Elina Dace
Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology
University of Latvia
The Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology, University of Latvia, is a multi-disciplinary group of researchers that uses mathematical modelling to find the way how interactions of components form a biological or environmental system. WE ARE INTERESTED in agricultural emissions, food waste, food supply chain, microbial biotechnology, circular economy, bio-based products, industrial symbiosis, eco-design and eco-innovations. WE CAN OFFER: 1) modelling and assessment of environmental and industrial systems: - system dynamics modelling with long-term forecasts, - life cycle and sustainability assessment of products and processes, - greenhouse gas emission modelling, - assessment and optimization of socio-technical systems (e.g. waste management system, agri-food system) - building of integrated large-scale and small-scale models, and - software development. 2) modelling and optimization of cellular processes of microorganisms and microbial communities: - stoichiometric and kinetic modelling and optimization of microbial metabolism, - metabolic reconstructions, - metabolic engineering - modelling of cellular signalling networks, - modelling of microbial communities, and - software development. WE HAVE EXPERIENCE in international projects, e.g. in H2020 ERA-net CoBioTech, FP7 EraSynBio, FP7 EraSysApp programmes. See more info at: https://www.lu.lv/en/mbi/laboratories/computationalsystemsbiologygroup/ http://biosystems.lv/index.php WE LOOK FOR A CONSORTIUM that seeks expertise in system’s computational modelling to assess the optimisation potential and effects of changes made to the system.