)
Associate editor International Journal of Geographical Information Science
Editorial board Spatial statistics
Membership of national and international scientific organizations: (max 3)
- Vereniging Plaatsbepaling Nederland